Shango went off

That man loves this team, and he showed it, I used to be like that but they have worn me down to where I cant even get mad anymore, I just expect the worse from this pathetic team.
Falcon554;4733890 said:
That man loves this team, and he showed it, I used to be like that but they have worn me down to where I cant even get mad anymore, I just expect the worse from this pathetic team.

Yup, and why feel any different that that? I mean, they need to prove themselves worthy after years and years of this kind of play. The team is soft and mentally weak and has no true leaders and that includes the coach.

Notice how when David Wilson fumbled the ball for the Giants he didn't get to play for the rest of the game in NY? That is the kind of coach we need out there, not one that puts the guy right back out there.

What the hell is Felix doing returning kicks in the first place? He showed up in horrible shape, they should have cut him to teach everyone a lesson right then and there. Instead they made excuses for him. He is laughing all the way to the bank after every game. He is a poster child for what is wrong with this team.
Falcon554;4733890 said:
That man loves this team, and he showed it, I used to be like that but they have worn me down to where I cant even get mad anymore, I just expect the worse from this pathetic team.

same here.
Falcon554;4733890 said:
That man loves this team, and he showed it, I used to be like that but they have worn me down to where I cant even get mad anymore, I just expect the worse from this pathetic team.
^^^This. It's like a bad gets to a point where your spouse cannot move your needle anymore. It's hard to get overly excited when something goes right....and overly down when something goes wrong.
Zordon;4732958 said:
he's a true fan. some of us are too emotionally attached to this team.
I calmed down alot since my kids but i used to have major melt downs too....
Zordon;4733003 said:
likewise, i've been numb since they quit on wade. although i won't lie, i do feel a little bamboozled right now. i thought this was a different team that would take care of business today.

I did too...even though totally disgusted at their play. I also knew this was the same old team. Same old predictable offense, but not all the drops. Same old give up the pass yardage / big plays on defense. And big plays is giving up a 1st down at a key moment. Stopping them on 3rd down, but a penalty gives them the 1st down.....same old 8-8 team.
Shango was off the chain, I love his passion. I was fooled by this team also, I figured they would walk over Seattle, especially with 11 days to prepare. The season has just started and Im already done with this team, same ole song and dance, Id rather watch college football anyways. New culture my eye, new stink, still the same Cowboys. 7-9, Garrett comes back next year for more ineptness. It's gonna be a long, long time, before we ever sniff a Superbowl. The hardest thing to say is Risen Star Moriarty may have been right

Cowboys = Losers

No need to say more
T-RO;4733730 said:
Shango wins the award for
Most Embarrassing Performance of 9/16.

That was worse than him going butt ugly naked in public. Scalding-burn ugly. If I was him...I'd hole up til midseason, incommunicado.

Good Gawd what a complete FAIL. TRAIN. WRECK.

I couldn't watch the whole thing, but he made a couple points.

The star he has hanging on his wall is cool, I would like to have it on my wall.
jnday;4733006 said:
Some of the disrespectfull behaviour between posters on this board is a strong indication of that. It gets out of hand on a regular basis. Folks should back off at times and think about what is really important in life such as family and friends.

I did. Then my wife got cancer and I no longer let a Cowboys loss ruin my week. Much bigger things in life than football. Heck, my new house is unable to get more Sunday Ticket. Oh well, I said. A few years ago, no DirecTV would have meant "not this house". pathetic.
I thought for sure this would be on here but i dont see it. I found this on the seahawks forum. Its funny and true!! This guy should be our coach!!! I cant figure out how to embeb it from my phone. If this has been posted sorry delete it. It wont work my phone sucks. Its rango cowboys looked pathetic ve seahawks put on yesterday after the game lol. If anybody knows what video im talking about please help. Cant do it with my phone.
Knew there had to be but i looked through 4 pages and didnt see it. Oh well please delete this thread mods.
tupperware;4732953 said:
True, I don't even bother anymore. I think my last year getting upset about this kind of crap was 2009. After that I said screw it. I laugh off losses like this now. They're bothersome, sure, but I just cope by making a comedy of it all. Much better for my health anyway.

I gave up getting upset in 2010 when Garrett became HC. I did not want him here in that capacity. I did not feel Garrett had enough experience. I wanted either Jim Harbaugh/Jim Schwartz (who both have 10-15 more years experience than Garrett) or Shanahan/Fischer with more authority to acquire and release players. Somone proven who could instill a mental toughness to the yound nucleus of players here. I was afraid we would see a number of see-saw years and miss out on the opportunity with this core of players.

Now days I post less and keep down the stress during loses. This was one of those games I knew at half-time we would lose and did not watch the second half. These days I just laugh at the loses too. I only expected us to go 8-8 9-7 at best this year. I don't get overly up about this team. It's just not healthy to let it get the best of you.

This team is missing something, whether it's urgency, focus, mental toughness or just better attention to detali, whatever. But something is not there and they need to figure it out quick before the neucleus of this team is gone and we're back in rebuilding mode.
The Emperor;4733325 said:
I wonder if any microcephalics here are going to question his loyalty as a fan as a result.
I won't question his loyalty but I will question his objectivity. To say that the Cowboys have been Superbowl ready over the last couple of years is a subjective leap of almost insane proportions, considering the secondary and offensive line issues that have plagued this team. He was careful in his support of Garrett in his last video but how many times have we've seen games like yesterday over the last five years? Games that make you want to go jump out of a friggin window! Notwithstanding his apoplectic hysterics, yesterday's video did more to reinforce the notion that the Cowboys still have'nt grasped the mantle of Spartan will as an accomplice to its Roman appetites. As such, Facenda, rest his soul, would surely not approve. What it did do was highlight the curious propensity for a team to become too punch drunk on itself to see past tomorrow and on Sunday they paid with their butts. And judging by the score, they had just enough to avoid looking like the local high school junior varsity team.
The audio from the video was played today on 105.3 The Fan here in Dallas. They were making fun of it, and it made me sick that fairweather sports talk people could just laugh about it.
danielofthesaints;4734755 said:
The audio from the video was played today on 105.3 The Fan here in Dallas. They were making fun of it, and it made me sick that fairweather sports talk people could just laugh about it.
other than richie and greggo, none of those clowns are from the DFW area. they are all transplants. main reason why i dont listen to them.
danielofthesaints;4734755 said:
The audio from the video was played today on 105.3 The Fan here in Dallas. They were making fun of it, and it made me sick that fairweather sports talk people could just laugh about it.
One of those jerks on the Fan is a Deadskin fan. 'Nough said.
danielofthesaints;4734755 said:
The audio from the video was played today on 105.3 The Fan here in Dallas. They were making fun of it, and it made me sick that fairweather sports talk people could just laugh about it.

that is just horrible.