Source: Vick 'one of the heavyweights' in dogfighting

FuzzyLumpkins;1511061 said:
umm no its not its a writ to have a prisoner brought to court.

so they can have due process of law

little history here, bear w/ me

during the Civil War, Lincoln had suspected Southern sympathisers detained and held w/ no trial, so the US Supreme Court instituted habeus corpus to protect US citizens from having to endure unlawful imprisonment, yes, it's a writ, but one so that someone can be provided a trial to declare his guilt or innocence, or what we've come to call "due process", trial, judge and jury

hope that helps
FuzzyLumpkins;1511060 said:
Actually i dont see it as an insult. when in doubt you turn to your religion. i dont have it that easy. that is all i meant and if you want to read more into it then fine.

i actually find many many good things out of the christianity it is just too inconsistent for me to use as an all encompassing reference.

Well Don Imus didn't think he insulted anyone either. if he had said, "I'm sorry if you felt insulted," he would have sounded insincere.

I don't turn to my religion when in doubt. My religion is a part of me. It's not there for convenience.

I'm going to bed. Night fellas.

*sigh* not habeas again. let it go... I'm not explaining it again ;)
peplaw06;1511062 said:
You can find anything if you search hard enough.

You'll call it a "perceived" moral basis, and I'll call your's a "perceived" economic basis. The dog fighting debate, which is off the tracks, has rarely ever mentioned economics. You're the only one I recall bringing it up. Most people's feelings get involved, and that's why these threads are so heated. That's America, that's democracy. Like it or not most people disagree with you for moral reasons.

You can scream it's economics all you want, but at a base level, people's emotions got involved. I don't recall anyone saying that they abhorred dog fighting because it hurt their bottom line. Take from that what you will. i assume it will be something along the lines of, "they're not thinking for themselves, like I am. They're going with the crowd." But the crowd rules in democracy.

no as i have repeated several times my objection is that i find it hypocritical to accept certain forms of animal torture and not others and that emotions are not a good basis to form law.

now you are obviously getting upset and are trying to pin things that i say that make you mad as the center points of my argument but that is not the case.

i only brought up economic benefit because people said dogfighting had no benefit whatsoever.
Bob Sacamano;1511064 said:
so they can have due process of law

then im confused as to why i got hammered when i substituted habeus corpus for due process in the first place.

after looking into i thought that habeus corpus insured due process but was not due process in and of itself.
peplaw06;1511065 said:
Well Don Imus didn't think he insulted anyone either. if he had said, "I'm sorry if you felt insulted," he would have sounded insincere.

I don't turn to my religion when in doubt. My religion is a part of me. It's not there for convenience.

I'm going to bed. Night fellas.

*sigh* not habeas again. let it go... I'm not explaining it again ;)

im sorry but if i wasnt trying to insult you im not going to kowtow everytime you think that i do.
FuzzyLumpkins;1511067 said:
then im confused as to why i got hammered when i substituted habeus corpus for due process in the first place.

I don't know, I just remember jumping into the discussion to clarify, and peplaw went even further, I don't think either you or theogt were right because your points didn't exactly fit the argument

FuzzyLumpkins said:
after looking into i thought that habeus corpus insured due process but was not due process in and of itself.

you're right, it's just a writ that bars unlawful detainment, but they go hand in hand
Bob Sacamano;1511069 said:
I don't know, I just remember jumping into the discussion to clarify, and peplaw went even further, I don't think either you or theogt were right because your points didn't exactly fit the argument

you're right, it's just a writ that bars unlawful detainment, but they go hand in hand

they may go hand in hand but they dont equate. So habeus corpus is not due process.
FuzzyLumpkins;1511072 said:
they may go hand in hand but they dont equate. So habeus corpus is not due process.

splitting hairs

habeus corpus ensures the right to a fair, prompt trial to determine innocence or guilt.
Bob Sacamano;1511074 said:
splitting hairs

habeus corpus ensures the right to a fair, prompt trial to determine innocence or guilt.

and a diet high in fiber ensures regularity. that doesnt make a diet high in fiber regularity.

They are not synonymous.
Hostile;1510734 said:
It's amazing.

We ban someone...we're too quick on the trigger.

We don't ban someone...we allow too much.

We leave a thread should be closed.

We close a thread...we don't care about free speech.

For all the griping, I sure don't see any of these posters reporting the posts or the thread. Tells me that they simply love to whine in public.

And this is exactly why I wouldn't want ya'lls job and why I appreciate our mods so very much

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