Sick Of Dak!


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I’m getting sick & tired hearing from Dak’s own lips that he doesn’t play for money, yet he & his agent have stated they aren’t giving the Cowboys a “hometown” discount!
So here in lies the difference between Dak vs. Brady & Mahomes. Brady NEVER had the highest QB contract, always took less money than he could have asked for, as his owner with the Pats, Bob Kraft has said many times. Mahomes was recently asked if it bothers him to be paid less than the QB’s who have just signed newer, higher contracts and his answer was NO, it leaves more money for the guys around him! Both of these 2 QB’s have won multiple Super Bowls while Dak, has taken as much as possible with little to nothing to show for it!! Dak is phony, not the team player he pretends to be & when the chips are on the line, a massive choker! Play the year out and let him be gone!


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I’m getting sick & tired hearing from Dak’s own lips that he doesn’t play for money, yet he & his agent have stated they aren’t giving the Cowboys a “hometown” discount!
So here in lies the difference between Dak vs. Brady & Mahomes. Brady NEVER had the highest QB contract, always took less money than he could have asked for, as his owner with the Pats, Bob Kraft has said many times. Mahomes was recently asked if it bothers him to be paid less than the QB’s who have just signed newer, higher contracts and his answer was NO, it leaves more money for the guys around him! Both of these 2 QB’s have won multiple Super Bowls while Dak, has taken as much as possible with little to nothing to show for it!! Dak is phony, not the team player he pretends to be & when the chips are on the line, a massive choker! Play the year out and let him be gone!
Come on now, he's only doing it for the brotherhood!


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Let him help his brotherhood somewhere else.... I mean, I don't hate Dak... he's just not a good enough QB to move the needle for everyone else. Nobody would be complaining if Mahomes held out for $60 million. We'd gladly accept Jerry giving it to him and I'm sure Jerry wouldn't mind. It's almost as if Dak's a legend in his own mind. (and a few Dakvidians around here)


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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He needs to just go somewhere asap. Stupid NTC smh
I have a feeling that might already be in progress. I think he finishes the season then leaves in free agency thinking another franchise might be dumb enough to make him the highest paid athlete in professional sport history. It's kind of what he wants, so let him go try to get it somewhere else. Dallas doesn't need his garbage time stats THAT bad.

It would be hilarious if this time next season Dak is unemployed because no team is interested in paying him what he wants. Didn't Odell Beckham have to sit out a year because no one would sign him? I will laugh my butt off if that happens to greedy Dak.
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I’m getting sick & tired hearing from Dak’s own lips that he doesn’t play for money, yet he & his agent have stated they aren’t giving the Cowboys a “hometown” discount!
So here in lies the difference between Dak vs. Brady & Mahomes. Brady NEVER had the highest QB contract, always took less money than he could have asked for, as his owner with the Pats, Bob Kraft has said many times. Mahomes was recently asked if it bothers him to be paid less than the QB’s who have just signed newer, higher contracts and his answer was NO, it leaves more money for the guys around him! Both of these 2 QB’s have won multiple Super Bowls while Dak, has taken as much as possible with little to nothing to show for it!! Dak is phony, not the team player he pretends to be & when the chips are on the line, a massive choker! Play the year out and let him be gone!
I'm sick of Dak threads....or, should I say re-threads....


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Not a Dak hate or love post

I have no problem with any player getting as much as they can. If I work hard at my job and another company offered me more money I'd allow my boss the chance to match or beat the offer. If they can't or won't... I'll leave, no hard feelings.

That said, I prefer the Cowboys not pay what it's likely to cost to retain Dak. If they decide to pay him I will cheer for him with all my might. If they move one I will cheer the next QB with all my might. Before Dak I cheered Romo just the same.


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I have a feeling that might already be in progress. I think he finishes the season then leaves in free agency thinking another franchise might be dumb enough to make him the highest paid athlete in professional sport history. It's kind of what he wants, so let him go try to get it somewhere else. Dallas doesn't need his garbage time stats THAT bad.

It would be hilarious if this time next season Dak is unemployed because no team is interested in paying him what he wants. Didn't Odell Beckham have to sit out a year because no one would sign him? I will laugh my butt off if that happens to greedy Dak.
Yea me too. No matter what the fans say, the front-office doesnt truly believe in him.

^^^this is why he doesnt have a contract yet


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I’m getting sick & tired hearing from Dak’s own lips that he doesn’t play for money, yet he & his agent have stated they aren’t giving the Cowboys a “hometown” discount!
So here in lies the difference between Dak vs. Brady & Mahomes. Brady NEVER had the highest QB contract, always took less money than he could have asked for, as his owner with the Pats, Bob Kraft has said many times. Mahomes was recently asked if it bothers him to be paid less than the QB’s who have just signed newer, higher contracts and his answer was NO, it leaves more money for the guys around him! Both of these 2 QB’s have won multiple Super Bowls while Dak, has taken as much as possible with little to nothing to show for it!! Dak is phony, not the team player he pretends to be & when the chips are on the line, a massive choker! Play the year out and let him be gone!
Only the Cowboys owner is allowed to make stupid comments? Perhaps if Jones could manage to shut his mouth his players would follow suit.


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I’m getting sick & tired hearing from Dak’s own lips that he doesn’t play for money, yet he & his agent have stated they aren’t giving the Cowboys a “hometown” discount!
So here in lies the difference between Dak vs. Brady & Mahomes. Brady NEVER had the highest QB contract, always took less money than he could have asked for, as his owner with the Pats, Bob Kraft has said many times. Mahomes was recently asked if it bothers him to be paid less than the QB’s who have just signed newer, higher contracts and his answer was NO, it leaves more money for the guys around him! Both of these 2 QB’s have won multiple Super Bowls while Dak, has taken as much as possible with little to nothing to show for it!! Dak is phony, not the team player he pretends to be & when the chips are on the line, a massive choker! Play the year out and let him be gone!
See but Dak is light years better than Brady, that's why he doesn't have any rings! He's too good for rings


Well-Known Member
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I’m getting sick & tired hearing from Dak’s own lips that he doesn’t play for money, yet he & his agent have stated they aren’t giving the Cowboys a “hometown” discount!
So here in lies the difference between Dak vs. Brady & Mahomes. Brady NEVER had the highest QB contract, always took less money than he could have asked for, as his owner with the Pats, Bob Kraft has said many times. Mahomes was recently asked if it bothers him to be paid less than the QB’s who have just signed newer, higher contracts and his answer was NO, it leaves more money for the guys around him! Both of these 2 QB’s have won multiple Super Bowls while Dak, has taken as much as possible with little to nothing to show for it!! Dak is phony, not the team player he pretends to be & when the chips are on the line, a massive choker! Play the year out and let him be gone!
I guess Dak needs to marry a super model worth 500 million dollars. Mahomes didn’t give that big a discount and will renegotiate