Specter done with Spygate

Hostile;2139822 said:
Every time you open your mouth and try and sound smart, all that you accomplish it that you change your feet.

When I studied History, Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown to end the Revolutionary War. Last I checked Yorktown is in Virginia. I believe the Commonwealth of Virginia was part of the Confederacy, if you care to check.

Strike two.

Well, I'd like to confirm that call with the second base ump.If it weren't for Benedict Arnold and his fleet's ability to hold off the British fleet from their descent down Lake Champlain the war could, and probably would have gone a much different way. Arnold did not defeat the British at the Battle of Valcour but he did hold them up enough so that they needed to turn back and wait until spring, giving the revolutionaries the much needed time to fortify and prepare.You might also want to research the Green Mountain Boys and the role they played in the Revolutionary War. It is believed by many historians that the Battle of Valcour saved the war for the Americans so it is not far fetched to say the the contributions of New Englanders directly and significantly contributed to the Americans gaining thier independance.If we had Belicik on our side we could have probaly gone undefeated and won the war much earlier cause he would have known the signals.
Vtwin;2143867 said:
Well, I'd like to confirm that call with the second base ump.If it weren't for Benedict Arnold and his fleet's ability to hold off the British fleet from their descent down Lake Champlain the war could, and probably would have gone a much different way. Arnold did not defeat the British at the Battle of Valcour but he did hold them up enough so that they needed to turn back and wait until spring, giving the revolutionaries the much needed time to fortify and prepare.You might also want to research the Green Mountain Boys and the role they played in the Revolutionary War. It is believed by many historians that the Battle of Valcour saved the war for the Americans so it is not far fetched to say the the contributions of New Englanders directly and significantly contributed to the Americans gaining thier independance.If we had Belicik on our side we could have probaly gone undefeated and won the war much earlier cause he would have known the signals.
I never claimed the North didn't contribute. It was the other guy who flubbed up and stuck his foot in his mouth and acted like it was all one side. I merely pointed out where the surrender took place.
Hostile;2143955 said:
I never claimed the North didn't contribute. It was the other guy who flubbed up and stuck his foot in his mouth and acted like it was all one side. I merely pointed out where the surrender took place.

Well, you did respond to this: "Without the Northeast Colonies taking out the Brits in the Revolution there would be no United States and no Civil War would have been possible."by saying this: "Every time you open your mouth and try and sound smart, all that you accomplish is that you change your feet.When I studied History, Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown to end the Revolutionary War. Last I checked Yorktown is in Virginia. I believe the Commonwealth of Virginia was part of the Confederacy, if you care to check.Strike two."What he said is in fact, fact. Without the contributions of those damn Yankees there may have not been a Civil War. I'm afraid I am going to have to call Strike 2 on you.;-)
Vtwin;2144075 said:
Well, you did respond to this: "Without the Northeast Colonies taking out the Brits in the Revolution there would be no United States and no Civil War would have been possible."by saying this: "Every time you open your mouth and try and sound smart, all that you accomplish is that you change your feet.When I studied History, Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown to end the Revolutionary War. Last I checked Yorktown is in Virginia. I believe the Commonwealth of Virginia was part of the Confederacy, if you care to check.Strike two."What he said is in fact, fact. Without the contributions of those damn Yankees there may have not been a Civil War. I'm afraid I am going to have to call Strike 2 on you.;-)
That is not what he said. Look at it again. He said the Northern Colonies "took out the Brits." The implication being the Revolutionary War was fought and won in the North and this country moved on to have a civil war because of the North's making this country happen while the South stood idly by. As proof look at his "North 1, South 0" comments which is what I reponded to. You are "conventiently" excluding that from what I responded to.

Really? The South 0? Is that what you believe? Then explain the surrender at Yorktown. Want me to bring up more contributions by the South in the Revolutionary War? I can.

Note I did not say South 1, North 0. So I have never maintained that the North was not involved in the Revolutionary War as he did that the South was not. South 0 is pretty damning. On top of this he mixed up the Civil War and the Revolutionary War in the first place. I didn't.
Hostile;2144096 said:
That is not what he said. Look at it again. He said the Northern Colonies "took out the Brits." The implication being the Revolutionary War was fought and won in the North and this country moved on to have a civil war because of the North's making this country happen while the South stood idly by. As proof look at his "North 1, South 0" comments which is what I reponded to. You are "conventiently" excluding that from what I responded to.

Really? The South 0? Is that what you believe? Then explain the surrender at Yorktown. Want me to bring up more contributions by the South in the Revolutionary War? I can.

