Some ammo for your positive pistol


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
What's the positive pistol? Why that's what you use to shoot those negative vibes to give you a better outlook on anything. In this case the 2021 Dallas Cowboys season. I find it also comes in handy in the other, real, parts of life as well.

Is it necessary to have a little self sell in you? Yes, it is but wouldn't you rather be positive now and wrong later? What's the harm? Another year to stack on the 25 Years of Misery?

First off, let's put that to rest, this team won the East 6 times in that 25 year span and 3 of the last 7 years. So, is that really 25 Years of Misery? Oh, you are Super bowl or bust? Sorry, in 60 years, they've only been to 8 so you get 52 Years of Misery.

Now, concerning the NFC East, the last time a team repeated was 2004, 17 years ago so it seems that it's up for grabs every season. Does the NFC East look greatly improved from the one a team won with a losing record and promptly lost their first playoff game? A team with one more win than the Dallas Cowboys? Do they really look that good to you?

Or can you make a case for any of the 4, and I admit PHL is a bit of a stretch, winning the East this season. Then why not the Cowboys? Their QB is back and please don't turn this into a Prescott thread. He is yards better than anyone else they could put on the field last year and the best QB in the division by far. And reports are good about the returning OL.

There have been 120 participating teams in the Super bowls to date. There have been 18 teams that missed the playoffs the previous season, including the 2020 Tampa Bay Buccaneers with a 7-9 record in 2019. That's 15% of the teams and in the last decade we've seen few divisions with repeat winners except for the AFC East.

There have been disappointing and surprising teams every season as well. In fact, since 1988, 10 teams have failed to make the playoffs after a trip to the Super bowl the previous season.

One thing that has developed and in this situation the Cowboys were ahead of the curve, the NFL is a year to year proposition now with teams ready to pull the triggers on GM's, HC's and QB's quicker than any time before. It is the "what have you done for me lately" game now.

So, it's our choice, the level of positivity or negativity we decide to approach this season with and valid points to be made for either and both. We all have the same ability to feel as we want to feel about this season.

If you are so down on them that you can't sell yourself, I won't argue with how you feel even though I do not feel the same. I will continue to point to the positive ammo I see and 4 really good bullets I see are Prescott, Big Smitty, Collins and Martin returning healthy because this team rides the offense and offense is necessary to compete in the NFL.

The best defensive team in the playoffs was the WFT at 7-9 and they lost their only playoff game because of the lack of offense. The paradigm was shifted by the owners and they are getting exactly what they wanted.

And your Dallas Cowboys are in the sweet spot with what should be a top 5 offense is scoring and yards.

What you've really got to sell yourself on is that this D, with a change in coaching and additions through the draft and FA, has improved enough to take the East and maybe get past that division round on the strength of the offense. I do not see a NFC team that scares me.

A little self disclosure about the author of this thread. I was a card carrying pessimist for most of my life and quick to tell anyone that I was either right or pleasantly surprised, win-win for me. But I was wrong and didn't grasp the true value of optimism and positivity, even on events over which I had no control. I learned the only thing I could truly affect was my attitude because what was going to happen was going to happen. When it did and it was not what I wanted, in fact what I feared above all other things, I was still thankful for that time when I was positive.

The value is in the here and now, not the future and not even in the outcome, the payoff for positivity happens for us in the journey, not the destination. And we choose how to make that journey. Took me 60 years to learn that.


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
What's the positive pistol? Why that's what you use to shoot those negative vibes to give you a better outlook on anything. In this case the 2021 Dallas Cowboys season. I find it also comes in handy in the other, real, parts of life as well.

Is it necessary to have a little self sell in you? Yes, it is but wouldn't you rather be positive now and wrong later? What's the harm? Another year to stack on the 25 Years of Misery?

First off, let's put that to rest, this team won the East 6 times in that 25 year span and 3 of the last 7 years. So, is that really 25 Years of Misery? Oh, you are Super bowl or bust? Sorry, in 60 years, they've only been to 8 so you get 52 Years of Misery.

