Skins land Fauria


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riggo said:
hos. you come across as an angry, bitter guy who would actually like to fight everyone who disagrees with you, even when i'm just joking around with you. you got no sense of humor, man. :(


no reason to bump heads with you about a Cowboy fan; or with a Cowboy fan about a Skins fan. But I think you should take this from one opponent fan to another ...

...if HOS was angry or bitter at you'd know it! He's a die-hard Cowboys fan, probably as you are a die hard Commanders fan. When an immovable object meets and unstopable force meet...Big Bang theory revisited!

I've grown extra skin here at the Zone by battling with some heavy-weights. I've won some and lost more, but you don't just stop in the middle of the battle and declare "not fair." Especially when you're on (what you might consider "hostile" ground).

Opponent Survival Kit:

Thick skin
Common Sense



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Phoenix-Talon said:

no reason to bump heads with you about a Cowboy fan; or with a Cowboy fan about a Skins fan. But I think you should take this from one opponent fan to another ...

...if HOS was angry or bitter at you'd know it! He's a die-hard Cowboys fan, probably as you are a die hard Commanders fan. When an immovable object meets and unstopable force meet...Big Bang theory revisited!

I've grown extra skin here at the Zone by battling with some heavy-weights. I've won some and lost more, but you don't just stop in the middle of the battle and declare "not fair." Especially when you're on (what you might consider "hostile" ground).

Opponent Survival Kit:

Thick skin
Common Sense


makes sense PT:cool:


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Hostile said:
I take it I passed my pop quiz Om?

Um, not so much, brother.

But I'm a benevolent despot, so I'll give you another chance. Hell, I'll even give you a hint ...

Birthdays. :)


The Duke
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Phoenix-Talon said:

no reason to bump heads with you about a Cowboy fan; or with a Cowboy fan about a Skins fan. But I think you should take this from one opponent fan to another ...

...if HOS was angry or bitter at you'd know it! He's a die-hard Cowboys fan, probably as you are a die hard Commanders fan. When an immovable object meets and unstopable force meet...Big Bang theory revisited!

I've grown extra skin here at the Zone by battling with some heavy-weights. I've won some and lost more, but you don't just stop in the middle of the battle and declare "not fair." Especially when you're on (what you might consider "hostile" ground).

Opponent Survival Kit:

Thick skin
Common Sense

That was a damn good post.


The Duke
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Om said:
Um, not so much, brother.

But I'm a benevolent despot, so I'll give you another chance. Hell, I'll even give you a hint ...

Birthdays. :)
I mentioned their ages Om.

Unless you're talking astrological signs, then I must confess, in order to know what you mean I'll have to rewatch "The Fish Who Saved Pittsburgh." I'll need to stop by the store for some No Doz and Maalox first. Bad movie.


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Oh, I saw you brush past it. But when you did so in passing, then immediately started in with the whole "not as good" thing, and continued to ignore the 800 pd. gorilla that SHOULD be part of this conversation ... well, I just couldn't help myself.

That would be the winning part. BIG gorilla, man. You do remember how last season ended, right ... or are you blocking it out? :)

There are trends, man. And right now, the Commanders are trending up. I'll be interested in seeing your counter to that factual statement.

It's just that you keep saying it's the same old tired unsuccessful formula, brother. That's what suprised me and why I thought I'd drop in. It's not, and I know you know it.

You keep implying this is Snyder still playing fantasy football and bringing in washed up old superstars like he did in his first couple years as owner. It's not, and I know you know that too. You're still trying to sell Snyder as the trigger man in all this, and Way Past Prime Time and the DE f/k/a Bruce Smith as the prize cattle, instead of seriously dealing with the Gibbs factor in all this, and (I assume) willfully not seeing guys like Cornelius Griffin and Marcus WAshington and Santana Moss, and now guys like Brandon Lloyd, Adam Archuleta, Antwaan Randel El and the like ... guys either in or just heading into their primes.

Young guys brought in to fill specific needs and offer specific skill sets to a formula that is WORKING.

It is, you know.


