Solari and the blocking scheme


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People will give Dak grief for some things. Pollard a lot of grief for his poor stats. The offensive linemen have a lot of complaints against them.

Watching the game, how many times do we see an opposing defensive player run completely free? This happens on pass plays and run plays. It frequently seems like it is by design but at other times, just poor communication.

You know that draw play out of the shotgun where Pollard gets maybe 2 yards out of? Do people see multiple offensive linemen pulling into the hole and Pollard having to wait for them, only to be tackled by backside pursuit?

Overall, I think Solari has been at the root cause of a lot of Dallas' problems this year. Maybe its Schottenheimer. This kind of stuff didn't happen last year with largely the same group of players.

The passing game and Dak's mobility has frequently covered up just how bad this issue has been. IMO, Solari and possibly Schottenheimer have been Mike Nolan level fiascos as coaches and its just being hid by other aspects of the team.

Side note: Steele kind of sucks. I don't blame Solari for that. I'm specifically talking about how the blocking is designed and coached. Watching around the league, I don't see these breakdowns frequently.


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People will give Dak grief for some things. Pollard a lot of grief for his poor stats. The offensive linemen have a lot of complaints against them.

Watching the game, how many times do we see an opposing defensive player run completely free? This happens on pass plays and run plays. It frequently seems like it is by design but at other times, just poor communication.

You know that draw play out of the shotgun where Pollard gets maybe 2 yards out of? Do people see multiple offensive linemen pulling into the hole and Pollard having to wait for them, only to be tackled by backside pursuit?

Overall, I think Solari has been at the root cause of a lot of Dallas' problems this year. Maybe its Schottenheimer. This kind of stuff didn't happen last year with largely the same group of players.

The passing game and Dak's mobility has frequently covered up just how bad this issue has been. IMO, Solari and possibly Schottenheimer have been Mike Nolan level fiascos as coaches and its just being hid by other aspects of the team.

Side note: Steele kind of sucks. I don't blame Solari for that. I'm specifically talking about how the blocking is designed and coached. Watching around the league, I don't see these breakdowns frequently.

This hire has been an issue. We are not physical in the running game, and there are lots of leaky pass pro issues.

I hope we get aggressive and go after a YOUNG OL coach who can maximize the guys we have.

Solari ain’t it. The proof is in the pudding


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yea the player stink or are hurt or both big deal

wasnt mccarthy big thing he run his mouth bout was how him and his staff will adjust the scheme to the player


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People will give Dak grief for some things. Pollard a lot of grief for his poor stats. The offensive linemen have a lot of complaints against them.

Watching the game, how many times do we see an opposing defensive player run completely free? This happens on pass plays and run plays. It frequently seems like it is by design but at other times, just poor communication.

You know that draw play out of the shotgun where Pollard gets maybe 2 yards out of? Do people see multiple offensive linemen pulling into the hole and Pollard having to wait for them, only to be tackled by backside pursuit?

Overall, I think Solari has been at the root cause of a lot of Dallas' problems this year. Maybe its Schottenheimer. This kind of stuff didn't happen last year with largely the same group of players.

The passing game and Dak's mobility has frequently covered up just how bad this issue has been. IMO, Solari and possibly Schottenheimer have been Mike Nolan level fiascos as coaches and its just being hid by other aspects of the team.

Side note: Steele kind of sucks. I don't blame Solari for that. I'm specifically talking about how the blocking is designed and coached. Watching around the league, I don't see these breakdowns frequently.
No you can't blame the coach for both pit tackles getting wupped by Hutchinson. However, the line as a whole has regressed and that falls solely on him. MM does not seem to hire a staff very well.


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People will give Dak grief for some things. Pollard a lot of grief for his poor stats. The offensive linemen have a lot of complaints against them.

Watching the game, how many times do we see an opposing defensive player run completely free? This happens on pass plays and run plays. It frequently seems like it is by design but at other times, just poor communication.

You know that draw play out of the shotgun where Pollard gets maybe 2 yards out of? Do people see multiple offensive linemen pulling into the hole and Pollard having to wait for them, only to be tackled by backside pursuit?

Overall, I think Solari has been at the root cause of a lot of Dallas' problems this year. Maybe its Schottenheimer. This kind of stuff didn't happen last year with largely the same group of players.

The passing game and Dak's mobility has frequently covered up just how bad this issue has been. IMO, Solari and possibly Schottenheimer have been Mike Nolan level fiascos as coaches and its just being hid by other aspects of the team.

Side note: Steele kind of sucks. I don't blame Solari for that. I'm specifically talking about how the blocking is designed and coached. Watching around the league, I don't see these breakdowns frequently.
Something must be going right to win 11 games thus far, but I'm totally with you something is just off with our run game and its not just a Steele issue. Smith and Martin should be able to open more things up but there really isn't the same running lanes we see from other offenses. I think it has to be the scheme and perhaps Biadsz isn't a good run blocker.


