Sources say today (May 1st) is the day Randy Gregory applies for reinstatement


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Given it Goodell making the decision and Gregory is a Cowboy, nothing is certain. But Josh Gordon got a second chance to I am assuming if the rumors are tru about him being clean for the past 2 years then he probably will get a chance to come back. The question is after all this time off will he really make a difference? Can he stay clean for any length of time? Can Dallas depend on him to be there when they need him? Was he really any good to begin with?

We'd all like to think he is the hyped up player we drafted, but at this point he is a long shot.

Here is a bigger question, with the federal government apparently decriminalizing pot use in states which have legalized pot and more and more states legalizing it, what will the NFL policy be for marijuana use among players?
Some really good points made and accurate questions regarding how well he can/will be after all this time. As for the NFL policy, not sure much will change too quickly on that front. Even though it may be legalized in some states (for medical purposes), organizations, employers, etc can still hold to the drug free policy for employment purposes. Some changes happen very slowly


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I’m curious on what grounds do you believe he won’t be reinstated? What have you seen or heard that would indicate that? We’ve heard he’s been clean for 2 years. Josh Gordan has been given multiple chances.

I’m not gonna get into the whole addiction portion of this, because some people don’t get what addiction is. But Randy is not what you’d call your typical addict, and pot isn’t your typical “addictive drug”.

As I said, everything has been positive out of his camp and it looks like he has a very good chance of being reinstated. That's why I'm bracing for the worst.

Something will come up, or Jerry will get into with the commish again, or whatever else and it will crush my hopes.


Franchise Tagged
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The fact people still defend this guy and have hope he will amount to anything is the funniest joke.
I don't think anyone is defending him. I think you have a group of mature fans who are sympathetic and don't take every opportunity to unnecessarily rip and make fun of a guy they don't know. No member of this message board knows what his personal demons are.


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Funny how you can read any of these Randy Gregory threads and easily pick out who the potheads are. HINT: They are the people defending this loser with hope he will contribute.

My security clearance says otherwise. Sometimes people need to hit rock bottom before they can pick themselves up. Sometimes people do things because they haven't found another means to cope and fall back on what they know or what is accessible to them.

I'd try and make an analogy of all the people who would rather see a young man fail and succumb to his demons vice succeeding, however, I can't without stereotyping and offending an innocent part of that population, so let's call a spade a spade, you're just being ignorant and an *** to boot.


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Funny how you can read any of these Randy Gregory threads and easily pick out who the potheads are. HINT: They are the people defending this loser with hope he will contribute.
I've never smoked pot but I'm not dumb enough to think Gregory was doing this just because he wanted to get high. He has a bi polar issue and weed was the only thing helping him. Sometimes you wage a war long enough in your head you make mistakes out of desperation


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Funny how you can read any of these Randy Gregory threads and easily pick out who the potheads are. HINT: They are the people defending this loser with hope he will contribute.

I hope he will contribute and have never smoked pot and don't do any drugs, not even alcohol.

I'm not defending his behavior, though. I just want my team to win, and if Gregory can help with that, then I want him out there.


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Given it Goodell making the decision and Gregory is a Cowboy, nothing is certain. But Josh Gordon got a second chance to I am assuming if the rumors are tru about him being clean for the past 2 years then he probably will get a chance to come back. The question is after all this time off will he really make a difference? Can he stay clean for any length of time? Can Dallas depend on him to be there when they need him? Was he really any good to begin with?

We'd all like to think he is the hyped up player we drafted, but at this point he is a long shot.

Here is a bigger question, with the federal government apparently decriminalizing pot use in states which have legalized pot and more and more states legalizing it, what will the NFL policy be for marijuana use among players?

31 teams, no problem...Dallas Cowboys, problem...that will be Goodell's / Mara's rule.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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I defend Gregory and don't smoke weed at all. I have a CDL and drug tested regularly...... So you're wrong pal
I've never smoked pot but I'm not dumb enough to think Gregory was doing this just because he wanted to get high. He has a bi polar issue and weed was the only thing helping him. Sometimes you wage a war long enough in your head you make mistakes out of desperation
I hope he will contribute and have never smoked pot and don't do any drugs, not even alcohol.

I'm not defending his behavior, though. I just want my team to win, and if Gregory can help with that, then I want him out there.
Potheads... clearly. I see right through all of you!


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The fact that some people have no idea concerning his situation and bash him is sadder. Once the smoke clears, and he plays, will you and others like you change your mind?
When you said the smoke clears you were making a weed joke right?


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I hope we get him back.

If he's been clean for a couple of years then that is a very positive sign.

That alone gives me hope. He has had to go through the league testing on a regular basis and has been clean. He still has a lot to prove and hope he gets the chance to prove himself


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That alone gives me hope. He has had to go through the league testing on a regular basis and has been clean. He still has a lot to prove and hope he gets the chance to prove himself

I just hope Jerry and Stephen does the right thing, and give him that opportunity to compete for a roster spot. I am sure they will but they have done bone headed stuff as we all know.


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Funny how you can read any of these Randy Gregory threads and easily pick out who the potheads are. HINT: They are the people defending this loser with hope he will contribute.
I'm a 48 year old pot head that looks like i'm in my early 20's...I hold down and $80k a year Subcontracts administrator job....... make about $1500 to $1600 A MONTH...from my company in which I own, run, operate, program, code, shoot and edit for about 20 different porn sites........I guess I'm a non motivated loser also.....lmao


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I just hope Jerry and Stephen does the right thing, and give him that opportunity to compete for a roster spot. I am sure they will but they have done bone headed stuff as we all know.

I think Jerry has stuck with him when many of us including myself gave up on Gregory. If reinstated I have little doubt he will be given the chance to earn a spot on this team. If Gregory is able to reach his potential he can thank Jerry Jones for it.
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