Skins-Why all the hatred??

dfense;1579726 said:
Been a fan for long? :confused:

That's what I'm thinking. I bet tunafan33 isn't over 20 years old. ;)

Which I kind of understand... But to say that our rivalry is "hardly Yankees/Red Sox" is just ridiculous and an insult.
Rackat;1579719 said:
Sometimes I wish there were a button on my keyboard that when pushed would shock some sense into the person who's post I read.

I agree...would love to have one of these to use on the board at times...

My hate index

Commanders - hate
Eagles - hate
Patriots - hate
Texans - hate
Giants - dislike
49ers - dislike
Seahawks - dislike
Dolphins - dislike
Saints - dislike
Raiders - dislike
Chiefs - dislike
Jaguars - dislike
Vikings - don't care for
Cardinals - don't care for
Broncos - don't care for
Colts - don't care for
Browns - don't care for

I feel indifferent to the rest.
Can't we all just get along?

Opposites must exist. Balance must be maintained.

They are EVIL.
Look no farther than The Midget for guidance.
silverbear;1579667 said:
Does your parole officer know you're still having these fits of violence??

He has an extended history of said fits...he cant help it, he lives in the bangwagon capital of the world, i would have angered induced fits as well
It seems to me that the Commanders are far more obessesed with and hate the Cowboys more than vice versa. And that is because ever since we have come into this league, we have owned them. We have more SBs than them. We have a significantly better head-to-head record than they do.

In reality, it's not much of a rivalry for us: they aren't competitive with us. To them, their rivalry with us is more important to them than their own success. You will often see Skins fans who are willing to trade a 9-7 team for a 2-14 team as long as the two wins are against Dallas. They are beyond obessesed.

The Commanders look poised for another stinker season, thus devaluing the rivalry from our perspective even more. If we have a great year, though, the Commanders obsessesion with us will grow even greater.
:suxskins: :skins:

To be honest, I think the Skins fans have more reason to hate us then us hating them.

They were broadcast all through the south before our franchise started. That was the main reason their owner didn't want us in the leauge to begin with.

We have the series winning advantage over them.

We have won more Superbowls than them.

We are America's team vs. just being one of 31 other teams out there.

Any other reason you guys can come up with ?

Edit: Sorry, I see Cobra beat me to the punch on some of these
Man these young whipper snapper have no clue about history. The Commanders are more heated than the eagles and Giants and always will be.

The Hogs :puke::suxskins::suxskins::suxskins::suxskins:

How i still have nightmares from the name John Riggins :bang2::bang2::bang2::bang2::bang2:

Don't get me wrong they had some great players and I respected talent and am not bias in that part (Darrel Green to name one). The truth be told tell the Deadskins are the evil empire and they need to lose and lose big. What is sad is Dave Campo had a better record against the Skins than Big Bill :eek: that is a down right shame.

So 0-16 sounds good to me fore the Deadskins
Well, on this board, RedStink fans are like roaches. When we were slapping the spit out of their mouth for all those 10 or 11 years you would not see too many of them here and the ones that would come here were good posters.

Now after they swept us that one year they came here and invaded this place like a bunch of roaches! If we beat them, they are nowhere to be found around here (they will be over at ES getting their hurt feelings healed by Art).

Right now there are about two or three RedStinks that come here quite often and IMO only one of them is a good poster and the others are nothing but ***** envy trolls! (i'll let the good poster quess he is for himself).

But again, check this out below. When they swept us that one year this is what we got here at CowboysZone. Roaches! At least 77 of them! Where are they now that they are 5 - 11...? This is what I dislike about them! Turn on the light and they flee...

(ps. if i missed any RedStink roach, please, feel free to add your name)

1. hooskins
Gibbs II
Mr. Grundle

20. SkinsandTerps
method man
30. fanfromarizona
Kevin[Commanders Fan]
40. burmafrd
seoul man
random Cs
50. yazzmode621
60. SkinsFanMania
Joey T

:dissskin: (Good dog Gibbs! Damn good dog)
Green28;1579711 said:
I know where you're coming from...

