Shaq headed to the Suns?

MC KAos;1949059 said:
uhh, if he was celebrating hed look more like this...


i mean, we can take a poll to see if he looks happy or sad on that other picture and then you can get off that particular topic already

calling my team dirty would also constitute you talking smack about my team

well, only three players have ever complained about bowen, so its obvious that its just a bunch of whinnie pansies that cant take the heat (vince carter, ray allen, amare stoudawhinner) when you have tough players like kobe, melo, wade, etc that praise bowen for being such a great defender. oh, and if he was so dirty he wouldnt be making first team all defense teams on a yearly basis

what the hell are you talking about manu's trout act? dont be jelous because we have players with heart! although i do realize you guys hate him because he always romps the suns, id be mad too

even chicks think the suns are pansies

Oh and BTW, you were shown a blatant kick to the face that wasnt accidental. Yet you hunt for some youtube video to think somehow in vain that will counteract what I showed you. :rolleyes:
Rowdy;1949153 said:
THAT is what you consider an attack and yet you never see Bowen do his flying high kicks-utterly amazing.

no, THAT is what i call sarcasm, and obviously you didnt get it

Rowdy;1949157 said:
Calling your team dirty isnt talking smack. Its calling it for what it is. Its obvious some of you are the usual Spurs homers who just simply will not and refuse to see documented evidence of Bowen beating people down and not "legally". The more obnoxious you act, the sweeter the post season will be and trust me, I will be back when we play you each game as well.

ok, calling your whole organization a bunch of whinning choke artists that cant beat the spurs in the playoffs and make excuses when they lose isnt an insult, its the truth right?
Rowdy;1949159 said:
Oh and BTW, you were shown a blatant kick to the face that wasnt accidental. Yet you hunt for some youtube video to think somehow in vain that will counteract what I showed you. :rolleyes:

i was actually looking at ginobili videos and that just happen to be there with one of them from the 48 point game he had against the suns in 2005 against the suns, but ya your right
MC KAos;1949161 said:
no, THAT is what i call sarcasm, and obviously you didnt get it

ok, calling your whole organization a bunch of whinning choke artists that cant beat the spurs in the playoffs and make excuses when they lose isnt an insult, its the truth right?

I didn't say you talked smack about the Suns. BIG difference arguing the other way around.
Rowdy;1949159 said:
Oh and BTW, you were shown a blatant kick to the face that wasnt accidental. Yet you hunt for some youtube video to think somehow in vain that will counteract what I showed you. :rolleyes:

ps that video makes it seem on purpose, but wally never complained about it after the game so the only ones that think it was on purpose are suns fans trying to find clips of anything wrong bowen does to belittle his defensive skills. oh, and the block on dirk on that picture is clean, so is most of all those pictures, and iverson hurt himself on that clip by trying to get that call.
This took all of five minutes.... ENJOY!


"Bowen can get dirty when he's fustrated. That swipe-kick at Amare's ankle was about as low as it gets."

"I like Duncan as a person, and have a ton respect for the Spurs basketball ability...but man do they pull some cheap, cowardly ****. That covert leg grabbing and undercutting was something you would expect from the poorly written evil team in a sports movie."

Regardless of who won the game I lost a great deal of respect for an organization I used to consider one of the classiest in pro sports.

"I saw some of the most ridiculous things tonight at the game.

There was...Ginobili grabbing on to Amare's leg, preventing him from rolling to the basket, no call by the refs, Suns turnover.

Bruce Bowen blatantly kicking Amare square in the leg when he went for a dunk. If you have the game tape, you can see Bowen leaning forward, not really jumping, just trying to stomp on Amare's ankle basically. They replayed it on the screen at the arena, in slow-mo, and people were pissed.

Bruce Bowen basically clotheslining Leandro Barbosa away from the ball.

Duncan grabbing on to Amare's leg to prevent him from running, while he was down on the ground, pretending to tie his shoe(what is it with grabbing Amare's leg????)

Bowen elbowing Nash in the back, away from the ball, so hard that Nash fell over.

