Sick and tired of the Jones Family

Hey everybody's entitled their opinion I'm telling you if you're publicly on here rooting for the Packers or the Steelers or anybody in the NFC East you're not a true fan in my eyes and that's all I care about I will look terribly upon you and I will say things you may not like... That's the thing New England never should be arrival they shouldn't be looked at the same way as the Packers Steelers and 49ers and anybody in the NFC East they literally are long time rivals because we battled in NFC championship games we've battled in seasons trying to beat them to get into the Super bowl we battled in the Super bowl with those AFC teams which preferably it was the Steelers who took two away from us so yeah anybody who roots for them right now will get nasty things said right here believe that if anything else that is what makes me true blue a blue blood true passionate Cowboys fan...

Like I said I can live with negative debates people talking down about the problems and how they hate things about the team that's OK if it's real it's OK !!​
BUT, if it goes overboard ,​
that's not OK with me...​
when people are dramatic and say Dak/Romo sucks he does not, hes even a starting quarterback, he's lucky to be in the league, blah blah blah!​
you know other players they say the same thing about our coaches yeah Mike McCarthy sucks no he doesn't, none of those descriptive words are even true..​
the Dallas Cowboys are not a bad team, they're a bad playoff team, they are poor big game team,​
the Dallas Cowboys are not an average team,​
you can't finish in the top 6 last decade in regular season wins have a lot of division wins and been in the playoffs 5 at last eight years and you use descriptive word like casually saying they're average or below average or suck!!​
those don't fit,​
so I will have problems with people who say because it's not even close to the truth.​
the truth is we're a bad playoff team but there are 20 other plus teams in the league that wish they've had the same success we've had even though as fans we're upset over the early exits in the playoffs but we've been to the playoffs 5 out of the last eight years and we're winning divisions and many of those years we're battling for first place in the NFC East so therefore most descriptive words by some fan or I should say alleged fans or what triggers me, because they're not true they're not even close to the truth Jerry Jones is not a terrible GM he's just not a good one there's a big difference the man cannot put together teams that can put you in the top six that is still looked at his prime time that still talked about amongst the leagues to get ratings and to get clickbait and to get your content read...​
Ohh yess you sir are the kind of fan Jerry and the Jones love! Jerry said to those idiots on the radio that he hears from fans like you just as much as he does the naysayers! I agree and I’ll take it a step further! I say there’s 25-30 teams that wish they had the same success we are spoiled to have watching our Cowboys! In the past 30 years we have won NINE count em NINE NFC East championships! And have 5 playoff wins! How many teams can muster a legacy like that?
The.Jones' deserve criticism.

Hoping for Jerry to die and become worm bait is unnecessary and completely classless. But that's the level many on here have sunk to. It's pathetic. And a sad indictment on where we fund ourselves. This is the normal level of intellect on this place now. How sad.
The.Jones' deserve criticism.

Hoping for Jerry to die and become worm bait is unnecessary and completely classless. But that's the level many on here have sunk to. It's pathetic. And a sad indictment on where we fund ourselves. This is the normal level of intellect on this place now. How sad.
When people behave like iron-fisted tyrants it is not uncommon for people to want them gone. Jerry brings this hate upon himself because he is a liar and a narcissist.

I don't personally wish death upon Jerry, but like Chris Rock once said, "I understand".
No sorry that's not swinging with me there is no true fan on earth that would root against his team that's one thing to talk negatively about the team it's one thing to debate the things you don't like about the team but if you ever post that you hope they lose because you don't like the front office or you hope things will change because they're losing so you wish for a loss you are not a fan let me be clear..

You are not a real fan if you ever pick against your team publicly and hope they lose...!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will get blowback from me and maybe that doesn't bother you so I hope it doesn't because if I'm not supposed to be bothered then why is everybody triggered by people who say you should go find another team if you're hoping your team loses why can't you allow us to speak and I'm gonna say it you're a terrible fan if you're ever picking against the Dallas Cowboys you shouldn't be on here... There I said it now what?!
Now what? I know that you're triggered by what other people think about a football team. You thinking your way to fan is the only way to fan is exclusive. There's many ways for people to do certain things and just because someone does something differently you then you sets you off, says a lot about you. You even enlarged your font and changed the color to add emphasis on how triggered you get with the mere mention of it. Seriously it's a game. As a whole, I am bored with the NFL in its entirety. I'd rather spend time with my grandson. You know, the important stuff...
No sorry that's not swinging with me there is no true fan on earth that would root against his team that's one thing to talk negatively about the team it's one thing to debate the things you don't like about the team but if you ever post that you hope they lose because you don't like the front office or you hope things will change because they're losing so you wish for a loss you are not a fan let me be clear..

You are not a real fan if you ever pick against your team publicly and hope they lose...!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will get blowback from me and maybe that doesn't bother you so I hope it doesn't because if I'm not supposed to be bothered then why is everybody triggered by people who say you should go find another team if you're hoping your team loses why can't you allow us to speak and I'm gonna say it you're a terrible fan if you're ever picking against the Dallas Cowboys you shouldn't be on here... There I said it now what?!
I’m pretty sure you have me blocked so probably moot, but wouldn’t that depend on one’s definition of “real fan?”

I’m quite upset that all but most of the joy of something that’s been very important to me for nearly my entire life has been sucked away by one man’s ego and refusal to change despite decades of failure….and despite what that lunatic may think, he isn’t larger than the institution of the Dallas Cowboys themselves.

Does that make me not a “real fan?”

Are you a parent? If so, have you ever had to discipline a child? Does that make one a bad parent? If you think so then it’s your opinion. Great. Others feel differently.

Your complaining about the complaining is WAY more exhausting than the complaining. If nothing else, show a little respect for the mods around here who have to sift through your endless word salads that you self admit to can’t being bothered to take the time to do the same for.
I hear a lot of whining but not too many suggestions about what needs to be done to make things better. I agree fans have a right to be upset with JJ but where do the Cowboys go from here strategically? New owner? Clean house like 1989? I find myself whining too much and I'm not smart enough to come up with any real solutions.
Thanks for chiming in as part of the thread police. Did the forum moderators ship you a cardboard forum’ sheriff’s badge yet?
I hope they put a note with his badge helping him with punctuation. It’s hard to read his replies.
and by the way as a fan hoping that we lose is absolutely unacceptable me
Unfortunately, in sports and other things, the only way for meaningful change is for that entity to hit rock bottom.

I don't wish for losses because it's going to happen organically anyway but because we don't have real consequences here for the GM, losing may not change anything here anyway.

Even continuously losing in the playoffs doesn't seem to change anything here.

I really don't know what it would take here.....
It has been a while since I posted, but I still have the urge to lament my passing ebbing interest in the Cowboys. I have been a fan for 50 years it’s just too much. I’m posting like an obituary.
There are some positives to being detached after decades of being a devoted fan. Not getting so upset when this team loses or over-exulting when they win. You are still connected to the team after all those years just not as invested.
Jerry, Stephen, Charlotte, and Jerry Jr. The whole 4 musketeers, tired of them all. All show and no performance. The Dallas Cowboys isn't a legendary franchise to them, it's a money making cash cow to them which they continue to milk year after year. Go on Jerry fire me. Fire everyone. Guess what senile old man, not everyone works for you. But just about everyone has caught on to your jig and gas lighting. I cannot wait for the SF 49ers put a beat down on this soft, poorly coached, poorly managed team.
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