There are very few things that I absolutely hate.
I hate snakes. Look at their eyes, look at their forked tongue .... anything that moves like that without legs and can kill you is evil. Pure evil. I hate snakes with a passion.
I don't hate the following things .... they are just things/people that I don't get. Poplular with lots of people, but I don't get it and never will.
-- Daytime talk shows, including Oprah, Dr. Phil, etc.
-- Nicholas Cage. Has a face like a bloodhound, thinning hair, can't act. I told someone once that he had to be related to someone to break into Hollywood. Then I found out that he is. I realize he's hugely popular, but I don't get it and never will.
-- Summer. I hate being hot all the time. 105 degrees isn't my idea of fun.
-- Yardwork. I will never understand the attraction some people have for this. Pushing a mower through grass, pulling weeds, sweat trickling down your face, insects buzzing around .... This is work for prisoners. They show these guys on TV shows on the HG Channel having fun redecorating and landscaping their yards ... notice the ground is always perfectly soft, no blazing sun, no wind, no rocks, they have all the tools they need, they never even get dirty.
-- Traveling to foreign countries. No interest in that at all. They can keep their diseases, their crappy food, their rude behavior to tourists ....
-- People who are high maintenance. Everybody knows someone like this. There's one in every group or every office. They cause problems at work, constantly sticking their nose in other people's business. They have problems at home that carry over to work. They gossip. They can destroy morale. They suck.
-- Cottage cheese. Good grief, that stuff looks and smells hideous. I also pass on mushrooms, olives and sweet potatoes.
-- Fathers that abandon their families. This country is full of dead-beat dads. It's a national epidemic that's rotting the core of this country.
-- Astrology/horoscopes. No offense to people who buy into that, but I chuckle at that crap.
-- Soccer. It seems so unnatural to play a sport and not be able to use your hands. Proponents keep saying it's going to take over the U.S. Yeah, right.
-- Bullies. I have no tolerance for this type of behavior.
-- Pretentious people. I feel sorry for them ... they're so pathetic.