Skins-Why all the hatred??

ologan;1580621 said:
Every Cowboys loss is like a dagger to the heart....Every loss to the Commanders or Eagles is like a dagger not only to the heart,but to the very soul itself. Kilmer,Jurgensen,all them friggin' Talberts,Theisman,George Allen...I could go on and on. They just make my blood boil!!!
Omit the 'or Eagles' and I'll agree with you 100%. I could give a rat's you know what about Philadelphia.
TunaFan33;1580181 said:
That-and my respect for McFlabb went WAY down when he commented "We'll be back(next year)" after that Super Bowl loss-it was as if he had NO respect for the other 15 NFC teams.

If they win a SB under Kevin Kolb, it won't bother me a whole lot.

:spanking: :spanking: :spanking: :spanking: :spanking:

Haha. He posts on It's fun arguing with Commander fans on that site as well as the rest of the NFC East fans. The entire sports section of that site hates us Cowboy fans. :lmao2:But NFC East fans go at it.

From my experience out here in the DC area, they hate Cowboy fans from everywhere but they really hate Cowboy fans that's never been to Texas. They ask me personally how I could be a Cowboy fan that's never been to Texas and I tell them I'm FROM Texas, actually. They usually calm down and say I'm alright but they are really annoyed with Cowboy fans that's never been close to Dallas.:laugh2:
man, I've worked up in the NE around New York and CT. lemme tell ya something, there are a boat load of Boyz fans there, more than the area wants to admit.

I wore my Cowboys sweatshirt with pride, expecting confrontation, and guys all I got was "Hi-5's".

of course this was in the 90's, but I digress
firehawk350;1579995 said:
You could say the same thing about the boys for the last decade. Sure, you've had some okay teams here and there, but overall, you've gone more then 10 years without an NFC East title or a playoff victory.

That is true the Cowboys have not been successful overall, but I was referring to how bad the Commanders have been compared to the Cowboys. Besides 2005, Dallas has pretty much dominated Washington in the last 10 or so years.
StylisticS;1580740 said:
Haha. He posts on It's fun arguing with Commander fans on that site as well as the rest of the NFC East fans. The entire sports section of that site hates us Cowboy fans. :lmao2:But NFC East fans go at it.

From my experience out here in the DC area, they hate Cowboy fans from everywhere but they really hate Cowboy fans that's never been to Texas. They ask me personally how I could be a Cowboy fan that's never been to Texas and I tell them I'm FROM Texas, actually. They usually calm down and say I'm alright but they are really annoyed with Cowboy fans that's never been close to Dallas.:laugh2:
Ever since the update the IC has never been the same..

You know... as long as I have been on this forum and the former. This is the first time I recall this question being asked.

For me its just good natured ribbing with a rival team. One of my good friends is a Cowboys fan and we play in the same fantasy league every year. There is no real hatred. Personally, whether the Cowboys or Commanders win or lose doesnt change life in general, its just bragging rights and bs really.

Of course as a fan I will support my team and discredit yours, but I think most of you understand by now that I will give a fair opinion and outlook on most situations.

With that said. I am certainly hoping for the Commanders to go either 2-0 or 3-0 vs. the Cowboys this year.
SkinsandTerps;1580886 said:
You know... as long as I have been on this forum and the former. This is the first time I recall this question being asked.

For me its just good natured ribbing with a rival team. One of my good friends is a Cowboys fan and we play in the same fantasy league every year. There is no real hatred. Personally, whether the Cowboys or Commanders win or lose doesnt change life in general, its just bragging rights and bs really.

Of course as a fan I will support my team and discredit yours, but I think most of you understand by now that I will give a fair opinion and outlook on most situations.

With that said. I am certainly hoping for the Commanders to go either 2-0 or 3-0 vs. the Cowboys this year.

When the 'Boys go 2-0 against the skins this season,there won't be a 3-0!
HighTechDave;1580771 said:
man, I've worked up in the NE around New York and CT. lemme tell ya something, there are a boat load of Boyz fans there, more than the area wants to admit.

I wore my Cowboys sweatshirt with pride, expecting confrontation, and guys all I got was "Hi-5's".

of course this was in the 90's, but I digress

Lol...Yep and I'm one of them.