Note I did not say South 1, North 0. So I have never maintained that the North was not involved in the Revolutionary War as he did that the South was not. South 0 is pretty damning. On top of this he mixed up the Civil War and the Revolutionary War in the first place. I didn't.

Well, if you really want to keep it really real we need to go back to the first historical reference in this thread, which was made by you:"You must forgive us. Down in Texas we remember the Alamo where 136 valiant men held off 15,000 of Santa Ana's troops for 4 days. Up in the New England area you remember one guy who had to ride for help."I believe Nors response was intended to refute the insinuation that Paul Revere's ride was the only contribution to the Revolutionary War made by New England. Again, an insinuation made by you. I know my response was regarding the "one guy riding for help" comment.Again, a case could be made that the Battle Of Valcour was a real turning point in the war and some would say WON the war as it bought the colonial army the time it needed. Had the British reached Ticonderoga that fall it would have been an easy sweep right down the Hudson for them. Neither of you are exactly right going by the actual words used. Nors is more right then you though which is why I appealed to the first base ump on the second strike call. I do have to call strike three on you though. Yooouuuuuu'''''''rrrrrrreeeee OUT!;-)
Just remember it all started in Boston. The British took our town so we marched up to Canada, stole some cannons, dragged them on down to Dorchestor Heights, and said "Get the **** out."
Vtwin;2144324 said:
Well, if you really want to keep it really real we need to go back to the first historical reference in this thread, which was made by you:"You must forgive us. Down in Texas we remember the Alamo where 136 valiant men held off 15,000 of Santa Ana's troops for 4 days. Up in the New England area you remember one guy who had to ride for help."
I believe you left out...


...which would CLEARLY indicate to anyone who has synapses that fire that I was joking. See my post for evidence of the existence of this smiley.

If that wasn't enough to tell someone it was a joke you could always read my very NEXT post. It only said this.

Lil Ole Me said:

I was clearly kidding.

I further evidenced this by pointing out the common knowledge that I am not from Texas. I am a New Mexican by birth, an Arizonan by address. So the "down in Texas WE..." part should be further indication it was a joke. Apparently Northerners in this thread do not catch on to jokes. You are the 3rd person that it went right over your head.

vtwin said:
I believe Nors response was intended to refute the insinuation that Paul Revere's ride was the only contribution to the Revolutionary War made by New England. Again, an insinuation made by you. I know my response was regarding the "one guy riding for help" comment.
No, Nors response was about the Civil War. Paul Revere was part of the Revolutionary War. They are not the same war. I can prove this to you if you have any doubts..

vtwin said:
Again, a case could be made that the Battle Of Valcour was a real turning point in the war and some would say WON the war as it bought the colonial army the time it needed. Had the British reached Ticonderoga that fall it would have been an easy sweep right down the Hudson for them.
I could care less since I never said it was North 0, South 1.

It was never in my contention that the North played no role. You see, that is the denotation of the number 0. I never said it. I never maintained it. I never implied it. I simply used one very simple moment of the Revolutionary War that proves it was not "South 0."

vtwin said:
Neither of you are exactly right going by the actual words used.
Actually I am 100% right. The Revolutionary War and the Civil War are not the same war and the South contributed to the Revoltionary War which is contrary to what he said. "South 0." I never said "North 0." That is some figment of your imagination. That contention by me has never existed in this thread. The Commonwealth of Virginia was part of the Confederacy and I even gave detailed events as to their inclusion.

Nors is more right then you though which is why I appealed to the first baseump on the second strike call. I do have to call strike three on you though. Yooouuuuuu'''''''rrrrrrreeeee OUT!;-)
Nors couldn't find right with a GPS and a guide dog.

The only question is...can you? If not, perhaps the belief that Umpires are blind applies since you are the self appointed 2nd base Ump. How blind are you?
The Patriot;2144378 said:
Just remember it all started in Boston. The British took our town so we marched up to Canada, stole some cannons, dragged them on down to Dorchestor Heights, and said "Get the **** out."
Actually it all started in New York City with the signing of the Decleration of Independence which was basically a formal invitation to war.

Written by a Virginian who used the Virginia Declaration of Rights as a model.

I know how you Bostonians hate all that is NYC, but that is where the backbone of the nation was set in motion.
Hostile;2144442 said:
Actually it all started in New York City with the signing of the Decleration of Independence which was basically a formal invitation to war.

Written by a Virginian who used the Virginia Declaration of Rights as a model.