Now, concerning the NFC East, the last time a team repeated was 2004, 17 years ago so it seems that it's up for grabs every season. Does the NFC East look greatly improved from the one a team won with a losing record and promptly lost their first playoff game? A team with one more win than the Dallas Cowboys? Do they really look that good to you?

Or can you make a case for any of the 4, and I admit PHL is a bit of a stretch, winning the East this season. Then why not the Cowboys? Their QB is back and please don't turn this into a Prescott thread. He is yards better than anyone else they could put on the field last year and the best QB in the division by far. And reports are good about the returning OL.

There have been 120 participating teams in the Super bowls to date. There have been 18 teams that missed the playoffs the previous season, including the 2020 Tampa Bay Buccaneers with a 7-9 record in 2019. That's 15% of the teams and in the last decade we've seen few divisions with repeat winners except for the AFC East.

There have been disappointing and surprising teams every season as well. In fact, since 1988, 10 teams have failed to make the playoffs after a trip to the Super bowl the previous season.

One thing that has developed and in this situation the Cowboys were ahead of the curve, the NFL is a year to year proposition now with teams ready to pull the triggers on GM's, HC's and QB's quicker than any time before. It is the "what have you done for me lately" game now.

So, it's our choice, the level of positivity or negativity we decide to approach this season with and valid points to be made for either and both. We all have the same ability to feel as we want to feel about this season.

If you are so down on them that you can't sell yourself, I won't argue with how you feel even though I do not feel the same. I will continue to point to the positive ammo I see and 4 really good bullets I see are Prescott, Big Smitty, Collins and Martin returning healthy because this team rides the offense and offense is necessary to compete in the NFL.

The best defensive team in the playoffs was the WFT at 7-9 and they lost their only playoff game because of the lack of offense. The paradigm was shifted by the owners and they are getting exactly what they wanted.

And your Dallas Cowboys are in the sweet spot with what should be a top 5 offense is scoring and yards.

What you've really got to sell yourself on is that this D, with a change in coaching and additions through the draft and FA, has improved enough to take the East and maybe get past that division round on the strength of the offense. I do not see a NFC team that scares me.

A little self disclosure about the author of this thread. I was a card carrying pessimist for most of my life and quick to tell anyone that I was either right or pleasantly surprised, win-win for me. But I was wrong and didn't grasp the true value of optimism and positivity, even on events over which I had no control. I learned the only thing I could truly affect was my attitude because what was going to happen was going to happen. When it did and it was not what I wanted, in fact what I feared above all other things, I was still thankful for that time when I was positive.

The value is in the here and now, not the future and not even in the outcome, the payoff for positivity happens for us in the journey, not the destination. And we choose how to make that journey. Took me 60 years to learn that.

A truly awesome post! Thanks so much for sharing it.

I am also learning the value of a positive attitude and perspective in life. It’s taken me quite a while as well.

But what I have learned is that each of us has the power to control our narrative. If you want to find the negatives in life? You can. You can turn an otherwise great life into daily misery. But the opposite is also true, if you look for the positives, you will find them everywhere.

It’s all up to you.


Well-Known Member
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Now, concerning the NFC East, the last time a team repeated was 2004



Well-Known Member
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Great post and outlook. I have been a Cowboy fan since their very first game. Have had the privilege to meet many of the greats in Don Meredith, Bob Lilly, Roger Staubach, Tony Dorsett, etc., etc. So I have lived with the good and the bad and been accused of being to bias for them but they are my team.

I to had to learn to be positive in light of a bad season or even in everyday life. Doctors believe that I have cancer yet they aren't sure exactly where all the spots are or how bad but that will change on June 24th with biophys and testing. Yet I have approached it as we don't know anything yet and if it is bad then I will deal with it like going into a draft and hoping the guys I pick are going to change everything for the better.