This morning I put on my Cowboys T-shirt and I'm about to jump on the harley for 3 customer visits I have scheduled for my computer business. I do this every year on our 1st pre-season and 1st regular season games. Rarely do I get much grief at all, although 2 years ago I did get some grief. Asked the guy if I should leave him with his server down (Redstink fan, not even a Giants fan in Giant country), he said just change your shirt and we'll be fine. I said c-ya, but his boss said I don't care what your wearing get us back

All in good fun, most people today won't even know its the 1st pre-season game until I tell them.
TunaFan33;1579600 said:
And why all the hatred by Skins fans over Dallas??

Really-isn't this Skins/Boys rivalry a bit silly? It's hardly Yankees/Red Sox, and what's there to hate about the Skins and their fans anyways?

Now the Eagles, different story-THEIR city AND fans are the scum of this earth.

In my opinion the Dallas-Wash rivalry is second to the Yanks-Red Sox in north american sports. I know Giants Dodgers is huge. What others ones are up there?

I dont get your reasoning, among the things you say above, you seem to say Philadelphia as a city (seperate point from the fans themselves) is the scum of the earth but Washington DC isnt. Huh? I dont get that.

My next point is to tell you "hatred" for a sports team isnt real-life hatred, its just sports. Who really picks what team they root for or against based on some virtues or values? You seem to think there has to be some connection between something that applies to life when you say hate the eagles becuase their fans are bad people but Commanders fand arent so dont hate them. I think thats kind of silly myself.

Fact is the Dallas-Wash rivalry is much more deep rooted. Their battling for the division went on from the late 60's all the way through the early 90's. George Allen, the coach of the skins used to openly take about his hatred for the skins (Gibbs made a crack a few years ago too). Tom Landry did a tv commercial saying "mama dont let your babies grow up to be Commanders." Then you consider the general historical and pop culture thing about Cowboys vs Indians. We've all grown up watching westerns, kids games are based around it. Well the Cowboys and Commanders is sort of an adult continuation for that.

TunaFan, I hope you understand it a bit more now.
Jarv;1580928 said:
Lol...Yep and I'm one of them.

This morning I put on my Cowboys T-shirt and I'm about to jump on the harley for 3 customer visits I have scheduled for my computer business. I do this every year on our 1st pre-season and 1st regular season games. Rarely do I get much grief at all, although 2 years ago I did get some grief. Asked the guy if I should leave him with his server down (Redstink fan, not even a Giants fan in Giant country), he said just change your shirt and we'll be fine. I said c-ya, but his boss said I don't care what your wearing get us back

All in good fun, most people today won't even know its the 1st pre-season game until I tell them.

wave the Flag proudly brotha! Tell everyone in Waterbury and Middlebury I said Hi. i spent a lot of time there
HighTechDave;1580771 said:
man, I've worked up in the NE around New York and CT. lemme tell ya something, there are a boat load of Boyz fans there, more than the area wants to admit.

I wore my Cowboys sweatshirt with pride, expecting confrontation, and guys all I got was "Hi-5's".

of course this was in the 90's, but I digress

Youre right about that, Im one - a Cowboy lover in NYC
I have worn a Cowboys Lanyard for the past 3 years to and from work. I travel the metro system every day and MAYBE 4 times in the past 3 years have someone ever said something to me negative. At least once a week I get a compliment about it. When I wear my Shirts, jersy, hat, whatever I always get compliments. Funny thing is, I am in the Commanders back yard.
StylisticS;1580740 said:
Haha. He posts on It's fun arguing with Commander fans on that site as well as the rest of the NFC East fans. The entire sports section of that site hates us Cowboy fans. :lmao2:But NFC East fans go at it.

From my experience out here in the DC area, they hate Cowboy fans from everywhere but they really hate Cowboy fans that's never been to Texas. They ask me personally how I could be a Cowboy fan that's never been to Texas and I tell them I'm FROM Texas, actually. They usually calm down and say I'm alright but they are really annoyed with Cowboy fans that's never been close to Dallas.:laugh2:

You can live in Texas and be further away from Dallas than people that live in another state but people fail to grasp how Big Texas is. Think about it if you live in Elpaso it is 636 miles from Dallas yet you can travel two states away Dallas to Wichta,KS and that is only 363 Miles away so the guys in Kansas are closer to the Dallas Cowboys than Texans that live in Elpaso,Tx. Haha Amarillo,TX is 365 miles away so I find that kind of funny you have to be close to Dallas ok people in other states are close to Dallas:D

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