Should I watch the game?

Why thank you.

Wonder why you do not ask the same questions in the anti Dak threads started by the usual suspects?

Oh wait ....... no I don't.
Exactly. I mean I know where he stands I’m entertaining it to see where he goes with this.
I also recommend you read the whole thread as opposed to my interaction with posters….it stemmed from me asking posters to chill and just ignore whoever they have issues with.
I did. It was fascinating. I almost asked the question in that thread but I didn't want to perpetuate it.

I don't think you are being honest with yourself. You go far beyond asking people to chill.

One will never get a dog to chill without being chill oneself.
Exactly. I mean I know where he stands I’m entertaining it to see where he goes with this.
Case in point. You think you know where I stand and you come at me from that perspective.

Your antagonists typically post a negative opinion of the team or player. You guys then attack the poster rather than simply offer a counter opinion. You make it personal. You then claim to be just trying to get them to chill. Why would you do that if it didn't bother you? Why not state your opinion and let it go? You've behaved like this consistently for years now. With zero results.

It does take two to tango. It only takes one to end the dance.
Notice how he did not answer on why he does not attack the negative Dak threads?

This whole tantrum is because the 3 guys he mentioned by name hurt his feelings.

Apparently I hurt his feelings at one time as well since he referred to me as "trollslayer" ........ which has not been under my name since Hos left.

The peak into this guys mind has been entertaining.
I did. It was fascinating. I almost asked the question in that thread but I didn't want to perpetuate it.

I don't think you are being honest with yourself. You go far beyond asking people to chill.

One will never get a dog to chill without being chill oneself.
I think you’re misunderstood. I didn’t tell anyone to chill for my liking. This all stems from people ganging up on a poster. That’s what I told them to chill on. If you have a issue with him then ignore him. They won’t ignore him.
Case in point. You think you know where I stand and you come at me from that perspective.

Your antagonists typically post a negative opinion of the team or player. You guys then attack the poster rather than simply offer a counter opinion. You make it personal. You then claim to be just trying to get them to chill. Why would you do that if it didn't bother you? Why not state your opinion and let it go? You've behaved like this consistently for years now. With zero results.

It does take two to tango. It only takes one to end the dance.
There’s nothing to end lol. I state my opinion snd someone replies and vice versa. I get what you’re trying to do but maybe if I was less observant I probably would buy what you’re selling but I saw the comments you were liking in that thread when you did it. I think you are far more bothered than others are to be honest with you.

Btw, @zrinkill asked you a question are you going to answer it?
I think you’re misunderstood. I didn’t tell anyone to chill for my liking. This all stems from people ganging up on a poster. That’s what I told them to chill on. If you have a issue with him then ignore him. They won’t ignore him.
You realize that all those posts are there for everyone to see?

How many posts did you make in that one thread alone?
There’s nothing to end lol. I state my opinion snd someone replies and vice versa. I get what you’re trying to do but maybe if I was less observant I probably would buy what you’re selling but I saw the comments you were liking in that thread when you did it. I think you are far more bothered than others are to be honest with you.

Btw, @zrinkill asked you a question are you going to answer it?
I already did in a reply to you.

The fact that you even notice who 'likes' other's posts speaks volumes.

This isn't about taking a side in the great Dak debate. It's simply about observing the fascinating dynamic between the sides. The second one of 'those guys' posts a degoragatory opinion, 'you guys' start in on them and its off to the races.

Those guys - "Dak sucks"

You guys - "You suck and you're a troll".

See what I'm saying?
Notice how he did not answer on why he does not attack the negative Dak threads?

This whole tantrum is because the 3 guys he mentioned by name hurt his feelings.

Apparently I hurt his feelings at one time as well since he referred to me as "trollslayer" ........ which has not been under my name since Hos left.

The peak into this guys mind has been entertaining.

Imagine having ones feelings hurt by some random dude on an internet forum.

You're fascinating.
There it is again. Interpreting to fit a preconceived notion then using that incorrect assumption to attack.

I don't think I am better than anyone Rocky. I am just trying to be better today myself, then I was yesterday.

Why do you care so much about what other people on an internet forum think that you have to defend some perceived 'honor' at all costs?

Fascinating that nobody will even try and answer this question. Even if you don't respond with an answer you should think about it yourself. You'll be better off for it.
Why are you so condescending? As for your question “Why do you care so much about what other people on an internet forum think that you have to defend some perceived 'honor' at all costs?” I’m an optimist, a glass half full guy. I’ve been in life and death situations where negative people will get you killed. True ****. Don’t need em, don’t like em. So now that I’m retired from that ****, I try to wake them up to their incompetence in any way I can. I’ve had more failures than successes but I have had successes so that makes me happy. So I’ll continue.
I already did in a reply to you.