Oh, and before you say it, yes, I know Fauria is an older guy. There, I brought ya an apple. :)


The Duke
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Om said:
Oh, I saw you brush past it. But when you did so in passing, then immediately started in with the whole "not as good" thing, and continued to ignore the 800 pd. gorilla that SHOULD be part of this conversation ... well, I just couldn't help myself.

That would be the winning part. BIG gorilla, man. You do remember how last season ended, right ... or are you blocking it out? :)

There are trends, man. And right now, the Commanders are trending up. I'll be interested in seeing your counter to that factual statement.

It's just that you keep saying it's the same old tired unsuccessful formula, brother. That's what suprised me and why I thought I'd drop in. It's not, and I know you know it.

You keep implying this is Snyder still playing fantasy football and bringing in washed up old superstars like he did in his first couple years as owner. It's not, and I know you know that too. You're still trying to sell Snyder as the trigger man in all this, and Way Past Prime Time and the DE f/k/a Bruce Smith as the prize cattle, instead of seriously dealing with the Gibbs factor in all this, and (I assume) willfully not seeing guys like Cornelius Griffin and Marcus WAshington and Santana Moss, and now guys like Brandon Lloyd, Adam Archuleta, Antwaan Randel El and the like ... guys either in or just heading into their primes.

Young guys brought in to fill specific needs and offer specific skill sets to a formula that is WORKING.

It is, you know.


Oh, and before you say it, yes, I know Fauria is an older guy. There, I brought ya an apple. :)
I don't know what to tell you Om. Coles wasn't a dinosaur. Hall wasn't. Morton wasn't. Portis isn't. Are you wanting me to suddenly see Randle El, Archuleta, and Lloyd as guys with pacifiers instead of mouthpieces?

I mean, what exactly is the point of their ages that is so crucial to the equation? Nothing tangible really.

Let's be honest for 2 minutes Om before we go back to our regular roles as smart alecs who find all of this amusing.

When Snyder started swapping Draft Picks for Free Agents I said it would not work out in the long run. That was despite the fact you added a sack machine, a shut down corner, and an overall #1 QB.

When Snyder continued his spending ways with guys like Hall, Portis, Morton, & Coles I still maintained it wouldn't work.

This weekends signings have me saying the same exact thing.

What is the constant in this equation Om? No, not me expressing hate of the Skins. The constant is you're swapping Draft Picks who feel the need to prove themselves for high priced Free Agents who think they already have. You feeling me yet?

I advocate using Free Agency to plug holes Om. I think you know that by now. I'm not blowing smoke. I'll never advocate it at the expense of building through the Draft. Twice in this thread I have brought up the fact Dallas built it's 90's dynasty teams through the draft picks from the Herschell Walker trade. What part of that isn't painfully obvious as something that works?

Please show me where New England or any other recently successful team has made the transition from the bottom to the top without drafting smart. Show me where Snyder's spend it all mentality is working and being copied. Please don't tell me the Skins are evidence it is working. A sweep of the Cowboys and a playoff win is hardly a windfall of success.

I understand Skins fans excitement over the show. It's like going to those Japanese tepanaki restaurants where the chefs do all the fancy tricks. Does any of that make the food taste any better? I'm sure you can gather the analogy I'm drawing. Does all the flash and hype really make 10-6 any more palatable?

Om, you didn't even win the NFC East. It's not like you went from the bottom of the barrell to the top of the heap and the only thing left to do is plant your flag. Everest is not conquered my man.

Understand, I'm not trying to take anything away from the Skins as far as finishing ahead of us. You still have to get past the Giants. You still have to hope the Eagles are going to continue stumbling. And quite frankly you still have to beat us. I'm sure all of that sounds real automatic to many Skins fans. If it sounds that simple to you Om, I'll be surprised. You're old enough and wise enough to know that there is such a thing as a 1 year "trend." I take nothing as a matter of fact until it has happened. I take no consolation out of being a paper champion.

You ask what the difference is between when Snyder first took this formula and ran with it, and now. Fair enough, it is a valid question. The main difference I see is the quality of your Head Coach and his staff. The formula is still the same. It hasn't changed. Please don't try and tell me it has.