The simple fact is that Commanders fans are supposed to hate the Cowboys and Cowboys fans are supposed to hate the Commanders. Only a few of those involved in this rivalry can actually remember why, though. Most of us, including my 27 year-old self, are born into the rivalry.

When I stop to think about it, I have no real reason for hating the Dallas team or its fans. In fact I don't hate Cowboys fans in general; of course there are always the select few that I dislike, but that goes for any large group of individuals. As far as my feelings for the Dallas team, I always root for them to lose, no matter who they're playing. Next come the Eagles, Giants, Broncos...I don't hate any teams (I don't like to hate anything), but I do care for certain clubs less than others.

Some people take sports rivalries too far, see soccer brawls in Europe and an above poster that wants to attack Commanders fans on sight as if seeing red like a bull. It's just a game, and we're just spectators.

I see what your saying, I'm only in my 20s too, and most of the "great" moments in the rivalry is just trivia to me. I don't remember most of it. But the "rivalry" extends to a personal level with me. You see, I was born in VA, and lived most of my life there. So did most of my family. So there was half of us that like the Skins. My mom was born in Dallas and her side of the family are Texan. So they like Dallas.

You can imagine the jabbing and taunting that the occured when the Skins played Dallas. I cringe at the thought of Patrick Crayton running free to the endzone with less then two minutes left. I smile when I think of Santana doing the same thing. I think the rivalry is back.
the Skins just having little Napolean as an owner, keeps the rivalry going.
I think Munchis is just a self-hating cowboy fan 5Stars. he enjoys his misery.
firehawk350;1579879 said:
I think Munchis is just a self-hating cowboy fan 5Stars. he enjoys his misery.

You might be right about him! I never could understand him anyway...

I understand the history and significance of the Cowboys-Skins rivalry, but currently, I couldn't care less about them. They have been insignificant for about 15 years. They may hate us a lot, but I don't get too worked up about them. I can only laugh at how pathetic Washington is.

The Eagles, on the other hand, I absolutely HATE. I hate their team, their fans, and their city. I also loathe the Niners after all those matchups in the 90s.
thekavorka;1579983 said:
I understand the history and significance of the Cowboys-Skins rivalry, but currently, I couldn't care less about them. They have been insignificant for about 15 years. They may hate us a lot, but I don't get too worked up about them. I can only laugh at how pathetic Washington is.

The Eagles, on the other hand, I absolutely HATE. I hate their team, their fans, and their city. I also loathe the Niners after all those matchups in the 90s.
You could say the same thing about the boys for the last decade. Sure, you've had some okay teams here and there, but overall, you've gone more then 10 years without an NFC East title or a playoff victory.

Eagles fans (if they were smart, which I'm not accusing them of) could say the same thing about any team in the NFC East. We've been okay here and there and competed sporadically the past 6 or 7 years, but no one has been the contenders that the Eagles have been.
TunaFan33;1579600 said:
And why all the hatred by Skins fans over Dallas??

Really-isn't this Skins/Boys rivalry a bit silly? It's hardly Yankees/Red Sox, and what's there to hate about the Skins and their fans anyways?

Now the Eagles, different story-THEIR city AND fans are the scum of this earth.

I'm guessing you are fairly young, because if you were old enough to be a Cowboy fan in the 1970's you wouldn't even dream of making this comment. To those of us who were around this is a Yankees/Red Sox kind of rivalry.
firehawk350;1579995 said:
Eagles fans (if they were smart, which I'm not accusing them of) could say the same thing about any team in the NFC East. We've been okay here and there and competed sporadically the past 6 or 7 years, but no one has been the contenders that the Eagles have been.

And what has it got them?



:hammock: is good!

At least your team has 1 real Lombardi and two plastic ones!!
Well, having lombardis help very little when the Eagles win or go deep into the playoffs. But they do help:)

Luckily, I think the eagles are at the end of their peak, so I can go back to feeling bad for them again. I remember the days when the Eagles were mentioned in the same breath as the Browns and the Cardinals.
i hate the eagles more because they actually beat us. the Commanders had 2005 and before that didn't do a whole lot to us for quite some time. the eagles on the other hand seem to whoop us every year. the eagles should be the most hated atleast until the skins can compete again.

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