Had the opportunity to watch America's Got Talent last night as she loves that show and the final contestant last night was a 30 year old gal who has beat cancer three times and she was quite a good singer for a fragile person. She confirmed afterward that she has a 2 percent chance of surviving the new cancers and doctors have given her six months. Her attitude is basically I am not the sum of the bad things but much more of the good things, she is determine to see positives and let life happen. Had to admire that because frankly been a bit down with my news so still working on that positive attitude and the good things.

Will Dallas be better this year? I believe they will be. If they can stay healthy then they could do great things. A Super Bowl? Who knows because fate always plays into things but like every year, I will be going into the year with high hopes of great things and frankly it won't change until they are either Champs or eliminated.

Being a Cowboy fan is difficult sometimes but really would you rather be a Bengal or Brown or Jet fan. Might think about that one.


Well-Known Member
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Nothing wrong with being positive when you have a blow out on the highway and know your abilities.

But some day you'll be napping while your daughter drives and she'll suddenly shake you awake and ask, "What do I do now?"
As your eyes open you'll find yourself in the middle of nowhere with cows and fences asking, "Did you follow the GPS?"
And she'll reply, "Yes dad, it said turn right in 110 feet. This is 110 feet. Where do I turn?"

Suddenly all your positivity will be tested and you'll be somewhere between "Who gave this kid a license?" and "Why don't we go another 50 yard to that stop sign and turn right?"


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
What's the positive pistol? Why that's what you use to shoot those negative vibes to give you a better outlook on anything. In this case the 2021 Dallas Cowboys season. I find it also comes in handy in the other, real, parts of life as well.

Is it necessary to have a little self sell in you? Yes, it is but wouldn't you rather be positive now and wrong later? What's the harm? Another year to stack on the 25 Years of Misery?

First off, let's put that to rest, this team won the East 6 times in that 25 year span and 3 of the last 7 years. So, is that really 25 Years of Misery? Oh, you are Super bowl or bust? Sorry, in 60 years, they've only been to 8 so you get 52 Years of Misery.

Now, concerning the NFC East, the last time a team repeated was 2004, 17 years ago so it seems that it's up for grabs every season. Does the NFC East look greatly improved from the one a team won with a losing record and promptly lost their first playoff game? A team with one more win than the Dallas Cowboys? Do they really look that good to you?

Or can you make a case for any of the 4, and I admit PHL is a bit of a stretch, winning the East this season. Then why not the Cowboys? Their QB is back and please don't turn this into a Prescott thread. He is yards better than anyone else they could put on the field last year and the best QB in the division by far. And reports are good about the returning OL.

There have been 120 participating teams in the Super bowls to date. There have been 18 teams that missed the playoffs the previous season, including the 2020 Tampa Bay Buccaneers with a 7-9 record in 2019. That's 15% of the teams and in the last decade we've seen few divisions with repeat winners except for the AFC East.

There have been disappointing and surprising teams every season as well. In fact, since 1988, 10 teams have failed to make the playoffs after a trip to the Super bowl the previous season.

One thing that has developed and in this situation the Cowboys were ahead of the curve, the NFL is a year to year proposition now with teams ready to pull the triggers on GM's, HC's and QB's quicker than any time before. It is the "what have you done for me lately" game now.

So, it's our choice, the level of positivity or negativity we decide to approach this season with and valid points to be made for either and both. We all have the same ability to feel as we want to feel about this season.

If you are so down on them that you can't sell yourself, I won't argue with how you feel even though I do not feel the same. I will continue to point to the positive ammo I see and 4 really good bullets I see are Prescott, Big Smitty, Collins and Martin returning healthy because this team rides the offense and offense is necessary to compete in the NFL.

The best defensive team in the playoffs was the WFT at 7-9 and they lost their only playoff game because of the lack of offense. The paradigm was shifted by the owners and they are getting exactly what they wanted.

And your Dallas Cowboys are in the sweet spot with what should be a top 5 offense is scoring and yards.

What you've really got to sell yourself on is that this D, with a change in coaching and additions through the draft and FA, has improved enough to take the East and maybe get past that division round on the strength of the offense. I do not see a NFC team that scares me.