Take heart, I am quite sure Joe Theisman will agree with some media publications that the Commanders are the NFC team to beat in 2006. Alas, I won't agree with them most likely.

I'm not annointing the Cowboys to anything yet Om. Therein lies the difference. I'm too realistic to be wide eyed. Forgive me if you get the chance.



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If you look carefully, Hos, you'll notice I've never once, in this thread or in all the time I've been visiting you fine folks here, "annointed" the Skins to anything. That's a straw man you've built here in this thread and are now busyily and sincerely admonishing. I won't keep you from that, because you're really quite good at it and it's enjoyable to watch ... so have at it.

All I've done here ... as I tend to do whenever I see hyperbole and the convenient use of misdirection employed by those who I know understand full well that's what they're doing ... is let you know I noticed. :)

So ... since in all your speachifying to this point you have yet to actually ask me what I think of the Skins moves so far ...

I see a team two years into a massive franchise rebuild, which, based on the way last season ended, looks to be taking shape quite nicely, thank you very much.

A team that just finished the last season strong, and has lost not one player of consequence to date. Not a bad base line, in my humble opinion. Certainly not a bad jumping off point.

I see a team with a whole bunch of players a couple of years into Gibbs' program talking as one about team and chemistry, and doing more than pay that lip service to that notion. Maybe that's to be scoffed at here, but it is the bread and butter in a Gibbs locker room, and these guys are "getting it" big time. That ain't just me talking, as I think you know.

I see a team hitting the ground aggressively in FA, as they did last year, filling targeted needs. Yes, I know they still have other needs, and I know that they have contingencies and strategies in place to try to fill them, and will be doing so, as will every other NFL club, between now and training camp. But damn if it wasn't a pretty good start over the last couple days.

I think that by fleshing out the WR corps with speed and playmaking ability, their offense will, at the very least, keep opposing DC's busier this fall than last, given speed threats on both sidelines and the slot now, with two very capable underneath guys in Cooley and Fauria, and with a guy in the backfield who managed to set the franchise rushing record last season despite defenses stacked to stop him, who will quite likely find a little more breathing space.

I see a defense that's already added another playmaker to a secondary already pretty fair, and guaranteed not finished yet.

I see a team using draft picks to pick up young veterans who can start and help them NOW, and who are just heading into their primes, rather than speculating on guys fresh out of school who might or might not turn into something in a few years.

I see a head coach who understands the need for depth and role players as well as anyone in the league, and year after year, seems to find guys who fill those roles impeccably, despite all the "you build through the draft!" cautionary tales that helpful souls such as you impart with such solemnity.

You'll notice I haven't "annointed" anything here, right? Instead, as a guy watching his team emerge from a decade at sea, seeing the results right there in front of the eyes of anyone willing to simply open a sports page from circa last January and see who was still playing ... I gotta tell ya, it doesn't suck as bad to be a Skins fan right now as you'd like your faithful readers here to think. :)


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Om said:
If you look carefully, Hos, you'll notice I've never once, in this thread or in all the time I've been visiting you fine folks here, "annointed" the Skins to anything. That's a straw man you've built here in this thread and are now busyily and sincerely admonishing. I won't keep you from that, because you're really quite good at it and it's enjoyable to watch ... so have at it.

All I've done here ... as I tend to do whenever I see hyperbole and the convenient use of misdirection employed by those who I know understand full well that's what they're doing ... is let you know I noticed. :)

So ... since in all your speachifying to this point you have yet to actually ask me what I think of the Skins moves so far ...

I see a team two years into a massive franchise rebuild, which, based on the way last season ended, looks to be taking shape quite nicely, thank you very much.

A team that just finished the last season strong, and has lost not one player of consequence to date. Not a bad base line, in my humble opinion. Certainly not a bad jumping off point.

I see a team with a whole bunch of players a couple of years into Gibbs' program talking as one about team and chemistry, and doing more than pay that lip service to that notion. Maybe that's to be scoffed at here, but it is the bread and butter in a Gibbs locker room, and these guys are "getting it" big time. That ain't just me talking, as I think you know.