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People will give Dak grief for some things. Pollard a lot of grief for his poor stats. The offensive linemen have a lot of complaints against them.

Watching the game, how many times do we see an opposing defensive player run completely free? This happens on pass plays and run plays. It frequently seems like it is by design but at other times, just poor communication.

You know that draw play out of the shotgun where Pollard gets maybe 2 yards out of? Do people see multiple offensive linemen pulling into the hole and Pollard having to wait for them, only to be tackled by backside pursuit?

Overall, I think Solari has been at the root cause of a lot of Dallas' problems this year. Maybe its Schottenheimer. This kind of stuff didn't happen last year with largely the same group of players.

The passing game and Dak's mobility has frequently covered up just how bad this issue has been. IMO, Solari and possibly Schottenheimer have been Mike Nolan level fiascos as coaches and its just being hid by other aspects of the team.

Side note: Steele kind of sucks. I don't blame Solari for that. I'm specifically talking about how the blocking is designed and coached. Watching around the league, I don't see these breakdowns frequently.
I think our run scheme is stale. I think we are showing a “tell” to the defense because I’ve never seen so many stuffs and TFLs before. Our opponents live in our backfield.


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so many teams like the niners and the Rams have such imaginative running plays but we are stuck with dinosaurs like Solari.


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People will give Dak grief for some things. Pollard a lot of grief for his poor stats. The offensive linemen have a lot of complaints against them.

Watching the game, how many times do we see an opposing defensive player run completely free? This happens on pass plays and run plays. It frequently seems like it is by design but at other times, just poor communication.

You know that draw play out of the shotgun where Pollard gets maybe 2 yards out of? Do people see multiple offensive linemen pulling into the hole and Pollard having to wait for them, only to be tackled by backside pursuit?

Overall, I think Solari has been at the root cause of a lot of Dallas' problems this year. Maybe its Schottenheimer. This kind of stuff didn't happen last year with largely the same group of players.

The passing game and Dak's mobility has frequently covered up just how bad this issue has been. IMO, Solari and possibly Schottenheimer have been Mike Nolan level fiascos as coaches and its just being hid by other aspects of the team.

Side note: Steele kind of sucks. I don't blame Solari for that. I'm specifically talking about how the blocking is designed and coached. Watching around the league, I don't see these breakdowns frequently.
Absolutely great post.
It is exactly as you described it here.
At the start of the year the defensive dominance with the pass rush and turnovers played the primary role in deflecting attention away from how poorly designed and ineffective the ground game was because we were still winning.

Then after the Charger game the passing offense really started clicking and that took all the attention away from the poor rush game again.
And we were still winning.

It's just now that it's at the end of the year and our last 3 games have been against 3 playoff teams. And we've lost 2 of them.So now our extremely weak run game is more totally exposed.

It's actually sucked all year but only now has the widespread attention come.

And yes, Solari, Schott AND McCarthy do not know what they are doing in regards to game planning an effective run game.

Absolutely clueless and pathetic.
Beyond pathetic even.


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Absolutely great post.
It is exactly as you described it here.
At the start of the year the defensive dominance with the pass rush and turnovers played the primary role in deflecting attention away from how poorly designed and ineffective the ground game was because we were still winning.

Then after the Charger game the passing offense really started clicking and that took all the attention away from the poor rush game again.
And we were still winning.

It's just now that it's at the end of the year and our last 3 games have been against playoff teams, our run game is more totally exposed.

It's actually sucked all year but only now has the widespread attention come.

And yes, Solari, Schott AND McCarthy do not know what they are doing in regards to game planning an effective run game.

Absolutely clueless and pathetic.
Beyond pathetic even.
Just in general, do NFL teams have a quality control function? Is someone not pointing out to McCarthy that the draw out of the shotgun with pulling linemen is averaging something like 1 yards per play despite being one of the most common plays being called?

Its just head scratching. I'm not a huge Dak fan but I think his legs have made McCarthy look better than he is. A great example was the 92 yarder today. That was a broken play and a missed blocking assignment that turned into Dallas' second longest TD of all time.

The teams that are successful running the ball are doing so with quick hitters, filled with one on one and combo blocks. Virtually no one is running these slow developing run plays and probably haven't been for years.


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Here's the thing. The Oline blocks passing plays at a fairly high grade, like 85 or B+. Run D/F. It's MM and the style is like the old Green Bay teams. They NEVER ran that well. Always practiced to pass block but they had Brett Farve and Aaron Rodgers. So it is kind of obvious to me what is going on.

The problem is (and I am not a guy that has DDS (Dak Derangement Syndrome)) Dak is not those two guys.... I feel things would be a lot better with even an AVG running game. We don't have anywhere close to that. It's probably bottom 5 in how the blocking scheme works right now. It's dubious to think about going into the playoffs. Will take a miracle to win a road game to get where we want to see the team go.