A little self disclosure about the author of this thread. I was a card carrying pessimist for most of my life and quick to tell anyone that I was either right or pleasantly surprised, win-win for me. But I was wrong and didn't grasp the true value of optimism and positivity, even on events over which I had no control. I learned the only thing I could truly affect was my attitude because what was going to happen was going to happen. When it did and it was not what I wanted, in fact what I feared above all other things, I was still thankful for that time when I was positive.

The value is in the here and now, not the future and not even in the outcome, the payoff for positivity happens for us in the journey, not the destination. And we choose how to make that journey. Took me 60 years to learn that.

For the life of me I don't understand why if you're a fan of a team like the Cowboys whom haven't won much but show some good promise, why not get behind them and try to explore optimism? Through the years we've all seen teams that were suppose to fail succeed, and we've seen teams that were suppose to succeed fail. The negativity with our fans on this forum that bothers me the most is the unwillingness to really look at the big picture. I mean, it's okay to decide you don't think Dak is a great QB, or you think he can't win the big one, but in your nut rolling agenda, you might want to consider that this is a team sport and all pieces need to come together to win. We've all seen Qb's like Trent Dilfer win the big one even though he was a pretty suspect talent. I think logic would go along way to creating a much more pleasurable experience. My gun is loaded with optimism, I'm ready to embrace hope for a nice season.


Cowboys Diehard
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There's nothing like negativity from the fans to discourage the players from doing their best. Let's not allow that to discourage what chances we might have to field a good team that's about to go into battle. Try putting yourselves in the the position of the players and keep your support doing the most good. You never know when a few players and maybe many more, might give their all to please their faithful fans. ;)
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Well-Known Member
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------For the life of me I don't understand why if you're a fan of a team like the Cowboys whom haven't won much but show some good promise, why not get behind them and try to explore optimism? Through the years we've all seen teams that were suppose to fail succeed, and we've seen teams that were suppose to succeed fail. The negativity with our fans on this forum that bothers me the most is the unwillingness to really look at the big picture. I mean, it's okay to decide you don't think Dak is a great QB, or you think he can't win the big one, but in your nut rolling agenda, you might want to consider that this is a team sport and all pieces need to come together to win. We've all seen Qb's like Trent Dilfer win the big one even though he was a pretty suspect talent. I think logic would go along way to creating a much more pleasurable experience. My gun is loaded with optimism, I'm ready to embrace hope for a nice season.

Still wears a Bill Bates jersey on game days


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
What's the positive pistol? Why that's what you use to shoot those negative vibes to give you a better outlook on anything. In this case the 2021 Dallas Cowboys season. I find it also comes in handy in the other, real, parts of life as well.

Is it necessary to have a little self sell in you? Yes, it is but wouldn't you rather be positive now and wrong later? What's the harm? Another year to stack on the 25 Years of Misery?

First off, let's put that to rest, this team won the East 6 times in that 25 year span and 3 of the last 7 years. So, is that really 25 Years of Misery? Oh, you are Super bowl or bust? Sorry, in 60 years, they've only been to 8 so you get 52 Years of Misery.

Now, concerning the NFC East, the last time a team repeated was 2004, 17 years ago so it seems that it's up for grabs every season. Does the NFC East look greatly improved from the one a team won with a losing record and promptly lost their first playoff game? A team with one more win than the Dallas Cowboys? Do they really look that good to you?

Or can you make a case for any of the 4, and I admit PHL is a bit of a stretch, winning the East this season. Then why not the Cowboys? Their QB is back and please don't turn this into a Prescott thread. He is yards better than anyone else they could put on the field last year and the best QB in the division by far. And reports are good about the returning OL.

There have been 120 participating teams in the Super bowls to date. There have been 18 teams that missed the playoffs the previous season, including the 2020 Tampa Bay Buccaneers with a 7-9 record in 2019. That's 15% of the teams and in the last decade we've seen few divisions with repeat winners except for the AFC East.

There have been disappointing and surprising teams every season as well. In fact, since 1988, 10 teams have failed to make the playoffs after a trip to the Super bowl the previous season.