I see a team hitting the ground aggressively in FA, as they did last year, filling targeted needs. Yes, I know they still have other needs, and I know that they have contingencies and strategies in place to try to fill them, and will be doing so, as will every other NFL club, between now and training camp. But damn if it wasn't a pretty good start over the last couple days.

I think that by fleshing out the WR corps with speed and playmaking ability, their offense will, at the very least, keep opposing DC's busier this fall than last, given speed threats on both sidelines and the slot now, with two very capable underneath guys in Cooley and Fauria, and with a guy in the backfield who managed to set the franchise rushing record last season despite defenses stacked to stop him, who will quite likely find a little more breathing space.

I see a defense that's already added another playmaker to a secondary already pretty fair, and guaranteed not finished yet.

I see a team using draft picks to pick up young veterans who can start and help them NOW, and who are just heading into their primes, rather than speculating on guys fresh out of school who might or might not turn into something in a few years.

I see a head coach who understands the need for depth and role players as well as anyone in the league, and year after year, seems to find guys who fill those roles impeccably, despite all the "you build through the draft!" cautionary tales that helpful souls such as you impart with such solemnity.

You'll notice I haven't "annointed" anything here, right? Instead, as a guy watching his team emerge from a decade at sea, seeing the results right there in front of the eyes of anyone willing to simply open a sports page from circa last January and see who was still playing ... I gotta tell ya, it doesn't suck as bad to be a Skins fan right now as you'd like your faithful readers here to think. :)

so eloquently spoken....:puke:........ sounds like someone who doesn't want to get dirt on their hands!

translation of the 6 paragraphs above....... Commanders = paper champs '06:lmao2:


The Duke
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Om said:
If you look carefully, Hos, you'll notice I've never once, in this thread or in all the time I've been visiting you fine folks here, "annointed" the Skins to anything. That's a straw man you've built here in this thread and are now busyily and sincerely admonishing. I won't keep you from that, because you're really quite good at it and it's enjoyable to watch ... so have at it.

All I've done here ... as I tend to do whenever I see hyperbole and the convenient use of misdirection employed by those who I know understand full well that's what they're doing ... is let you know I noticed. :)

So ... since in all your speachifying to this point you have yet to actually ask me what I think of the Skins moves so far ...

I see a team two years into a massive franchise rebuild, which, based on the way last season ended, looks to be taking shape quite nicely, thank you very much.

A team that just finished the last season strong, and has lost not one player of consequence to date. Not a bad base line, in my humble opinion. Certainly not a bad jumping off point.

I see a team with a whole bunch of players a couple of years into Gibbs' program talking as one about team and chemistry, and doing more than pay that lip service to that notion. Maybe that's to be scoffed at here, but it is the bread and butter in a Gibbs locker room, and these guys are "getting it" big time. That ain't just me talking, as I think you know.

I see a team hitting the ground aggressively in FA, as they did last year, filling targeted needs. Yes, I know they still have other needs, and I know that they have contingencies and strategies in place to try to fill them, and will be doing so, as will every other NFL club, between now and training camp. But damn if it wasn't a pretty good start over the last couple days.

I think that by fleshing out the WR corps with speed and playmaking ability, their offense will, at the very least, keep opposing DC's busier this fall than last, given speed threats on both sidelines and the slot now, with two very capable underneath guys in Cooley and Fauria, and with a guy in the backfield who managed to set the franchise rushing record last season despite defenses stacked to stop him, who will quite likely find a little more breathing space.

I see a defense that's already added another playmaker to a secondary already pretty fair, and guaranteed not finished yet.

I see a team using draft picks to pick up young veterans who can start and help them NOW, and who are just heading into their primes, rather than speculating on guys fresh out of school who might or might not turn into something in a few years.

I see a head coach who understands the need for depth and role players as well as anyone in the league, and year after year, seems to find guys who fill those roles impeccably, despite all the "you build through the draft!" cautionary tales that helpful souls such as you impart with such solemnity.