The fact that you even notice who 'likes' other's posts speaks volumes.

This isn't about taking a side in the great Dak debate. It's simply about observing the fascinating dynamic between the sides. The second one of 'those guys' posts a degoragatory opinion, 'you guys' start in on them and its off to the races.

Those guys - "Dak sucks"

You guys - "You suck and you're a troll".

See what I'm saying?
Like I said I’m observant. I pay attention. It benefits me on this site because by being observant I can tell who’s trolling and who’s not. I can tell who’s trying to rile up posters and who’s not.

Mind you, @Rockport posted a Dak friendly thread snd everyone who claims to dislike him showed up to post in it. Yet, you want me to believe you’re clueless to this? For the record I have had great debates with people on this site and off about Dak. We can sit here and pretend the issue is people not liking “bad things” said about Dak but that’s not the case. There are some posters I won’t even enter their threads because I know what to expect. A lot of them are threads made by Pappy.

So if you truly are concerned with how much time spend on defending Dak how about ask the same thing to the people who go out of their way to invest time in making Dak memes or who go out is their way to create threads about how bad he is…
You can lead a horse to water....
You’re serving no purpose. What are you even trying to do? You aren’t saying anything new that I haven’t said about myself so what’s your objective here? You clearly wanted some type of attention or energy.
I'm pretty sure you won't be running into any life or death situations here at the Zone. Fairly sure anyways.

Have you had any success here?

I get your feelings about overly negative people. I'm the same way.

Let me ask you Rocky. You surely have noticed all the flak you get from many who are outside the great debate. Do you agree that you have made a negative impression on many people here? To the extent where they come out of the woodwork to point that out.

If the answer to that is yes, how do you reconcile the fact that your efforts to bring positivity actually result in increasing the negativity?

If I'm getting frustrated training a dog in recall because it "won't listen", me yelling "come" over and over while getting angrier and angrier is not only not going to help, it's going to make it even more difficult in the long run.

I'm just going to be angry and the dog is off humping the neighbor's poodle.
Notice how he did not answer on why he does not attack the negative Dak threads?

This whole tantrum is because the 3 guys he mentioned by name hurt his feelings.

Apparently I hurt his feelings at one time as well since he referred to me as "trollslayer" ........ which has not been under my name since Hos left.

The peak into this guys mind has been entertaining.
I heard it here, we're gonna lose on Thursday.... should I watch the game or even put a GameDay menu on???? I was so stoked for this season, Dak is back, Zeke is fit, new DC and young defensive studs.....CeeDee with a year experience and learning form Cooper....I was excited, but many "fans" are saying we're gonna suck, even without Garrett.... I'm so Confused!!!!
Whaaaa... boohooo....whaaaa...
Like I said I’m observant. I pay attention. It benefits me on this site because by being observant I can tell who’s trolling and who’s not. I can tell who’s trying to rile up posters and who’s not.

Mind you, @Rockport posted a Dak friendly thread snd everyone who claims to dislike him showed up to post in it. Yet, you want me to believe you’re clueless to this? For the record I have had great debates with people on this site and off about Dak. We can sit here and pretend the issue is people not liking “bad things” said about Dak but that’s not the case. There are some posters I won’t even enter their threads because I know what to expect. A lot of them are threads made by Pappy.

So if you truly are concerned with how much time spend on defending Dak how about ask the same thing to the people who go out of their way to invest time in making Dak memes or who go out is their way to create threads about how bad he is…
You are both missing the point and making it at the same time.

That's a great example you bring up.

Rocky craps all over the detractors every chance he gets. Why would you expect them not to take their swings at him? I'm not saying it is right or wrong. I'm saying Rocky brings it on himself by the way he treats them.

Then the rest of you join in and 40 pages of the same back and forth ensues.

That seems pretty excessive for someone who isn't bothered by it.

I notice you are also using one of your regular tactics. Insinuating a position I have not taken. I am not concerned one bit by any amount of Dak defending. Like I said, I find our behavior fascinating and these threads are a front row seat. I am entertained by them.

They just bring up the question... Why do you guys get so worked up?

You don't think your actions just perpetuate the behavior you don't want to see?

I'm just trying to understand.
You’re serving no purpose. What are you even trying to do? You aren’t saying anything new that I haven’t said about myself so what’s your objective here? You clearly wanted some type of attention or energy.
My word. I've stated my objective at least twice.

My objective is to understand why a grown man would care so much about another's opinion on a topic which ultimately does not matter at all, that he feels obligated to get into a multi day back and forth which has already been done countless times and which leads nowhere time after time.

To be clear, I do not care if those threads happen. I find them entertaining. Please don't stop on my account.

I'm just trying to satisfy my curiosity on a topic (psychology, not Dak) that fascinates me.

Does that clear things up?

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