Elson shoulder-blocking Diaw, basically knocking him out of bounds.

Duncan grabbing on to Bell's arm to prevent him from running down the court on a fast break.

None of this stuff was called, yet it was blatant, and clear as daylight. Stuff like that has no place in basketball, especially the first two, because they were the most obvious, the Ginobili and Bowen plays."

"I remember all of those things and they made me mad.

Manu grabbing Amare's leg made me jump out of my seat in anger. Then when Duncan did it I was really pissed.

Don't forget that Bowen pushed Nash pretty much every play. Why doesn't the handchecking rule apply to him?

I wouldn't start a thread because people will just label you a "complainer" and I don't believe that blaming the refs for losing a game has much merit, but there are way to many quesitonable calls/no calls to keep quiet. Luckily I think the Suns are so much better then the Spurs that it won't matter in the end."

"You know what, Bowen reaches more than any other guy I've seen in the league, and he's a great defender regardless of that, but sometimes, its kind of maddening to see the stuff that the refs let slide."

"But the ones I am pretty sure that you can see on tape, would be Ginobili grabbing Amare, literally hugging his leg, preventing him from getting to the basket. Duncan grabbing Amare, Bowen kicked Amare, and Elson knocking Diaw out of bounds."

"Oh, and it is a gimmick too, its quite silly, because you can't even see how wrong the actions of the Spurs were. Who cares if the Suns won, that is irrelevant to the fact that the Spurs played dirty and took deliberate shots at Amare and other Suns players. If the Spurs get away with this crap in Phoenix, how much worse do you think it will be in San Antonio?

When one of the Suns gets injured from this nonsense, will you still come on here and say "oh well, thats okay, dirty plays happen, but the better team wins in the end." Bullcrap!"
MC KAos;1949166 said:
ps that video makes it seem on purpose, but wally never complained about it after the game so the only ones that think it was on purpose are suns fans trying to find clips of anything wrong bowen does to belittle his defensive skills. oh, and the block on dirk on that picture is clean, so is most of all those pictures, and iverson hurt himself on that clip by trying to get that call.

LOL!! I love how you blame it on Suns fans. Something inside of you wont let it go will it? This is across the league and MOST teams stating this.
Rowdy;1949172 said:
This took all of five minutes.... ENJOY!


"Bowen can get dirty when he's fustrated. That swipe-kick at Amare's ankle was about as low as it gets."

"I like Duncan as a person, and have a ton respect for the Spurs basketball ability...but man do they pull some cheap, cowardly ****. That covert leg grabbing and undercutting was something you would expect from the poorly written evil team in a sports movie."

Regardless of who won the game I lost a great deal of respect for an organization I used to consider one of the classiest in pro sports.

"I saw some of the most ridiculous things tonight at the game.

There was...Ginobili grabbing on to Amare's leg, preventing him from rolling to the basket, no call by the refs, Suns turnover.

Bruce Bowen blatantly kicking Amare square in the leg when he went for a dunk. If you have the game tape, you can see Bowen leaning forward, not really jumping, just trying to stomp on Amare's ankle basically. They replayed it on the screen at the arena, in slow-mo, and people were pissed.

Bruce Bowen basically clotheslining Leandro Barbosa away from the ball.

Duncan grabbing on to Amare's leg to prevent him from running, while he was down on the ground, pretending to tie his shoe(what is it with grabbing Amare's leg????)

Bowen elbowing Nash in the back, away from the ball, so hard that Nash fell over.

Elson shoulder-blocking Diaw, basically knocking him out of bounds.

Duncan grabbing on to Bell's arm to prevent him from running down the court on a fast break.

None of this stuff was called, yet it was blatant, and clear as daylight. Stuff like that has no place in basketball, especially the first two, because they were the most obvious, the Ginobili and Bowen plays."

"I remember all of those things and they made me mad.

Manu grabbing Amare's leg made me jump out of my seat in anger. Then when Duncan did it I was really pissed.

Don't forget that Bowen pushed Nash pretty much every play. Why doesn't the handchecking rule apply to him?