You'll notice I haven't "annointed" anything here, right? Instead, as a guy watching his team emerge from a decade at sea, seeing the results right there in front of the eyes of anyone willing to simply open a sports page from circa last January and see who was still playing ... I gotta tell ya, it doesn't suck as bad to be a Skins fan right now as you'd like your faithful readers here to think. :)
Om, no you haven't annointed the Skins anything, but amigo, look closely at the posts of those I was challenging that you have jumped into the middle of. They are. Randle El is "great." One poster called your WR squad "one of the best if not the best in the NFL." High praise for a group that hasn't played 1 game together yet.

If you wish to call those guys (the lot of them I take it) a straw man, that's your business. I won't say you aren't right given the fact I love the Wizard of Oz and know what the Straw Man was seeking. I do appreciate the compliment on being good at the beatings. It would be more fun if the "drums" realized they were being played. Then again, maybe not.


Let's talk about my hyperbole. Uh, where is it? That I think this formula doesn't work? How is that hyperbole given the fact we've passed year 7 of the era of Dan and nary a trophy the shape of a football to be seen in our Nation's Capitol? My recognition of that is hyperbole? What is it that I recognize Dallas has a lot of needs? Realism?

Come on Om, I was born at night, but it wasn't last night brother.

I appreciate you telling me what you think of the Skins moves without my needing to ask. Let me ask you a rather simple question. Does every massive franchise rebuild yield results? Optimism is fine, especially given the strong finish last year. Got any room for realism too?

What realism? I'm really glad you asked. Looking at your top 4 WRs I see Moss, Lloyd, Randle El, and Patten. All between 5'10" and 6'0" tall and all around 195 pounds. Is there a team rule against someone with some meat on him? I mean these guys do have to face hits from Brian Dawkins and Roy Williams 4 times this year. The Smurfs Part I were an entertaining bunch. I don't deny that Om. I don't think sequels are ever as good as the original.

Call me crazy, but I've never wanted 4 Smurfs at WR. Give me the big bruisers who can deliver punishment any day. Maybe you think these 4 will run teams silly trying to cover them. In the NFL, I never count on stuff like that. A couple of those guys have reputations for suspect hands. You didn't exactly steal the next Marvin Harrison.

Now let's talk Archuleta. Om, I saw him play in college and I've just never been all that impressed. He can bring a big hit now and then. I don't think he plays with much in the way of heart. You'd have been better off going after Lawyer Milloy or Rodney Harrison to mentor Sean Taylor, assuming (I do) that he serves no jail time for thinking he lives in a video game. It's a good signing, not a great one, and the money doesn't bridge the gap.

On paper your team is better today than when last we saw them losing to Seattle. The key words being "on paper." Until it actually translates to the football field I'm going to call it as I see it. Yet another off season meant to fire up the fans to buy tickets and merchandise. The beating of the drums and howling at the moon is entertaining, I'd wait to start dancing if I were you.

It surprises me that you're so against the Draft. Why is that? Some of the best players in your team's History were drafted. Some of them by a Head Coach named Joe Gibbs. Wouldn't you rather find Commanders legends than try and build on some other team's retreads? I think I actually used some hyperbole this time.



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Hostile said:
It surprises me that you're so against the Draft. Why is that? Some of the best players in your team's History were drafted. Some of them by a Head Coach named Joe Gibbs. Wouldn't you rather find Commanders legends than try and build on some other team's retreads? I think I actually used some hyperbole this time.


This is actually a surprising statement on your part

I am not sure how old you are, or if you were around to expierence the 80s or whatever

But, as I put in a post over at ES, history is repeating itself in the way the Commanders are building this team

Joe Gibbs 1982 Superbowl team had a then NFL record 26 free agents. Some big names, some castoffs, some guys who never found a match elsewhere.

Guys like Theisman, Riggins, Jacoby, and Bostic were not drafted by the Commanders. Guys like Doug Williams were brought in by trading future first round draft picks, Jim Lachey by trading a QB of the future, Ernest Byner through a trade, Gerald Riggs via free agency, role players such as Danny Copeland who was a key cog in the 1991 defensive team.

