Source says Packers contact Vikings about trade for Favre


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By BOB McGINN, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Last update: August 3, 2008 - 10:46 PM

GREEN BAY, Wis. — The Green Bay Packers welcomed back quarterback Brett Favre from the reserve-retired list Sunday knowing full well that they've already taken the first step toward trading him to the Minnesota Vikings.
An executive in personnel for an NFL team with close ties to clubs in the NFC North Division told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that the Packers called the Vikings on Friday informing them that Favre was available.

"They've kind of said through one of their (front-office) guys that if Favre did report they would potentially trade him within the division," the executive said late Sunday afternoon.

The source said the conversation between officials from the two bitter rivals was brief. There was no discussion about possible compensation.

James "Bus" Cook, Favre's agent, has not been involved in talks with the Vikings regarding a possible restructuring of his contract, according to the source.

The contact by the Packers was termed "a feeler" in the event Favre rejected the multimillion-dollar marketing and promotional agreement offered by Green Bay.

"They thought he would agree to it," the executive said. "Evidently, he didn't agree to it."

The Vikings, according to the source, remain convinced that the Packers don't want Favre on their roster in 2008.

It appears more and more as if the Vikings are the only team in the NFC North with legitimate interest in Favre. On Thursday, top officials of the Detroit Lions said they wouldn't trade for him. In Chicago, coach Lovie Smith said he was happy with quarterbacks Rex Grossman and Kyle Orton.

"The Bears say they're not interested," the source said. "The Bears just kind of are what they are. I don't see him in Detroit, either. At least the Vikings' offense is what he's used to. Old dogs don't learn new tricks, especially in three weeks."


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I would contact them too seems like they love to build champs when they feel they are one player away LOL Just how bad do they want Favre


Makin' It Rain
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I'm not sure I understand what the Packers are doing here.

They've gone from welcoming him back (when Favre first wanted to return shortly after retiring), to telling him to stay away --- that the QB job was Aaron's and that if he'd come to camp it'd get Packer execs fired --- to welcoming him back and opening up the QB competition, to now trading him? And my lineage there only covers about half of the waffling.

I know this situation is tricky but it doesn't seem like the Packers are all that prepared to handle this.

I mean, most Internet articles right now talk about how the Packers are much better off now that Favre is back, that he'll win the job back and they'll be better off for it. I'm sure a lot of fans agree. And you're telling me they're going to wake up tomorrow and potentially hear he's headed to Minnesota?


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I think they might wait til after week 1 to trade him to the Vikings, for a 2nd rounder and 6th. 2nd could turn into a 1st if they make the playoffs.

Unless Aaron looks like *** all camp.

It would be chaos for about a month, but if Favre beats them in their own building as a Viking they will never hear the end of it an they want to avoid that at all costs.

So this stuff may go on for another month


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If they can get a first rounder from Minn for him they should do it. Favre has screwed the Packers in a big some point you just have to not wonder whether or not the player is going to come back. I mean how many years has he been on the fence about returning? At some point as a franchise you need to move forward. They did that with the QB position as well, drafting Brohm and way they would of done that had Favre made it clear he was coming back.


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carphalen5150;2173951 said:
If they can get a first rounder from Minn for him they should do it. Favre has screwed the Packers in a big some point you just have to not wonder whether or not the player is going to come back. I mean how many years has he been on the fence about returning? At some point as a franchise you need to move forward. They did that with the QB position as well, drafting Brohm and way they would of done that had Favre made it clear he was coming back.

The Packers should stand there ground and keep him a Packer.. either on sidelines as backup or a retired one.

Forget about draft picks... its the principle... Brett is running the Packers... has been for years. It has to stop.


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Favre has been running the Packers for so long because Packer fans treat him like God. Packers need to realize Favre is still jerking their chain but they've got little choice. Trading him to their biggest rival--the Vikings--is dumb. Let him come back to the Packers, beat out Rogers for the starting job & live with him rest of this season. Maybe he'll realize after 08 season that he is finally ready to retire. But one thing I'm sure of is that the Packers aren't going to win the SB this year cause the Cowboys will win it.


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*shakes head*

This thread makes me sad to think some people here actually even call themselves humans or football fans.


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Boysboy;2173937 said:
In Chicago, coach Lovie Smith said he was happy with quarterbacks Rex Grossman and Kyle Orton.


Rex Grossman is our quarterback.
Rex Grossman is our quarterback.
Kyle Orton is our..
Rex Grossman is our quarterback.