One thing that has developed and in this situation the Cowboys were ahead of the curve, the NFL is a year to year proposition now with teams ready to pull the triggers on GM's, HC's and QB's quicker than any time before. It is the "what have you done for me lately" game now.

So, it's our choice, the level of positivity or negativity we decide to approach this season with and valid points to be made for either and both. We all have the same ability to feel as we want to feel about this season.

If you are so down on them that you can't sell yourself, I won't argue with how you feel even though I do not feel the same. I will continue to point to the positive ammo I see and 4 really good bullets I see are Prescott, Big Smitty, Collins and Martin returning healthy because this team rides the offense and offense is necessary to compete in the NFL.

The best defensive team in the playoffs was the WFT at 7-9 and they lost their only playoff game because of the lack of offense. The paradigm was shifted by the owners and they are getting exactly what they wanted.

And your Dallas Cowboys are in the sweet spot with what should be a top 5 offense is scoring and yards.

What you've really got to sell yourself on is that this D, with a change in coaching and additions through the draft and FA, has improved enough to take the East and maybe get past that division round on the strength of the offense. I do not see a NFC team that scares me.

A little self disclosure about the author of this thread. I was a card carrying pessimist for most of my life and quick to tell anyone that I was either right or pleasantly surprised, win-win for me. But I was wrong and didn't grasp the true value of optimism and positivity, even on events over which I had no control. I learned the only thing I could truly affect was my attitude because what was going to happen was going to happen. When it did and it was not what I wanted, in fact what I feared above all other things, I was still thankful for that time when I was positive.

The value is in the here and now, not the future and not even in the outcome, the payoff for positivity happens for us in the journey, not the destination. And we choose how to make that journey. Took me 60 years to learn that.
Looks like you dipped the secret sauce then washed it down with cold Stevie cool aid. We know this is a championship ready team right Jerry.


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Great post and outlook. I have been a Cowboy fan since their very first game. Have had the privilege to meet many of the greats in Don Meredith, Bob Lilly, Roger Staubach, Tony Dorsett, etc., etc. So I have lived with the good and the bad and been accused of being to bias for them but they are my team.

I to had to learn to be positive in light of a bad season or even in everyday life. Doctors believe that I have cancer yet they aren't sure exactly where all the spots are or how bad but that will change on June 24th with biophys and testing. Yet I have approached it as we don't know anything yet and if it is bad then I will deal with it like going into a draft and hoping the guys I pick are going to change everything for the better.

Had the opportunity to watch America's Got Talent last night as she loves that show and the final contestant last night was a 30 year old gal who has beat cancer three times and she was quite a good singer for a fragile person. She confirmed afterward that she has a 2 percent chance of surviving the new cancers and doctors have given her six months. Her attitude is basically I am not the sum of the bad things but much more of the good things, she is determine to see positives and let life happen. Had to admire that because frankly been a bit down with my news so still working on that positive attitude and the good things.

Will Dallas be better this year? I believe they will be. If they can stay healthy then they could do great things. A Super Bowl? Who knows because fate always plays into things but like every year, I will be going into the year with high hopes of great things and frankly it won't change until they are either Champs or eliminated.

Being a Cowboy fan is difficult sometimes but really would you rather be a Bengal or Brown or Jet fan. Might think about that one.
Good thoughts for you on your journey, Sandy. It was that journey with my wife that taught me the power of optimism and that it is it's own reward.


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
A truly awesome post! Thanks so much for sharing it.

I am also learning the value of a positive attitude and perspective in life. It’s taken me quite a while as well.

But what I have learned is that each of us has the power to control our narrative. If you want to find the negatives in life? You can. You can turn an otherwise great life into daily misery. But the opposite is also true, if you look for the positives, you will find them everywhere.

It’s all up to you.

I always had a pretty positive attitude throughout my life. Also surround myself with people that think positive. I tend to stay away from anyone that is always negative.
I get it, there are times everyone feels negative about things, I have also. But for the most part I snap out of it and find the positives. Or create something positive.

