Pretty funny story regarding the Cowboys-Raiders game I attended. Should've posted this already but just thought of doing so now...
My buddy and I are driving to the game.
He's a Raiders fan, I'm a 'Boys fan... we're talking trash to one another and whatnot, until the subject of the McQuistan Brothers comes up.
He's ripping into his scrub McQuistan (Paul), I'm ripping into mine (Pat). The joke grows until we've successfully turned it into a long-winded inside joke. Ripping the McQuistans to shreds, laughing hysterically.
We arrive at the game and to our seats (section 120, field level), and 2 rows in front of us,
LO AND BEHOLD... are at least 12 people with MCQUISTAN jerseys. Paul McQuistan jerseys, Pat McQuistan jerseys, half Raider/half Cowboy Paul/Pat McQuistan jerseys...
Right freakin' behind the McQuistan family. All very "Irish-looking" too. Unreal. There's 79 other Raiders players, and 79 other Cowboys players, ******.
Obviously, our inside joke was silenced for the evening...