So, does Romo have to play now?


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Here we are, 4-3. Power ranking came out and the 'Boys are way down the list behind all the other NFC east teams by a good margin. Right now, this does not look like a Super Bowl contender.

The question becomes; are the Cowboys to the point that they have to play Romo despite the injury to his hand? It still is possible this team could go 12-4 or 11-5, but not if they lose the next two games. We did well during the hard part of the schedule, but floundered during what should have been the easy part. It jsut gets harder from here on out.

I see no reason why Wade should try to save Tony for later. Get him well and make a run after the by, and we are 4-5. Play him now and maybe we can pull out at least one win before the by and make the turn at 5-4.

I remember my boss asking me, why at 35 years old I was still playing football in our law enforcement league. He didn't think it was worth risking injury and the pain I would go through when I got older. He said I should save my health. I asked him, what am I saving it for? I would never get another shot to play ball and had to do it while I could. I would have no rergrets when I got old (and now that I am here, I have none).

I have to ask this, what are they saving Romo for? If he reinjures himself, the season is done, but if he doesn't get back in there soon, it is done anyway.

I say if the bone ain't sticking out of his hand, let him play!

Thick 'N Hearty

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fortdick;2363099 said:
Here we are, 4-3. Power ranking came out and the 'Boys are way down the list behind all the other NFC east teams by a good margin. Right now, this does not look like a Super Bowl contender.

The question becomes; are the Cowboys to the point that they have to play Romo despite the injury to his hand? It still is possible this team could go 12-4 or 11-5, but not if they lose the next two games. We did well during the hard part of the schedule, but floundered during what should have been the easy part. It jsut gets harder from here on out.

I see no reason why Wade should try to save Tony for later. Get him well and make a run after the by, and we are 4-5. Play him now and maybe we can pull out at least one win before the by and make the turn at 5-4.

I remember my boss asking me, why at 35 years old I was still playing football in our law enforcement league. He didn't think it was worth risking injury and the pain I would go through when I got older. He said I should save my health. I asked him, what am I saving it for? I would never get another shot to play ball and had to do it while I could. I would have no rergrets when I got old (and now that I am here, I have none).

I have to ask this, what are they saving Romo for? If he reinjures himself, the season is done, but if he doesn't get back in there soon, it is done anyway.

I say if the bone ain't sticking out of his hand, let him play!

Sounds logic in what you are saying. I'm all for Romo getting back in there and helping this team. But at what cost? If we are 4-5 at the bye week, there's still the possibility of being 11-5 at the end of the season. IMO, if we are 4-5 at the bye week, we'll finish the season at 10-6.

I'd rather take the lumps over the next couple weeks and have a 100% Romo than risk further injury to the hand and losing him for a longer period of time. If that's the case, I doubt we make the playoffs with Checkdown running the offense.


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If we lose both of these games we will not make the playoffs.


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I think it depends on how Romo does this week during practice. Just because he could throw the ball around on the sidelines does not mean he can step in and play there is a lot more to it than that.


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My only concern with Romo playing that our O-line sucks and he will get hit again with a season ending injury. Not good. Without Romo, you can kiss the playoffs and a winning record goodbye this year.


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hutru01;2363242 said:
My only concern with Romo playing that our O-line sucks and he will get hit again with a season ending injury. Not good. Without Romo, you can kiss the playoffs and a winning record goodbye this year.
This guy says it better then I ever could.


The Funcooker
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hutru01;2363242 said:
My only concern with Romo playing that our O-line sucks and he will get hit again with a season ending injury. Not good. Without Romo, you can kiss the playoffs and a winning record goodbye this year.
Considering how things have gone with Newman, Hurd and RW38.... I'd say that's a very strong possibility and probably not worth risking...


Mick Green 58
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I never pay attention to power rankings and I don't believe Tony Romo has to play.

I think you can still be 4-4 or maybe 4-5 and still have a decent shot at making the Playoffs imo.

But again, this assumes that Tony Romo comes back from injury and plays lights out and we win.

Apollo Creed

Stackin and Processin, Well
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Maikeru-sama;2363275 said:
I never pay attention to power rankings and I don't believe Tony Romo has to play.

I think you can still be 4-4 or maybe 4-5 and still have a decent shot at making the Playoffs imo.

But again, this assumes that Tony Romo comes back from injury and plays lights out and we win.

I usually would think so. But even with a healthy Romo, Felix, Newman, Spencer, Kosier, Watkins, etc - we have a very tough schedule down the stretch. 2 with the G-Men, Skins, Eagles, Steelers.

I'd rather go into that stretch at 5-3, and lets be serious guys - this team doesn't have a chance without Tony Romo. 75% Romo > 110% Brad.


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It's not a question of risk. It's a question of functionality. He has to have enough strength in his hand to throw properly.

I am 100% convinced he'd have played last week IF he could've thrown the ball well enough.

Same thing this week. He'll play if he can throw well enough to actually not hurt the team.

With that said, I'm guessing he does play. Probably won't be 100%, but he'll be OK to play and it won't show in his game.

We win big this week.


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CrazyCowboy;2363248 said:
unfortunately ....yes, because we did not sign a winning backup qb

I'm not sure we would have won with Romo at the helm last week the way the team played. There are something you can put on Johnson but there were a ton of mistakes by many in that game that had as much to do with us losing than just Brad Johnson


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Let Brad play and go for a low 1st draft pick. Shoot, we traded that away!


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Let's see how bringing guys back from injuries too quickly has worked for us this year...


Roy Williams...out

Kyle Kosar...out

Anthony Spencer...out

I believe Burnett and Hurd cameback fairly quickly, as well, from previous injuries, though those might be totally unrelated or something.

Yeah, given our current status with injuries, I'm not sure that Romo coming back early from a projected 4 week injury is in our best long term interests.

Though I'll freely admit that the competitor, and fan, in me hopes he starts I'm just not sure it's the best for us long term.


Vet Min Plus
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I say we grind it out 1-2 more weeks with Brooks Bollinger and if we still suck then yank Tony off the injury bench, rub some dirt on it, and put him back in there...

28 Joker

28 Joker
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This is a must win game for Dallas. They need a win to give them some confidence and keep them in the hunt for a playoff spot.

Trust me, you don't want to lose to Tampa Bay, because you could lose a tie breaker for the post-season. What if Carolina wins the South?

I don't think Dallas can win this game with out Tony Romo. Romo will force Tampa Bay to back off and play Tampa 2. If Romo can go, he has to go. He can dump the ball off to Marion Barber and hurt them with Bennett and Witten down the middle. When Tampa gets cute and rushes more than 4, that is where the WRs can hurt them.

Tampa Bay will have to respect Romo, but they will not respect Brad Johnson.

This is a much bigger game than Arizona, because Arizona is probably going to win the West and make the playoffs. While, Tampa Bay and Carolina look like direct competition for a wildcard spot.


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How about this.

Romo doesn't play until he can grip the ball properly. This isn't about dealing with pain - it isn't about our record -- it is about not being able to throw the ball consistently.