Borderline insanity, and desparation!! We are so blessed to have Tony Romo on our roster.

DWhite Fan

It ain't over 'til it's over
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The Vikings should get that purple #4 jersey ready. It is gonna be so sweet to see the reaction that occurs when the Favre lead Vikings roll into Lambeau to face the Pack. As T.O. says, "Get your popcorn ready!" :laugh2: :laugh2:


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DWhite Fan;2174251 said:
The Vikings should get that purple #4 jersey ready. It is gonna be so sweet to see the reaction that occurs when the Favre lead Vikings roll into Lambeau to face the Pack. As T.O. says, "Get your popcorn ready!" :laugh2: :laugh2:

The Packers are in "the right" here... I hope he plays against them twice and loses and doesnt make the playoffs.

Something has to end this charade/parade of his.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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carphalen5150;2173951 said:
If they can get a first rounder from Minn for him they should do it..

The Vikings would be imbeciles if they offered that for a QB that nobody knows if he would retire next offseason.


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What I think would be great to see is favre going to Minnesota and destroying their season. I can just see him continuing to check out of run plays, and throwing to Minnesota's crappy receivers who can't hang onto the ball because Favre doesn't know when to put touch on it, and then his 30 INT season comes back and they don't have Taco Wallace to blame it on...

It could happen.


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I can't believe that the Packers would be so bone-headed as to trade Favre to their heated rival----the Vikings. I would understand it if the Vikings were just so-so, but this could win the division for them.

If I were the Packers, I would hold onto Favre and see how Rodgers does through the pre-season, if he stinks up the joint at least you have a good option---a future HOF and not a rookie. If Rodgers does well, then you can trade him to another team NOT named the Vikings or Bears. Even if its a ham sandwich and a bag of chips.

You can't keep him as a backup because this will be a distraction the whole season and undermine Rodgers as well everytime he throws an incomplete pass. Anyway, just my 2 pesos worth.


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superpunk;2174259 said:
What I think would be great to see is favre going to Minnesota and destroying their season. I can just see him continuing to check out of run plays, and throwing to Minnesota's crappy receivers who can't hang onto the ball because Favre doesn't know when to put touch on it, and then his 30 INT season comes back and they don't have Taco Wallace to blame it on...

It could happen.

I'm expecting a breakout year for Sidney Rice if the Vikes get Favre.


Junior College Transfer
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I can't stand the Packers. Or Favre.
But as much as an idiot that old man Favre is, he's managed to wreak havoc on the Packers organization. He obviously does not know (yet) that the franchise is bigger than the player.

If I were in the Packers' front office, I'd either trade him OUT of the division or hold on to him. Let Favre carry the clipboard and bring water to the O coordinator and to Rodgers.
Let him suffer the indignities that he's made the Packers suffer.
This backwoods has-been needs to learn the facts of life. And that is that he's just another player who is not bigger than Lombardi, than Starr and will soon be on the trash heap of old guys who could not let go.
Favre is a HOFer, but that is a repository for has-beens. And he is no longer part of the long-range plan.

Packers, in a way, deserve this for coddling this pouty, indecisive old man.


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RESIN8;2174285 said:
I'm expecting a breakout year for Sidney Rice if the Vikes get Favre.
He'd make a great scapegoat to excuse a poor performance by Favre.


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He may have a flop year as he is known to have.But I will say chances are if he goes to Vikings the NFC just got a lot tougher,cause the Vikings are stacked everywhere else.


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Sago1 has hit the nail on the head with his post: but I would add one critical thing if I was Green Bay. Call a news conference when Favre wins the job and announce this WILL be his last year. No ifs, ands, buts, or anything of the kind. Have McCarthy, Thompson and Murphy there and also announce the farewell ceremony than coincides with the last game of the season. Turn a ngeative into a positive, let the old man have one LAST crack at it, but make it clear to the world it will be one last time. God I can't beleive I wasted this much time on such an arse as Favre is............................


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superpunk;2174259 said:
What I think would be great to see is favre going to Minnesota and destroying their season. I can just see him continuing to check out of run plays, and throwing to Minnesota's crappy receivers who can't hang onto the ball because Favre doesn't know when to put touch on it, and then his 30 INT season comes back and they don't have Taco Wallace to blame it on...

It could happen.

What the heck are you talking about... I mean seriously he never did that ALOT... never... he never did that ALOT.... really....

Oh.. and btw I agree with you 100%. ^^^
Everyone is afraid to call it like it is with this guy... ***?