Shango went off

Numbers921;4732932 said:
Don't know how he can still get so upset over this group.

I agree I gave up hope after the 13-3 season. I expect the same thing every year from this group or until jerry relinquish's the team. Sorry but its a sad state right now, I'm just a beaten fan
Risen Star;4735774 said:
You haven't met my family and friends.

Go Cowboys.

You were the one I was thinking of when I suggested posters should back off. I was afraid Mikey was hurting your feelings with all the CB talk.
The Emperor;4733325 said:
I wonder if any microcephalics here are going to question his loyalty as a fan as a result.

I only question his intelligence and his anger issues.
T-RO;4733730 said:
Shango wins the award for
Most Embarrassing Performance of 9/16.

That was worse than him going butt ugly naked in public. Scalding-burn ugly. If I was him...I'd hole up til midseason, incommunicado.

Good Gawd what a complete FAIL. TRAIN. WRECK. FOOL.

Lodeus;4735761 said:
Why all the "there is more important things in life than football" posts? Most of us know that, but that doesn't mean we cant get emotional about it.

I agree. I get so mad and rant and rave and I did some stuff when I was younger that I'm embarrassed by but there's nothing wrong with getting emotional over the game and letting it go afterwards.

After your family -- Have some damn passion about something in your life.
Whatever you do, don't search for "Shango reacts to attacks at the Cowboyzone forum".
VThokie7;4735693 said:
Really? He became the head coach of Detroit in 2009.

I meant that type of Coach. If it's a younger coach, I did not want someone green.

I should have clarified.
I don't get mad about losses anymore. I used to, but these days, I just kind of shrug it off as best as I can.

Still, call his delivery over the top, but what Shango said, for the most part, was absolutely correct. That team just gave up and got steamrolled in the 2nd half. It was a pretty pathetic performance. That doesn't mean that they can't have a good season, but they had better get some of their **** straightened out pretty soon.
love watching the Cowboys and rooting for them but at the end of the day I just can not get that emotional about a game that I have no way of effecting. Nothing I do on or off the field makes them win or lose a game. I just can not get that emotionally invested in the results.
Watched Shango's video earlier today, reacting to the DAL @ SEA game... and was good with it.

All I'm gonna say is:

1. He recorded his honest, raw, emotional reaction to the loss, on the heels of having watched that debacle. Love it or hate it, he posted an intimate, diehard Cowboys fan's take on what we all saw, saying what he felt in no uncertain terms.

2. I give him credit for telling it straight from his heart. He'll deal w/ the anger of that disgusting loss, currently still inside his head, after a little bit of time goes by... like all of us who love the Dallas Cowboys will try our best to do.

3. Serious, loyal Cowboys fan putting himself out there. Props given.
Who cares how he react to a game. As long as he isn't breaking any laws, let him deal with it the way he sees fit. And he was right about what he said.

I love the passion and raw emotion. Let it all out man, let it all out. Not a damn thing wrong with what he said. :starspin
venky;4733667 said:
Why? Why lose your voice over this? This core is done. They are what they are. Romo, Ware, Witten... they won't win anything. Personally, I'm just waiting for the massive overhaul once Jerry is done.

Sad reality most likely....
:laugh2:mad: anyone having a problem with Shango's passion. It's called being a die hard Cowboys fan. I'm not ashamed to say that I yelled like that during the game. Maybe it's easier for the older folks to not be as passionate because you've already witnessed the great glory years of the Dallas Cowboys, but I haven't.
OklahomaCowboy88;4735772 said:
You don't think that was over the top?
Not really. As long as it doesn't seriously effect your personal and family life, who cares. You should watch sports and grow a passion for your team like that in my opinion.

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