Got beat up once.
I was absolutely torn up. Me and a co-worker got into it over several beers becuase I thought he was using me. So we tangle up and I somehow throw him on the ground with like 20% strength. His dad comes out and tells me I need to go, and by the way he said it I could tell he was really holding back his anger.
I walk to my truck, start thinking about it, and walk back over there and kick his seat out from under my lazy co worker.
That's when his dad comes out, slams my head against the patio fence, I stumble out, slams my head into the car cement stoppers, and then throws me on the concrete a few times.
I managed to avoid all the face shots but got pretty skinned up.
I get to my truck and drive home. I wake up to find out someone in the apartment complex has slashed two of my tires.
Great way to wake up.