Oh I can handle pretty much everything, my friend...including you're fallacious and faulty logic.
Based on your absolutist view of the world, then, let me paint you a scenario: say you get into a good-paying but "potentially treacherous" job in construction, for example. You know going in that the role is fraught with danger...dudes have broken bones, fallen from high places and been disabled, and even killed in that line of work. And of course you know this going in and choose to do it anyways (buyer beware and taking FULL PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY). NOW let's say that the construction company for years took on projects where they held back information about some OTHER key risk involved...one of a more clandestine nature, such as asbestos exposure. They had done study after study on the issue and knew very much about this particular risk involved in exposing workers to this contagion but they said/did nothing...or worse yet they downplayed it when you began complaining of mysterious symptoms simply saying "quit your belly aching and get back in there and sacrifice for the sake of the company...you big coward, you don't hear your co-workers complaining!" Or something to that effect...later on in life you realize your fate of living out the rest of your days in chronic illness...an invalid destined to die a premature death. This is tantamount to the situation we're discussing now concerning the league and what they have apparently willfully hidden from the players for MANY years. Sure, there are many risks about the vocation that are self-evident and plain to see, but there may be something else much more sinister below the surface that the league has only begun to acknowledge as to avoid responsibility - and that is the LEAGUE's personal responsibility and not solely the individual's.
Unless you're of the asinine belief that the individual in my scenario should've been able to detect the contagions, too...smh.
Oh...and former PLAYERS completely disagree with you, too.
And since the league has already paid some 3/4 of a billion dollars in settlements out over this issue (not even including the institutional abuses over pain killers and other misdeeds carried out on players), apparently the personal responsibility argument isn't working out too well for the NFL, either...smh again.