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I want verifiable proof of everyone jumping off the bus. Whether you blame our 2 losses on Wade, Romo, the defense, TO or some other act of god, sign in here. None of you numb skulls ever re-visit your "hate threads" so grow a pair and put your name here.

1. Primetime0201


Cowboys Make me Drink
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State the record you believe the Cowboys finsh with

Do they make the playoffs?

Win a playoff game?

Ben Roflsberger

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This is rediculous, even if we were 0-6 right now i'd still say we'd make the playoffs and win the superbowl and i hope all fans would too.


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We will make the playoffs.

Finish 11-5.

I am not jumping off anything, I am here for the long haul. 5-11, 1-15, 13-3. I'm still on board.


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i love the cowboys too death...

but just these 2 loses are tearing us fans apart and having us dout that our team can win and which we all know that ..but we have to stay together but yea there are tons of people on these threads talking mad stuff about us and putting the blame on other people..these are pro teams we arent going to win every game how much i would love to happen..we just have to Stop banging our team around and we pull through with this..


NFL Historian
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rematch with Arizona in the first round.(We get our revenge and also avenge 1998)


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Wow, some people balls just dropped in the last 20 minutes.

Time to clean up this mess and chill with the doom and gloom! "Its a marathon..."


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Okay lets see?

1. ST: Read has to go...
2. Wade: Won his superbowl when he was made HC of the Dallas Cowboys, His losing is okay theme is outrageous.
3. Stewart: I think he may be a decent DC if it wasn't for Wade's bend don't break proach so I will with hold my verdict on him.
4. #2 WR: WE DON'T HAVE ONE!!! You can argue all you want how Hurd, Austin and Crayton make plays SOME TIMES but SOME TIMES is not enough.
5. HB: Choice and Felix both need to get more touches! When Felix gets the ball we win! When he doesn't we lose. Choice is busting his hump every chance he gets so give him more chances.
6. Tony: Tony needs to be a leader! He shouldn't be sulking on the bench he should be rallying the troops!

I think that just about covers it! Yep... No complaints on T.O he may be the only player that comes to play EVERY week. He has more heart in his pinky then Tony does in his entire body.


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Primetime0201;2332717 said:
Okay lets see?

1. ST: Read has to go...
2. Wade: Won his superbowl when he was made HC of the Dallas Cowboys, His losing is okay theme is outrageous.
3. Stewart: I think he may be a decent DC if it wasn't for Wade's bend don't break proach so I will with hold my verdict on him.
4. #2 WR: WE DON'T HAVE ONE!!! You can argue all you want how Hurd, Austin and Crayton make plays SOME TIMES but SOME TIMES is not enough.
5. HB: Choice and Felix both need to get more touches! When Felix gets the ball we win! When he doesn't we lose. Choice is busting his hump every chance he gets so give him more chances.
6. Tony: Tony needs to be a leader! He shouldn't be sulking on the bench he should be rallying the troops!

I think that just about covers it! Yep... No complaints on T.O he may be the only player that comes to play EVERY week. He has more heart in his pinky then Tony does in his entire body.

Sounds good, added to the list.


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6. Tony: Tony needs to be a leader! He shouldn't be sulking on the bench he should be rallying the troops!

Emmitt started a news story in his interview with TO asking "there are no leaders on this team." Emmitt as a journalist and broadcaster was a laughingstock to most people here. Now all of a sudden, everyone jumps on his idea of 'no leaders' on this team. Tony should just protect the ball more, he doesnt need to provide support and be a cheerleader on the sidelines.

Morale leaders everyone wants to slurp up, like Ray Lewis, how did he do this weekend? Ray Lewis's high morale team lost 31-3 today. Oh I bet everyone in baltimore is talking about how great and wonderful their motivation was when they came out to play.

This is not a leadership issue.


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Why does it have to be people are jumping off the bus because they don't like how the Boys are playing? I don't think most people are jumping off the bus just stating that they are playing like crap and need to step it up or they wont go all the way. Who in here honestly thinks if we keep playing the way we have we are going anywhere? There is no reason this team can't go all the way if they can get their grove back. And one more thing why is it if people post things on here that other people don't agree with people jump all over them? Isn't that what these threads are for?


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Cowboys79;2332738 said:
Why does it have to be people are jumping off the bus because they don't like how the Boys are playing? I don't think most people are jumping off the bus just stating that they are playing like crap and need to step it up or they wont go all the way. Who in here honestly thinks if we keep playing the way we have we are going anywhere? There is no reason this team can't go all the way if they can get their grove back. And one more thing why is it if people post things on here that other people don't agree with people jump all over them? Isn't that what these threads are for?

I am not worried, at all. Every season has its ups and downs. I am not calling anyone out. Then again, I know how to look at things with a calm head and understand its a 16 game season in a division that is built to dismantle each other.

Isn't it just as much my right to "jump" the posters jumping the players as it is their right to post their childish diatribes? - I put "jump" in quotes because I don't think any "jumping" has happened, other than those jumping ship. Yes, saying "we cant win the superbowl this year", "we cant even make the playoffs", "this team wont win anything" is jumping ship. Those are all quotes from threads on the front page. Read up


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I started it so I am game.

-10-6 First round bye
-Confrence Championions
-Super Bowl Champions (I am on record.)

-less Pro-Bowlers than last yr :cool:


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Hypnotoad;2332734 said:
Emmitt started a news story in his interview with TO asking "there are no leaders on this team." Emmitt as a journalist and broadcaster was a laughingstock to most people here. Now all of a sudden, everyone jumps on his idea of 'no leaders' on this team. Tony should just protect the ball more, he doesnt need to provide support and be a cheerleader on the sidelines.

Morale leaders everyone wants to slurp up, like Ray Lewis, how did he do this weekend? Ray Lewis's high morale team lost 31-3 today. Oh I bet everyone in baltimore is talking about how great and wonderful their motivation was when they came out to play.

This is not a leadership issue.

So it's okay that the coach and almost everyone on the team thinks bad play is fine as long as you get the W and even if you lose thats fine to!?

It's okay that the "leader" of this offense sits and sulks like a little girl when her favorite panties aren't cleaned every time something doesn't go his way?

It's okay for our coaches to call 8 running plays in a game?

It's okay for Pacman to be out beating up the people who are supposed to protect him?

It's okay that we lack such leadership that the OWNER has to come down to the field to rally everyone?

It's okay to allow 17 points on special teams alone?

It's okay to punt the ball 5 times in a row?

It's okay not to stop a team on 4 3rd down's in one drive? 2 3rd and longs...

Yeah your right... Thats how you win championships. lol


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texbumthelife;2332750 said:
I started it so I am game.

-10-6 First round bye
-Confrence Championions
-Super Bowl Champions (I am on record.)

-less Pro-Bowlers than last yr :cool:

You really think 10-6 will get us a first round by?


New Member
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10 - 6

maybe 11-5 if they can win one of these games on the road

wildcard depending on what happens with Tampa/ Carolina/ Saints


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Nah we will be 11-5 at the worst but we need to get on our game. I would rather they play bad now then late in the season and playoffs again.