Sick of the Silly Dak or Romo discussion

Most of the debate regarding whom will they start is just misplaced worry.

Tony Romo isn't going to start after the bye vs. Philly just because he's healthy.

First he has to be declared healthy to practice and play; that hasn't even happened yet.
After he's cleared medically, the coaches are not going to just automatically name him the starter the first Sunday after being cleared to play like they have in the past with lousy backups. Tony will work his way back on the sideline, then into practice reps. The coaches are going to start the QB they believe gives them the best chance to win games, paired with the consideration of who will give them the best chance in the playoffs.

If Tony has rust to knock off...if his passes are floating or sailing or not as accurate as when he's in a groove, they won't name his the starter just because he's 100% healthy. As long as Dak continues to shine and win games, even if we lose a game, he will continue to start until that week or weeks at practice when suddenly Tony is just as sharp or sharper, when Tony sees things and changes plays perfectly. When Tony starts outperforming Dak in practice or at least matches everything Dak is doing, only then will coaches even consider starting Tony Romo.

And frankly, despite his great decisions and winning and leadership, if a time comes when Tony is sharper in practice than Dak, then of course you start him simply because there's nothing in the NFL that he hasn't seen, and if he's at his best, he's the QB you want when things speed up and defenses get better and more creative and offenses are exposing your defense.

Romo at his best is the better option for December and the playoffs. But I have no doubt that he will remain on the bench until he's looking better than Dak in practice. A clear MRI and a doctor's note won't push him into the starting lineup when the team is performing so well with Dak; getting up to speed and looking like the old Romo and franchise QB for the Cowboys (if he reaches that point) will.

It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better, too.

The silly thing is, Dak is going to be fine with being a backup when the time comes, and I truly believe Tony's the kind of competitor that understands he has to outperform Dak to deserve the job. That's how he's been from day one. If he's not the better QB, he's not going to put the team in that position. Even if the issue is nothing more than a significant amount of rust.

The only way this good situation becomes a problem is if Tony goes in and loses multiple games that Dak would have won, or if the team rolls with Dak when Tony really believes he's still the better football player. And since Tony's going to get a few games to re-prove himself no matter what (as crazy as that sounds when it's typed out like that), it's kind of a moot point. The tape is going to tell the story, and the best player wins. The other guy is the best backup QB in the league for the remainder of this season. There's no big mystery and there's no need for a big controversy.
Sorry, but this was not a debate. Did you actually read it or just look for quick quip?

I tried to explain why there is no debate. Most fans and media types are going by how Dak has performed vs. the idea that when healthy, Romo might be named the starter even if he's not the best answer. My point is that Tony won't be named the starter vs. Philly just because he's healthy. He won't be named the starter until his practice performance warrants it.

That's not debating the same silly argument; that's framing it as a coaching decision in the best interest of the team.

However, you did get to use emoticons; so that's something, I guess.
Well that is simply what you think would happen, and what should happen, but this is the jones family your dealing with,
and the 2 jones boys running the show might demand romo start at any point in time and no matter how sharp he is and
no matter what the coaches think.

Hopefully it goes the way you say, and dak stays sharper than tony rest of year, but you really dont know.

It really depends on Dak and how he looks and plays each game, and whether he wins or not.
2 big games coming, GB who we havent beat in years, and then a surprise phil team with good defense, who is our main
div rival for this years div race.
I think if Dallas wins next 2 games, Dak will continue to start and as long as he maintains a good record he will continue to start.
Beating GB is huge, since they beat romo in playoffs in 2014, and the year before and last year etc.
Then phil game is wentz vs dak , would be huge for dak to win that.

Dak wants the starting job and is devoting all his time to be as good as he can be, no play just work.
It is showing on the field in games, his goal is to keep tony on that bench.
Not easy to do but he is doing it so far.
Too many people seem to be rooting for romo or dak. If you are making arguments about why one of them is better, great. If you are making arguments just about who you want to have the job, then youre a fan of that player, not of the cowboys...and your opinion doesnt matter here.
Too many people seem to be rooting for romo or dak. If you are making arguments about why one of them is better, great. If you are making arguments just about who you want to have the job, then youre a fan of that player, not of the cowboys...and your opinion doesnt matter here.
That's somewhat harsh but arguably valid.

In my opinion, I believe the vast majority of voiced opinion about both players is driven by personal coping mechanisms. The overwhelming desire, seeing what is considered the right way of doing things, is so strong that the same thoughts are posted over and over again. The end result is a massive load of I'm Right/They're Wrong and the necessary creation of a Quarterback Zone (bless you Reality).

How does all the staggering amount of verbal angst impact the team in REAL life? Nada. Nothing. Zilch. This fact could be enough to have people stop and think, "Perhaps I should just wait-and-see what decision will ultimately be made and how the team does afterwards." Nope. It's more blah blah blah x infinity. It's hilarious and sad at the same time.
It's the coaching staff's responsibility to put the best players on the field. I have no doubt they're rightfully loyal to Romo, but they will also take the entirety of the situation -- age, inexperience, production, injuries, salary, whatever -- to make what is a complex decision.

I don't think they yet know the answer. How can they? There's a lot of information still to dissect before deciding whether Romo takes over the reigns again, and the outcome of said information will undoubtedly influence the outcome of the decision.

What if Romo suffers a setback injury wise? What if Dak's play nose dives? What if Dak has an otherworldly performance? Etc.

The Cowboys are wisely maintaining the company line that they have held since Day 1, which is that this is Tony's team. It would be dumb to declare anything else at this point.
It's the coaching staff's responsibility to put the best players on the field. I have no doubt they're rightfully loyal to Romo, but they will also take the entirety of the situation -- age, inexperience, production, injuries, salary, whatever -- to make what is a complex decision.

I don't think they yet know the answer. How can they? There's a lot of information still to dissect before deciding whether Romo takes over the reigns again, and the outcome of said information will undoubtedly influence the outcome of the decision.

What if Romo suffers a setback injury wise? What if Dak's play nose dives? What if Dak has an otherworldly performance? Etc.

The Cowboys are wisely maintaining the company line that they have held since Day 1, which is that this is Tony's team. It would be dumb to declare anything else at this point.

/end discussion :hammer:

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