Some dude threatened my coworker

Reverend Conehead

Well-Known Member
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My coworker took a call today from some guy who claimed he had sued Microsoft for 180 million dollars and won. He also claimed to work for the CIA. He made these claims after my coworker explained that he needed to transfer him to the billing department because the billing department handles, um ... you know ... the bills, which was what the call was about. So the dude made these claims and threatened to sue our company for 180 million dollars if he was transferred.


Yuppers, I'm sure he was telling the truth. No one would ever lie about a thing like that, would they? If he was 180 million dollars rich, I wonder what he was doing making stupid phone calls. LOL. Some people have no idea how stupid they sound.


Well-Known Member
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My coworker took a call today from some guy who claimed he had sued Microsoft for 180 million dollars and won.

This part can actually be true. You can sue for whatever you want, doesn't mean you'll be receiving that amount if you win. If the caller was awarded a buck or two in the lawsuit, technically he won. :)

Crazed Liotta Eyes

Well-Known Member
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My coworker took a call today from some guy who claimed he had sued Microsoft for 180 million dollars and won. He also claimed to work for the CIA. He made these claims after my coworker explained that he needed to transfer him to the billing department because the billing department handles, um ... you know ... the bills, which was what the call was about. So the dude made these claims and threatened to sue our company for 180 million dollars if he was transferred.


Yuppers, I'm sure he was telling the truth. No one would ever lie about a thing like that, would they? If he was 180 million dollars rich, I wonder what he was doing making stupid phone calls. LOL. Some people have no idea how stupid they sound.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone claim they won a major lawsuit against a major corporation, I'd have at least 180 million dollars.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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My company has a call center too. You should hear some of the asinine crap some of our customers say. We've had several customers make some of our female reps cry because they are so mean and threatening.

I happen to be standing there one time when a rep ran up to the call center manager crying. The call center manager was trying to calm the guy down. I asked how much the order was for, it was like $40. I grabbed the phone and told the guy, we will no longer do busy with him and hung up on him then blocked his phone number at the PBX.

While he could still order under a new email address on the website. He won't be bashing our reps anymore.


Well-Known Member
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My company has a call center too. You should hear some of the asinine crap some of our customers say. We've had several customers make some of our female reps cry because they are so mean and threatening.

I happen to be standing there one time when a rep ran up to the call center manager crying. The call center manager was trying to calm the guy down. I asked how much the order was for, it was like $40. I grabbed the phone and told the guy, we will no longer do busy with him and hung up on him then blocked his phone number at the PBX.

While he could still order under a new email address on the website. He won't be bashing our reps anymore.
A guy was crying because someone was rude? Wth? Lmao


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
This part can actually be true. You can sue for whatever you want, doesn't mean you'll be receiving that amount if you win. If the caller was awarded a buck or two in the lawsuit, technically he won. :)
Or if he was one of a million involved in a class action suit.

Reverend Conehead

Well-Known Member
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My company has a call center too. You should hear some of the asinine crap some of our customers say. We've had several customers make some of our female reps cry because they are so mean and threatening.

I happen to be standing there one time when a rep ran up to the call center manager crying. The call center manager was trying to calm the guy down. I asked how much the order was for, it was like $40. I grabbed the phone and told the guy, we will no longer do busy with him and hung up on him then blocked his phone number at the PBX.

While he could still order under a new email address on the website. He won't be bashing our reps anymore.

Good for you. I will say most people are pretty nice or at least reasonable, but we get some weirdos who threaten violence. In cases like that, we've got their name and address right in front of us and can call the cops on them if we think it's serious. I had one guy threaten to blow us up with a hydrogen bomb. I started laughing so hard I couldn't talk to him anymore and I just hung up. Technically, I could have reported him for making a terrorist threat, but it was so dang funny I didn't bother.

Crazed Liotta Eyes

Well-Known Member
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I work in video games and years ago I worked at a company that took their own customer service calls. A huge percentage of the calls were people wanting to know how to finish the installation of our AAA title. When the installation finished on your PC, the message said, "press any key to finish the installation". The common question was, "where is the any key?". I've never had faith in humanity since then.


Well-Known Member
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Give them a break, Crazed. There are many keys on a keyboard that most people never use and an "any" key sounds just as legitimate as a Windows key. There is a subculture that rarely spend time at a computer. I've met many people are very intelligent in one area and complete morons in others.