I wouldn't start a thread because people will just label you a "complainer" and I don't believe that blaming the refs for losing a game has much merit, but there are way to many quesitonable calls/no calls to keep quiet. Luckily I think the Suns are so much better then the Spurs that it won't matter in the end."

"You know what, Bowen reaches more than any other guy I've seen in the league, and he's a great defender regardless of that, but sometimes, its kind of maddening to see the stuff that the refs let slide."

"But the ones I am pretty sure that you can see on tape, would be Ginobili grabbing Amare, literally hugging his leg, preventing him from getting to the basket. Duncan grabbing Amare, Bowen kicked Amare, and Elson knocking Diaw out of bounds."

"Oh, and it is a gimmick too, its quite silly, because you can't even see how wrong the actions of the Spurs were. Who cares if the Suns won, that is irrelevant to the fact that the Spurs played dirty and took deliberate shots at Amare and other Suns players. If the Spurs get away with this crap in Phoenix, how much worse do you think it will be in San Antonio?

When one of the Suns gets injured from this nonsense, will you still come on here and say "oh well, thats okay, dirty plays happen, but the better team wins in the end." Bullcrap!"

:lmao2::lmao2: ok...

"the suns suck"

"the suns are lame"

"the suns are choke artists"

"the spurs are all up in the suns heads"

"Mike D'antoni is a whinny little B#$#"

ya, i got those from non spurs fans from across the nation

Rowdy;1949173 said:
LOL!! I love how you blame it on Suns fans. Something inside of you wont let it go will it? This is across the league and MOST teams stating this.

suns fans are the only fans that complain about the spurs being dirty as a constituent.
so, to try to steer this thread a lil back on topic, when the hell is shaq gonna play? id love to see him play against LA, i think they play next week or the week after that
Real pictures speak louder than words..

MC KAos;1949191 said:
so, to try to steer this thread a lil back on topic, when the hell is shaq gonna play? id love to see him play against LA, i think they play next week or the week after that


O'Neal will return to Phoenix on Sunday and have a workout. He will practice Monday and could play a game no earlier than Thursday's at home against Dallas, the final game before All-Star break.
Rowdy;1949223 said:
Real pictures speak louder than words..


Wow ..... bowen knows exactly were to put his foot even when looking up running at full speed.


Suns fans sure are entertaining.

It will be funny when you avoid this section of the forum again after the Spurs knock the Suns out again.
*sigh* ill try to stay off the spurs vs suns thing until/if the spurs/suns play each other in the playoffs.

as for shaq, where the hell is he?
There is a rumor that the Suns are trying to trade for Ron Artest now ..... :lmao2:

The desperation is sinking in like crazy.
zrinkill;1949278 said:
There is a rumor that the Suns are trying to trade for Ron Artest now ..... :lmao2:

The desperation is sinking in like crazy.

who would they trade? id actually be very concerned if they got him, he has always given the spurs troubles
MC KAos;1949291 said:
who would they trade? id actually be very concerned if they got him, he has always given the spurs troubles

In the regular season a few guys give the Spurs troubles ..... in the playoffs all that changes.

I saw a funny comment about it

"Is the Suns goal to win a championship or to have the lowest IQ in the NBA?"

muahaha! the thing that concerns me is his physical style, him and wells really beat manu and tony up in 06 and i think thats a big reason why we lost that series
zrinkill;1949259 said:
Wow ..... bowen knows exactly were to put his foot even when looking up running at full speed.


Suns fans sure are entertaining.

It will be funny when you avoid this section of the forum again after the Spurs knock the Suns out again.

He ran up, looked down to place his foot and then looked up for the rebound. Watch the video of it. :rolleyes:
zrinkill;1949319 said:
In the regular season a few guys give the Spurs troubles ..... in the playoffs all that changes.

I saw a funny comment about it

"Is the Suns goal to win a championship or to have the lowest IQ in the NBA?"


Gosh I love posts like this!!
you gotta admint, amare brings down thei average IQ quite significantly

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