So you say you love Star Wars? Prove it like these People!


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Kangaroo;2792972 said:
If you are young you may also not understand how ground breaking the movie was in 1979.

I thought that Starwars and Empire Strikes back was the best of the original series. The Ewoks made Return of the Jedi 3rd otherwise it was untrack to be better before they where added in.

Now the new trilogy was a disappointment not bad but man some of the characters and stuff where :bang2::bang2:

I thought the first two were great. A New Hope and ESB. ROTJ was ehhh... A little tidibit: First movie(Episode IV) was desert, 2nd movie was Snow, third was Forest.

The new trilogy was horrible. I was really disappointed. It was so mickey mouse in its explanation and story telling. Being that they went that route they should have added Han Solo and Jaba and Grekko and Lando Calrissian. Explain the whole thing if you are gonna just make filler movies,.


Mr. Buckeye
Reaction score
Kangaroo;2792972 said:
If you are young you may also not understand how ground breaking the movie was in 1979.

I thought that Starwars and Empire Strikes back was the best of the original series. The Ewoks made Return of the Jedi 3rd otherwise it was untrack to be better before they where added in.

Now the new trilogy was a disappointment not bad but man some of the characters and stuff where :bang2::bang2:

It was even better in 1977. :p: