Shannon and skip

It upsets them because they have built him into a mythical character that he could never live up to.

They feel they have to justify all the hype they have given him.

He has 1 TD and 1 INT through 7 and 1/2 quarters this year and people are trying to convince us that's he's a top 10 QB.

He gets us inside the 5 and Zeke gets 2 TD's, and you don't like it. I mean isn't this is what fans been screaming for...get inside the 5 and run the ball....

Man some of you don't even have the goal posts up to move around anymore.
Last 3 games (including SF playoff loss) (11-3/4 quarters of play)

56 of 97 57.7% Comp % 595 yards 6.13 ypa 2 TD 2 INT 9 sacks taken (Dallas scored 44 points for an average of 14.67 points/game) 76.6 average qb rating 35.23 average QBR

Wait....cherry picking stats...aren't you the one, or one of them, saying that stat from 2020 to now about Dak was not true, because of the time frame.
Double standards yet again.
So all of this was ok with Rush, but not for Dak.
Cooper doesn't throw 3 TD passes or more, that is ok, it is not expected. But Dak doesn't do it on his 1st game back, and he sucks?
They win, and some don't like certain performances.

Funny as what I read was an honest criticism of Dak performance yesterday while saying he is capable of better and let's see how he improves going forward.....not that Dak sucks nor any mention of Rush.
Wait....cherry picking stats...aren't you the one, or one of them, saying that stat from 2020 to now about Dak was not true, because of the time frame.
Double standards yet again.

....and aren't you the one that when people called out the thread you are referencing said there was no agenda to it yet here you are saying I have double standards? How rich and happy to see there are no agendas involved.
Like any other day time soap operas, expect some weird plot twists.
....and aren't you the one that when people called out the thread you are referencing said there was no agenda to it yet here you are saying I have double standards? How rich and happy to see there are no agendas involved.

I have no agenda. Just saying you say one thing about cherry picking stats, then you do the same thing.
Is that not double standards?
Not sure why this upsets people either. I get you go to the extreme at times, but reality is Dak hasn't played great football for his last three games, and we had mixed results ever since the New England game last year.

Well, your first sentence is funny. You stated, "Honest level headed takes don't create much buzz" and my first thought was, "Yeah, unless it's not what people really, really want to believe. Then it's 'bias' ."
I have no agenda. Just saying you say one thing about cherry picking stats, then you do the same thing.
Is that not double standards?

No better or worse than your position or others in the group to support Dak so I'm all good then.
So the rushing TD's don't mean anything? I mean, Dak did make some pretty good passes to get us inside the 5. Oh, that doesn't count for some reason, stop the presses.
What did you say about Troy Aikman lack of TD's with Emmitt scoring all those TD's?

Worst defense in football.
Good running game.
5 turnovers provided the defense.

24 points...It is what it is. Some people just hate to acknowledge it.
Drama sells. Even Jerry Springer coached his guests to make the show more dramatic.
Worst defense in football.
Good running game.
5 turnovers provided the defense.

24 points...It is what it is. Some people just hate to acknowledge it.

And once again, they made adjustments to their defense over the bye week. It took some time to get it figured out. We won, so that is what counts.
So all of this was ok with Rush, but not for Dak.
Cooper doesn't throw 3 TD passes or more, that is ok, it is not expected. But Dak doesn't do it on his 1st game back, and he sucks?
They win, and some don't like certain performances.
Yes expectations will be higher for your starting QB that is taking up significant cap space. Granted I agree with you in that I could care less who actually gets the TD as long as we get them. Dak throwing the ball down to the 1 yard line and letting zeke finish it off doesnt make Dak any less of a QB. Overall though this offense struggled yesterday for the majority of the game. That isn't all Daks fault, but as I said he didn't really move the needle for this offense either. I'll be patient with Dak, especially as long as we win games. I'll even agree that he deserves some time after not playing for over a month, but we need to see more consistency from this offense. The last three games this team has played with Dak haven't gone well, and the offense has been wildly inconsistent ever since the New England game last year. Last thing I want to do is bash the guy, but I think it is more than reasonable to be concerned about the current state of our offense and the play of our quarterback. Neither Rush or Dak do I have a ton of confidence in making a playoff run right now.

Dak we have at least seen be capable of putting up big numbers during big moments, but he needs to get back there. This defense has carried this team so far, but at some point this offense will need to bail them out as well. We saw that against Philly, and we saw it against Tampa. Neither time was the offense able to come through.
It’s always the back and forth flip.

Acho and Orlovsky were massive Cowboy haters until a few weeks back. Same with Marcus Spears (pro) to Stephen A’s (anti) Dallas spew.

I tune in from time to time. But I don’t take anything they say seriously.
I don't watch that drivel anymore. It's all about sensational journalism. Nothing of substance comes from them and is a waste of one's time. This is just my own opinion and take it as you will.
No better or worse than your position or others in the group to support Dak so I'm all good then.

I like Dak, to a degree. Not 100% sold on him.
I understand some of the criticism. I know he has some shortcomings. But he is not horrible either.
It is the constant hate he gets for insane reasons. As they move around the goal posts and offer zero facts, nor they will listen to he facts for him. Prove them wrong, and they still spew the same crap.
And once again, they made adjustments to their defense over the bye week. It took some time to get it figured out. We won, so that is what counts.

"We won, that's what counts" is a lazy man's analysis. Sorry.
I am one of the few that is entertained by just have to take him with a grain of salt and realize that he is not the person he appears to be....he's even weirder. I'd call in to his show religiously back in the early 90's both on KLIF and The Ticket and he seemed to really enjoy me and my caustic opinions....on air where people could hear. During a road show, I went up to him during a break and introduced myself thinking there may be some back slapping...nah, he just basically blew me off and kept reading his notes. I do know one thing, based on the way he was back in the very early 90's....unless he has done a 180, he is not the left leaning/all inclusive/oft offended and appalled guy that he portrays on TV.
"We won, that's what counts" is a lazy man's analysis. Sorry.

I gave my analysis in other posts. Did not feel the need to repeat them. Go find them for yourself.
Or is that a lazy mans way to do things.
He wasn't good Week 1 before he broke his thumb either.

To be fair.

1 TD pass in 7 and 1/2 quarters is nothing to be excited about.
If and I mean if Moore will call the balanced plays and Dak only changes plays to KEEP the formula of Rush and 2016 he can keep it simple. Run the ball and play action. Take the short passes they have to give you. When they don’t they leave us open deep. No dc will want to try it or give up a quick TD. Dak will start throwing better. How much I don’t know. Keep the formula.

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