TruBlueCowboy said:
They crashed because of the magnetic buildup. As far as looking for a scientific explanation, well, it's fiction.
: There was never a logical answer on the Twlight Zone either.
If they are going to use that as the "reason", I'd expect a flashback at least attempting to explain it. I expect more because, up to this point, Lost has been better written than other TV shows.
If they are going to create such a high level of detail and interaction, the viewers deserve a better explanation than magnetic buildup.
No proof of that. None whatsoever. You had Locke who believed it wouldn't, Eko who believed it would. Desmond was somewhere in the middle. No one knew that for sure.
Quite simply, at this point, no one knows what the button did, what the hatch was for or what turning the key did. There have been no answers there.
We'll have to watch season three to find out, but it looks like Michael and Walt are leaving.
And, like I said, if that is the ending to the Walt/Micheal story, it is just a terrible piece of writing.
Like I wrote above, I'm sure they stretch the stories to give it more life, but all this demanding of answers reminds me of an article I once read about Jon Gruden. His wife was complaining because after 15 minutes into a movie, he would fast forward to the end to see how it ended because he couldn't tolerate the suspense.
I am not demanding all the answers. Just an occasional answer to what something is. You can do that and continue to unveil new mysteries as well as leave others yet to be explained.
First couple of episodes, something was making all kinds of racket in the jungle. Hasn't happened since. The smoke monster? Yeah, we'll just forget about that for awhile. The hatch and the button? We'll just give some lame reason speculated on by the Losties.
They've got countless story threads dangling and instead of finishing some off or giving them new direction, they just create more.
You impatient viewers, you. :laugh1:
The Lost creators had the gall to call this the best season finale ever. They said it would answer many questions on the island. I'm not sure it adequately answered any. I think Abrams spent too much time with crazy Tom Cruise lately.
Enjoy the suspense, even if ya have to wait for another season. There aren't enough television shows and motion pictures that employ this anymore. I'm always keen on something that brings back the days of Alfred Hitchcock and The Twilight Zone.
I do enjoy the suspense.....but not when they are dragging it out to simply extend the life of the show. IMO, that is what they have decided to do. Not when they sell the episode as answering questions. Not when they answer questions with lame answers when the viewers expect more.
Maybe next season rolls in with an explanation of Walt's time with the Others through flashback. Maybe Micheal/Walt is resolved better. Maybe the crash is explained in a flashback. Maybe the button is explained further in a flashback. Maybe then I'll eat my words, but at until then, I think Lost had a nice story arc that probably took about 3 seasons to tell. Now that its a cash cow, they are stretching it out and diluting it in the process.
This entire second season paled to Season 1.