The formula then included drafting guys for long term depth. The only 2 successful first round picks of the 1980s were Darrel Green and Art Monk, mainly because so many were traded away. Later round guys like Didier, Manley, Gary Clark, Mark Rypien, Mark Schlereth, Ralegh MacKenzie were brought in, learned on the bench, then began to contribute.

Long term depth being built

Well when we compare and constrast we see the same strategy. Use the FA pool, which is now far better and far deeper then Plan B in the 1980s, to fill specific immediate needs. You see that by bringing in Cornillieus Griffin, Marcus Washington, Shawn Springs, you see that by trading for Clinton Portis and Sanatana Moss, you see it by bringing in talented WR's like Randle-El and Lloyd.

Use the draft to build long term depth. Sean Taylor, Chris Cooley, Jason Campbell, Carlos Rogers, Jim Molinonara, Robert McCune, Nemo Broughton, some who contribute immediatley, most who sit on the bench, learn, and then make contributions down the line

That is the Gibbs way in building a team. Will it work this time around like it did in the 1980s? That remains to be seen. But when a team goes from 6-10 to 10-6 between year 1 and 2, doesn't lose anyone of significance (and no Lavar was not a major contributor last year, as much as I would have loved to have seen him blossom under GW) and adds at specific needs, well I am feeling pretty good about next year

But like I said, only time will tell if this is the right way to build a team this century. With coaching stability though, I won't be betting against the Commanders like I was 4 years ago.


The Duke
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SkinsHokieFan said:
This is actually a surprising statement on your part

I am not sure how old you are, or if you were around to expierence the 80s or whatever

But, as I put in a post over at ES, history is repeating itself in the way the Commanders are building this team

Joe Gibbs 1982 Superbowl team had a then NFL record 26 free agents. Some big names, some castoffs, some guys who never found a match elsewhere.

Guys like Theisman, Riggins, Jacoby, and Bostic were not drafted by the Commanders. Guys like Doug Williams were brought in by trading future first round draft picks, Jim Lachey by trading a QB of the future, Ernest Byner through a trade, Gerald Riggs via free agency, role players such as Danny Copeland who was a key cog in the 1991 defensive team.

The formula then included drafting guys for long term depth. The only 2 successful first round picks of the 1980s were Darrel Green and Art Monk, mainly because so many were traded away. Later round guys like Didier, Manley, Gary Clark, Mark Rypien, Mark Schlereth, Ralegh MacKenzie were brought in, learned on the bench, then began to contribute.

Long term depth being built

Well when we compare and constrast we see the same strategy. Use the FA pool, which is now far better and far deeper then Plan B in the 1980s, to fill specific immediate needs. You see that by bringing in Cornillieus Griffin, Marcus Washington, Shawn Springs, you see that by trading for Clinton Portis and Sanatana Moss, you see it by bringing in talented WR's like Randle-El and Lloyd.

Use the draft to build long term depth. Sean Taylor, Chris Cooley, Jason Campbell, Carlos Rogers, Jim Molinonara, Robert McCune, Nemo Broughton, some who contribute immediatley, most who sit on the bench, learn, and then make contributions down the line

That is the Gibbs way in building a team. Will it work this time around like it did in the 1980s? That remains to be seen. But when a team goes from 6-10 to 10-6 between year 1 and 2, doesn't lose anyone of significance (and no Lavar was not a major contributor last year, as much as I would have loved to have seen him blossom under GW) and adds at specific needs, well I am feeling pretty good about next year

But like I said, only time will tell if this is the right way to build a team this century. With coaching stability though, I won't be betting against the Commanders like I was 4 years ago.
Do you see the smiley face at the end of my post?

Do you notice that it is winking?

Know what hyperbole means?

Tell you anything? It should. I'll explain it to you if it's doing a fly by.

How are you going to find your Darrell Green or Art Monk with no Draft picks?

You see me jockeying Lavar somewhere? Not sure why you bring him up. I think the only thing I've said about him so far is that he is represented by the Postons so we won't be interested. Decent player, not one I'd hang my hat on if we signed him.