I know how you Bostonians hate all that is NYC, but that is where the backbone of the nation was set in motion.
Boston is known for the Redsox, the Celtics, and a freaking tea party.

oh and a cheating football team.
Rampage;2144461 said:
Boston is known for the Redsox, the Celtics, and a freaking tea party.

oh and a cheating football team.
You forgot the baked beans.
Hostile;2144442 said:
Actually it all started in New York City with the signing of the Decleration of Independence which was basically a formal invitation to war.

Written by a Virginian who used the Virginia Declaration of Rights as a model.

I know how you Bostonians hate all that is NYC, but that is where the backbone of the nation was set in motion.

The Battle of Lexington and Concord took place in April 1775
-British had 120 casualties
The Battle of Bunker Hill took place in June 1775
-British had 1,050 casualties
Dorchester Heights took place in March 1776
-British forces under General Howe had to evacuate Boston

The Declaration of Independence was signed in July 1776. New Englanders had been fighting the war for over a year before everybody else caught on.
Hos, it was in PHILIDELPHIA that the Declaration of Independence was created and signed. John Adams of Boston and Benjamin Franklin from PA were the prime movers of the Independence movement. Jefferson and others were also big contributers. The Independence movement was primarily a Northern one; most of those fighting against declaring Independence were from the south (though Dickenson of PA was a big roadblock as well).
burmafrd;2144682 said:
Hos, it was in PHILIDELPHIA that the Declaration of Independence was created and signed. John Adams of Boston and Benjamin Franklin from PA were the prime movers of the Independence movement. Jefferson and others were also big contributers. The Independence movement was primarily a Northern one; most of those fighting against declaring Independence were from the south (though Dickenson of PA was a big roadblock as well).
It started in Philly. They weren't all signed on the same day. The last signatures were in NYC.
The Patriot;2144663 said:
The Battle of Lexington and Concord took place in April 1775
-British had 120 casualties
The Battle of Bunker Hill took place in June 1775
-British had 1,050 casualties
Dorchester Heights took place in March 1776
-British forces under General Howe had to evacuate Boston

The Declaration of Independence was signed in July 1776. New Englanders had been fighting the war for over a year before everybody else caught on.
I will concede this to you.
Hostile;2144427 said:
I believe you left out...


...which would CLEARLY indicate to anyone who has synapses that fire that I was joking. See my post for evidence of the existence of this smiley.

If that wasn't enough to tell someone it was a joke you could always read my very NEXT post. It only said this.

I further evidenced this by pointing out the common knowledge that I am not from Texas. I am a New Mexican by birth, an Arizonan by address. So the "down in Texas WE..." part should be further indication it was a joke. Apparently Northerners in this thread do not catch on to jokes. You are the 3rd person that it went right over your head.

No, Nors response was about the Civil War. Paul Revere was part of the Revolutionary War. They are not the same war. I can prove this to you if you have any doubts..

I could care less since I never said it was North 0, South 1.

It was never in my contention that the North played no role. You see, that is the denotation of the number 0. I never said it. I never maintained it. I never implied it. I simply used one very simple moment of the Revolutionary War that proves it was not "South 0."

Actually I am 100% right. The Revolutionary War and the Civil War are not the same war and the South contributed to the Revoltionary War which is contrary to what he said. "South 0." I never said "North 0." That is some figment of your imagination. That contention by me has never existed in this thread. The Commonwealth of Virginia was part of the Confederacy and I even gave detailed events as to their inclusion.

Nors couldn't find right with a GPS and a guide dog.

The only question is...can you? If not, perhaps the belief that Umpires are blind applies since you are the self appointed 2nd base Ump. How blind are you?

LOLI see you have been schooled on the history of the Revolutionary War since my last post.Why are you hung up on the "civil War" thing. You completely missed the point of that reference too. I believe the civil war was brought into the discussion simple to point out ANOTHER example of the North's triumphs over the south. Get it? ANOTHER and DIFFERENT example. NOT to be confused with supporting evidence of the recently used OTHER example. Come on man, fire those synapses up and get with the program. ;-) Now dont' get me wrong. This is not a North vs South thing for me. I just wanted to point out that your called strikes on Nors' left PLENTY of room for an argument at the mound.I love the south. Planning a trip to NC on my motor scooter next month. Going to ride the Dragon again and putt around the Smokey Mountains for a few days.I wish I was in the land of cotton...........
Vtwin;2144867 said:
LOLI see you have been schooled on the history of the Revolutionary War since my last post.
I conceded he was right on those points.