It is the only way I know. Except when Garrett was doing stupid stuff, that was hard to find positives. :laugh:

I know Dallas has issues, but I still won't twist the faintest positive into a negative. I may joke about it in a way at times. I think our offense if healthy of course will be a top offense, no doubt. But have a wait and see approach with the defense. But I do have expectation they will be better than most think they will be, even with Jaylon. :muttley:


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
------For the life of me I don't understand why if you're a fan of a team like the Cowboys whom haven't won much but show some good promise, why not get behind them and try to explore optimism? Through the years we've all seen teams that were suppose to fail succeed, and we've seen teams that were suppose to succeed fail. The negativity with our fans on this forum that bothers me the most is the unwillingness to really look at the big picture. I mean, it's okay to decide you don't think Dak is a great QB, or you think he can't win the big one, but in your nut rolling agenda, you might want to consider that this is a team sport and all pieces need to come together to win. We've all seen Qb's like Trent Dilfer win the big one even though he was a pretty suspect talent. I think logic would go along way to creating a much more pleasurable experience. My gun is loaded with optimism, I'm ready to embrace hope for a nice season.

Still wears a Bill Bates jersey on game days
Nope, but I'm excited at the possibility to wear a BossManFat jersey if he plays well..


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Nothing wrong with being positive when you have a blow out on the highway and know your abilities.

But some day you'll be napping while your daughter drives and she'll suddenly shake you awake and ask, "What do I do now?"
As your eyes open you'll find yourself in the middle of nowhere with cows and fences asking, "Did you follow the GPS?"
And she'll reply, "Yes dad, it said turn right in 110 feet. This is 110 feet. Where do I turn?"

Suddenly all your positivity will be tested and you'll be somewhere between "Who gave this kid a license?" and "Why don't we go another 50 yard to that stop sign and turn right?"



Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Looks like you dipped the secret sauce then washed it down with cold Stevie cool aid. We know this is a championship ready team right Jerry.
Brax, I didn't say championship, I said winner of the East and at least gets to the division round and don't call me Jerry, you can call me Booger.
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Reaction score
CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
What's the positive pistol? Why that's what you use to shoot those negative vibes to give you a better outlook on anything. In this case the 2021 Dallas Cowboys season. I find it also comes in handy in the other, real, parts of life as well.

Is it necessary to have a little self sell in you? Yes, it is but wouldn't you rather be positive now and wrong later? What's the harm? Another year to stack on the 25 Years of Misery?

First off, let's put that to rest, this team won the East 6 times in that 25 year span and 3 of the last 7 years. So, is that really 25 Years of Misery? Oh, you are Super bowl or bust? Sorry, in 60 years, they've only been to 8 so you get 52 Years of Misery.

Now, concerning the NFC East, the last time a team repeated was 2004, 17 years ago so it seems that it's up for grabs every season. Does the NFC East look greatly improved from the one a team won with a losing record and promptly lost their first playoff game? A team with one more win than the Dallas Cowboys? Do they really look that good to you?

Or can you make a case for any of the 4, and I admit PHL is a bit of a stretch, winning the East this season. Then why not the Cowboys? Their QB is back and please don't turn this into a Prescott thread. He is yards better than anyone else they could put on the field last year and the best QB in the division by far. And reports are good about the returning OL.

There have been 120 participating teams in the Super bowls to date. There have been 18 teams that missed the playoffs the previous season, including the 2020 Tampa Bay Buccaneers with a 7-9 record in 2019. That's 15% of the teams and in the last decade we've seen few divisions with repeat winners except for the AFC East.

There have been disappointing and surprising teams every season as well. In fact, since 1988, 10 teams have failed to make the playoffs after a trip to the Super bowl the previous season.

One thing that has developed and in this situation the Cowboys were ahead of the curve, the NFL is a year to year proposition now with teams ready to pull the triggers on GM's, HC's and QB's quicker than any time before. It is the "what have you done for me lately" game now.