A lot being made of 6-10 to 10-6. Are you incapable as Skins fan of admitting that you can easily fall back to 8-8? It is a parity driven NFL nowadays guys. Pay attention. You act like everything is a ladder and the only way to go is up. You can fall off the friggin' ladder son. Gravity sucks.


New Member
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Hos, if you're going to get grumpy at the nudge in the ribs about hyperbole, don't in the same breath call the vast majority of the guys the Skins have brought in the last couple years---Moss, Portis, Washington, Griffin, Lloyd, Archuleta, Randle El, Carter---"retreads."

Your funnier when you actually MEAN to be. :)


The Duke
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Om said:
Hos, if you're going to get grumpy at the nudge in the ribs about hyperbole, don't in the same breath call the vast majority of the guys the Skins have brought in the last couple years---Moss, Portis, Washington, Griffin, Lloyd, Archuleta, Randle El, Carter---"retreads."

Your funnier when you actually MEAN to be. :)
I assure you, I did not get grumpy.

Why wouldn't I call them retreads Om? I call Terry Glenn, Keyshawn Johnson, and Drew Bledsoe retreads. Do a search on the word retreads if you doubt me.

Commanders retreads should get special names? Om, I just don't think that way. I am as critical of the Cowboys as I am of the Commanders. It's why I've been labeled a hater and why I just grin when I see it.

Be careful of the skinny dermis there Om. I recommend the desert sun for tempering the old dermis.


Joe Gibbs II

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Cowboy4ever said:
Younger, cost more and aren't as good,, is that the answer?

You got the younger part, which makes a ton of difference. Dieon and Bruce were in the twilight of their careers, plus they were big names. These guys arent as big of names are fit specifically with our problems. They have a real purpose on the team, and are "character guys". This means they were caught by Gibbs, which means they were a good decision to get. Snyder isnt calling the shots anymore guys, its Gibbs.


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Hostile said:
I assure you, I did not get grumpy.

Why wouldn't I call them retreads Om? I call Terry Glenn, Keyshawn Johnson, and Drew Bledsoe retreads. Do a search on the word retreads if you doubt me.

Commanders retreads should get special names? Om, I just don't think that way. I am as critical of the Cowboys as I am of the Commanders. It's why I've been labeled a hater and why I just grin when I see it.

Be careful of the skinny dermis there Om. I recommend the desert sun for tempering the old dermis.


That was a semi-nifty softshoe and all, hermano, but where exactly did you get around to at lest trying to justify calling the actual humans I named before "retreads?" :)


The Duke
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Om said:
That was a semi-nifty softshoe and all, hermano, but where exactly did you get around to at lest trying to justify calling the actual humans I named before "retreads?" :)
You lost me.

I call all players who hung their skins on the wall somewhere else "retreads." I don't feel I have to justify it. If it insults you I don't know what to tell you. I doubt I'll change something I've been doing for years.


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Hostile said:
You lost me.

I call all players who hung their skins on the wall somewhere else "retreads." I don't feel I have to justify it. If it insults you I don't know what to tell you. I doubt I'll change something I've been doing for years.

Hey, don't go changin' to try and please me.

Anyway, it appears it was you who had lost ME. I was blissfully unaware of the Hostilian Definition of "Retread" in Pigskinian Context.

Retread. noun. Mild perjorative.

1. Guy who has a cup o' coffee with Club A, then moves on to Club B.

Think I've got it now. :)

I still think you were grumpy there for a minute, though.


The Duke
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Om said:
Hey, don't go changin' to try and please me.

Anyway, it appears it was you who had lost ME. I was blissfully unaware of the Hostilian Definition of "Retread" in Pigskinian Context.

Retread. noun. Mild perjorative.

1. Guy who has a cup o' coffee with Club A, then moves on to Club B.

Think I've got it now. :)

I still think you were grumpy there for a minute, though.
I assure you I have never been one of the 7 dwarfs.

What can I tell you? I have unique ways of looking at stuff. I like Hostilian. Think I'll steal that.