I've dealt with so many irate customers. They think I'm responsible for everything that has gone wrong in their life since they set foot on my company's property. I don't build or sell cars. One man cussed me over the name of the company as if I had named it. It did teach me how to deal with others that were confused, so it wasn't a total loss. I'd still like to beat the crap out of him though. I apologize for sending him your way, @YosemiteSam. :grin:

@Reverend Conehead, the guy you're describing sounds unstable.

Reverend Conehead

Well-Known Member
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I work in video games and years ago I worked at a company that took their own customer service calls. A huge percentage of the calls were people wanting to know how to finish the installation of our AAA title. When the installation finished on your PC, the message said, "press any key to finish the installation". The common question was, "where is the any key?". I've never had faith in humanity since then.

Yes, this has been a common occurrence. I guess people don't understand about definite articles. If the word "the" is missing, it's not asking for a specific key. I remember at one point, some company was actually considering making keyboards that had an "any" key, which only acted like another return key or another space bar. Some other software developers changed that "press any key" to "press the space bar."

Some people are so computer illiterate, I wonder how they get through life. It's like not knowing how to tie your shoes or sign your name. Just today I was helping a woman who didn't know how to type in a web address into her computer browser, and she didn't even understand that there were different browsers. I'm not hating on her because she was a nice lady, and I did successfully help her because she was good at listening and following my exact instructions. I just felt bad for her because it will be hard to get stuff done when you're computer illiterate.


Well-Known Member
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Yes, this has been a common occurrence. I guess people don't understand about definite articles. If the word "the" is missing, it's not asking for a specific key. I remember at one point, some company was actually considering making keyboards that had an "any" key, which only acted like another return key or another space bar. Some other software developers changed that "press any key" to "press the space bar."

Some people are so computer illiterate, I wonder how they get through life. It's like not knowing how to tie your shoes or sign your name. Just today I was helping a woman who didn't know how to type in a web address into her computer browser, and she didn't even understand that there were different browsers. I'm not hating on her because she was a nice lady, and I did successfully help her because she was good at listening and following my exact instructions. I just felt bad for her because it will be hard to get stuff done when you're computer illiterate.

...So why hasn't anyone made a fortune selling custom keyboards with an "Any" key to people who won't learn about computers? I mean, the market is right freaking there.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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I've dealt with so many irate customers.




Well-Known Member
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...Should of just said "Go Ahead!" "Sue!" And then just hang up. Even if he were to accomplish an actual lawsuit...more than likely the judge would call it frivolous and throw the case out!...:cool:


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
Reaction score
My company has a call center too. You should hear some of the asinine crap some of our customers say. We've had several customers make some of our female reps cry because they are so mean and threatening.

I happen to be standing there one time when a rep ran up to the call center manager crying. The call center manager was trying to calm the guy down. I asked how much the order was for, it was like $40. I grabbed the phone and told the guy, we will no longer do busy with him and hung up on him then blocked his phone number at the PBX.

While he could still order under a new email address on the website. He won't be bashing our reps anymore.
* I had 11 years of dreading that EMERGENCY RESPONSE call from my
" call center " @2a.m. & it was 70 miles away (either up the mountain or on the boarder A.O. )
Pound sand up yer ying-yang's corporate America pooper of tooter while yer' pounding that sandy yangs-ying up yer fortune 500 cornholio,AS WELL corporate call centers sez' ey!



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
There will come the day, and I have 0 reservations about this, that man will regret inventing the computer.

And I do not know anyone personally here so I am not including any of you in this but in my experience since computers began their takeover, the more computer literate people I know are the least effective communicators in person to person interaction. They prefer the non-human approach of computers/internet and smartphones.

I do not put myself in the computer literate category and if it were not for this site and you knuckleheads, I would be a very sporadic user as machines do not interest me, only in how they can enhance my life and I cannot say the computer is the best at that. I spend too much time on something smarter than me.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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My coworker took a call today from some guy who claimed he had sued Microsoft for 180 million dollars and won. He also claimed to work for the CIA. He made these claims after my coworker explained that he needed to transfer him to the billing department because the billing department handles, um ... you know ... the bills, which was what the call was about. So the dude made these claims and threatened to sue our company for 180 million dollars if he was transferred.


Yuppers, I'm sure he was telling the truth. No one would ever lie about a thing like that, would they? If he was 180 million dollars rich, I wonder what he was doing making stupid phone calls. LOL. Some people have no idea how stupid they sound.
It was me. It just felt right, at the time...
You think I'll win?