Why are you hung up on the "civil War" thing.
I didn't bring up the Civil War. I told a joke to a New England Patriots fan as a friendly little jab and it went right over heads. It was about the Revolutionary War. Another New England fan could not grasp that and brought up the Civil War. I told him they are not the same wars. What hang up?

You completely missed the point of that reference too. I believe the civil war was brought into the discussion simple to point out ANOTHER example of the North's triumphs over the south. Get it? ANOTHER and DIFFERENT example. NOT to be confused with supporting evidence of the recently used OTHER example.
You can believe that all you want. It doesn't make it true. If you read the posts in the order written you see the truth as I have already pointed out to you. Oh, and for the record, in the Civil War I was in heaven rooting for the North. So why the hell would I care?

Come on man, fire those synapses up and get with the program. ;-)
Says the 3rd man in this thread who did not get that the whole Paul Revere thing was a JOKE.

Now dont' get me wrong. This is not a North vs South thing for me. I just wanted to point out that your called strikes on Nors' left PLENTY of room for an argument at the mound.
It was for him. Again, you don't seem to grasp this, I was talking about the Revolutionary War, not the Civil War.

I love the south. Planning a trip to NC on my motor scooter next month. Going to ride the Dragon again and putt around the Smokey Mountains for a few days.I wish I was in the land of cotton...........
Enjoy it.
Hostile;2144875 said:
I conceded he was right on those points.

I didn't bring up the Civil War. I told a joke to a New England Patriots fan as a friendly little jab and it went right over heads. It was about the Revolutionary War. Another New England fan could not grasp that and brought up the Civil War. I told him they are not the same wars. What hang up?

You can believe that all you want. It doesn't make it true. If you read the posts in the order written you see the truth as I have already pointed out to you. Oh, and for the record, in the Civil War I was in heaven rooting for the North. So why the hell would I care?

Says the 3rd man in this thread who did not get that the whole Paul Revere thing was a JOKE.

It was for him. Again, you don't seem to grasp this, I was talking about the Revolutionary War, not the Civil War.

Enjoy it.

OKMy final attempt.You dissed (YES, I KNOW IT WAS IN JEST) the North with your comment about the Alamo and Paul Revere. (AGAIN LET ME EMPHASIZE THAT I UNDERSTAND IT WAS IN JEST).He responded to that with ANOTHER and DIFFERENT example of an instance when the North triumphed over the South. i.e. the Civil War.So you see, even though YOU were talking about the Revolutionary War the reference made to the Civil War is still valid in the context of the debate over the merits of the North vs the South and their contributions to the building of this country.If you remove the personal grudges you apparently have for Nors and look at the entire thread with no preconceived notions it is clear that you are not quite getting what it trying to be expressed. I know you think you do but you are missing a couple key pieces. Yes, YOU may be talking specifically about the Revolutionary War but the discussion evolved into a North/South thing and the Civil War reference is perfectly valid and appropriate in that context.
Vtwin;2144938 said:
OKMy final attempt.You dissed (YES, I KNOW IT WAS IN JEST) the North with your comment about the Alamo and Paul Revere. (AGAIN LET ME EMPHASIZE THAT I UNDERSTAND IT WAS IN JEST).He responded to that with ANOTHER and DIFFERENT example of an instance when the North triumphed over the South. i.e. the Civil War.So you see, even though YOU were talking about the Revolutionary War the reference made to the Civil War is still valid in the context of the debate over the merits of the North vs the South and their contributions to the building of this country.If you remove the personal grudges you apparently have for Nors and look at the entire thread with no preconceived notions it is clear that you are not quite getting what it trying to be expressed. I know you think you do but you are missing a couple key pieces. Yes, YOU may be talking specifically about the Revolutionary War but the discussion evolved into a North/South thing and the Civil War reference is perfectly valid and appropriate in that context.
Okay, I will try this Reader's Digest style.

My response to him was in response to 2 comments he made in one post. I will bold them for you.

Nors said:
Without the Northeast Colonies taking out the Brits in the Revolution there would be no United States and no Civil War would have been possible.

North 1
South 0

The "Northeast whipped the British" yet the surrender was at Yorktown. Therefore how is it "South 0?"

In other words, the South had just as much to do with the Revolutionary War as the North.

I cannot be any clearer. If you still don't get it go right on thinking wrongly that I did not get his intended jab in response to my jab. His missed. Period.
Hostile;2144977 said:
Okay, I will try this Reader's Digest style.