So, it's our choice, the level of positivity or negativity we decide to approach this season with and valid points to be made for either and both. We all have the same ability to feel as we want to feel about this season.

If you are so down on them that you can't sell yourself, I won't argue with how you feel even though I do not feel the same. I will continue to point to the positive ammo I see and 4 really good bullets I see are Prescott, Big Smitty, Collins and Martin returning healthy because this team rides the offense and offense is necessary to compete in the NFL.

The best defensive team in the playoffs was the WFT at 7-9 and they lost their only playoff game because of the lack of offense. The paradigm was shifted by the owners and they are getting exactly what they wanted.

And your Dallas Cowboys are in the sweet spot with what should be a top 5 offense is scoring and yards.

What you've really got to sell yourself on is that this D, with a change in coaching and additions through the draft and FA, has improved enough to take the East and maybe get past that division round on the strength of the offense. I do not see a NFC team that scares me.

A little self disclosure about the author of this thread. I was a card carrying pessimist for most of my life and quick to tell anyone that I was either right or pleasantly surprised, win-win for me. But I was wrong and didn't grasp the true value of optimism and positivity, even on events over which I had no control. I learned the only thing I could truly affect was my attitude because what was going to happen was going to happen. When it did and it was not what I wanted, in fact what I feared above all other things, I was still thankful for that time when I was positive.

The value is in the here and now, not the future and not even in the outcome, the payoff for positivity happens for us in the journey, not the destination. And we choose how to make that journey. Took me 60 years to learn that.
Tell em!!


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I always had a pretty positive attitude throughout my life. Also surround myself with people that think positive. I tend to stay away from anyone that is always negative.
I get it, there are times everyone feels negative about things, I have also. But for the most part I snap out of it and find the positives. Or create something positive.

It is the only way I know. Except when Garrett was doing stupid stuff, that was hard to find positives. :laugh:

I know Dallas has issues, but I still won't twist the faintest positive into a negative. I may joke about it in a way at times. I think our offense if healthy of course will be a top offense, no doubt. But have a wait and see approach with the defense. But I do have expectation they will be better than most think they will be, even with Jaylon. :muttley:

I try to do the same and surround myself with positive people that lift me up rather than bringing me down. I’ve stopped giving space to people like that.

But I’ve learned it’s about perspective and that a person can find whatever they’re looking for, good or bad.

It’s not easy and it takes awareness and effort, but the fact is that there’s always much more good than bad.


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I try to go the same and surround myself with positive people that lift me up rather than bringing me down. I’ve stopped giving space to people like that.

But I’ve learned it’s about perspective and that a person can find whatever they’re looking for, good or bad.

It’s not easy and it takes awareness and effort, but the fact is that there’s always much more good than bad.
It's simple to me. We don't always know where we'll end up but we do choose the path.

It's also simple to me about this game. If I were as down on this team as some seem to be, I wouldn't even bother with it. Hell, I am a Razorback and find something to be positive about every off season if for no other reason than to not get out in front of the negatives that could be coming. If they're coming, let them come in their own time, I don't need to be advancing them. I'll deal with them when they come.


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It's simple to me. We don't always know where we'll end up but we do choose the path.

It's also simple to me about this game. If I were as down on this team as some seem to be, I wouldn't even bother with it. Hell, I am a Razorback and find something to be positive about every off season if for no other reason than to not get out in front of the negatives that could be coming. If they're coming, let them come in their own time, I don't need to be advancing them. I'll deal with them when they come.


Bingo! I'll deal with bad news if and when it does happen, not create it out of nothing or something that might happen.


Well-Known Member
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Does the NFC East look greatly improved from the one a team won with a losing record and promptly lost their first playoff game?

First, I give you a like for the effort & general message.

To answer this particular question, yes I see improvement across the division other than the ugly birds situation being murky. They have all made moves to improve. We can't act like we are the only ones who will field a different or healthier team. And that nameless team that won the division last year gave the Bucs the toughest test of their playoffs with a QB most had never heard of. So, we can be positive but let's acknowledge that the bar is higher than 2020 standards.