My response to him was in response to 2 comments he made in one post. I will bold them for you.

The "Northeast whipped the British" yet the surrender was at Yorktown. Therefore how is it "South 0?"

In other words, the South had just as much to do with the Revolutionary War as the North.

I cannot be any clearer. If you still don't get it go right on thinking wrongly that I did not get his intended jab in response to my jab. His missed. Period.

DUDE! You combined two posts to make one point. You cannot do that. Nors first post was this "Civil War North - 1 South - 0Don't underestimate the might and resolve of the Northeast and its people. This is a harsh cold climate and a manufacturing base of power.What Washington did was Heroic and why we are free today."This post was in DIRECT RESPONSE to your Alamo/Paul Revere joke. You implied the NorthEastern states were wimps. Nors pointed out that the North did OK in the Civil War and since the Civil War is the only event that pitted North against South the score was 1 to 0.You then went on blabbering about Virginia etc seeming to ignore the HUGE influence New England had on the Revolutionary War. I stepped in to point out the inaccuracies in that opinion. You didn't like that and tried to twist things around using semantics. Nor's DID NOT confuse the Civil War with the Revolutionary War. He used the Civil War as ANOTHER example to refute your assertion(albeit jokingly) that the North were wimps. THAT is the KEY POINT that you need to come to terms with.You then combine the two posts to make it look like he said that the NE states whipped the Brits and that the score was 1 - 0. NO NO NO! He did not say that. Those were two SEPARATE comments and one has little to do with the other, at least for score keeping purposes.Another KEY POINT you need to understand is that the term "the &&&& whipped the ***" is not mutaully exclusive. For instance, the Cowboys "whipped" the Giants twice last year. The Giants then "whipped" the Cowboys once. See how that works? Just because one entity does some whipping does not mean that another entity cannot whip the same victim after the first whipper is done. See how that works? So, saying the Brits were whipped by the New Englanders does in no way shape or form mean that they were the ONLY ones to whip the Brits. Just like the Dolphins got whipped by almost everyone they faced last season. See how that works?I am really not sure what the place of surrender has to do with anything. Are you also saying that the invasion of Normandy was not a crucial point of WW2 because the surrender did not occur there? Are you saying that the Giants huge comeback win over the Commanders early in the season last year was irrelevant to their Superbowl win because it didn't happen at the Superbowl?
Vtwin;2145056 said:
DUDE! You combined two posts to make one point. You cannot do that. Nors first post was this "Civil War North - 1 South - 0Don't underestimate the might and resolve of the Northeast and its people. This is a harsh cold climate and a manufacturing base of power.What Washington did was Heroic and why we are free today."This post was in DIRECT RESPONSE to your Alamo/Paul Revere joke. You implied the NorthEastern states were wimps. Nors pointed out that the North did OK in the Civil War and since the Civil War is the only event that pitted North against South the score was 1 to 0.You then went on blabbering about Virginia etc seeming to ignore the HUGE influence New England had on the Revolutionary War. I stepped in to point out the inaccuracies in that opinion. You didn't like that and tried to twist things around using semantics. Nor's DID NOT confuse the Civil War with the Revolutionary War. He used the Civil War as ANOTHER example to refute your assertion(albeit jokingly) that the North were wimps. THAT is the KEY POINT that you need to come to terms with.You then combine the two posts to make it look like he said that the NE states whipped the Brits and that the score was 1 - 0. NO NO NO! He did not say that. Those were two SEPARATE comments and one has little to do with the other, at least for score keeping purposes.Another KEY POINT you need to understand is that the term "the &&&& whipped the ***" is not mutaully exclusive. For instance, the Cowboys "whipped" the Giants twice last year. The Giants then "whipped" the Cowboys once. See how that works? Just because one entity does some whipping does not mean that another entity cannot whip the same victim after the first whipper is done. See how that works? So, saying the Brits were whipped by the New Englanders does in no way shape or form mean that they were the ONLY ones to whip the Brits. Just like the Dolphins got whipped by almost everyone they faced last season. See how that works?I am really not sure what the place of surrender has to do with anything. Are you also saying that the invasion of Normandy was not a crucial point of WW2 because the surrender did not occur there? Are you saying that the Giants huge comeback win over the Commanders early in the season last year was irrelevant to their Superbowl win because it didn't happen at the Superbowl?
Oh my gosh.


Enjoy your drama parade. I've explained it for the last time. You don't get it. I understand.

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