Specter: Patriots Cheated in '04 Against Steelers

I remember hearing when all of this stuff broke the Patriots had a guy with a photographic memory that could see the other teams signs and personell packages and know the exact play they were going to run.

Kinda like the Dustin Hoffman/ Tom Cruise movie with the dyslectic card counter in Vegas........"the Rainman"

Maybe thats what they are bringing Campo back for...........:D

ok somewhat harsh.........:p: apologize in advance...but too good to pass up
I don't expect anything to come of this unless Walsh has more info that contradicts what the Pats told the NFL.

The only thing that has come of this is that Specter has now made it public that the Pats taped the Steelers the same year they beat them in the AFC Championship game. It's funny how Roger overlooked letting the public know that (or any other detail about the tapes) when he handed out his punishment earlier this year.

If nothing else, this revelation just further tarnishes their legacy.
Doomsday Duck;1955073 said:
Like I have said in this forum before, I am sure Goodell destroyed all the video tapes he was given by the patties. Which I honestly believe were all the tapes they had in their posession....because they were the only tapes that the patties didn't get to throw into the wood chipper before the NFL showed up at their door step....

At least we know how billy boy went from a crappy head coach in Cleveland, prior to the year 2000, to a "super genius" once landing in New England

That could be a possibility.
Bob Sacamano;1955019 said:
the Pats are going to get bent over

My thoughts on the Cheatriots*?

Well, since it was the Steelers maybe we'll let it slide!:eek:: :steelers:
tyke1doe;1955039 said:
Two things in this story confirms what I've stated throughout this situation:

1. Goodell knew the extent of the cheating.

2. Walsh took tapes which were the property of the league and needs indemnity because he "improperly" took that property.
I don't think anyone ever argued with you on those two points. The rest of your tripe was just Goodell pandering.

Specter can question Walsh all he wants, but if he doesn't have any evidence - i.e., the tapes - then it's going to be simply he said he said.
He said, he said, yes... but that doesn't mean Walsh won't be more credible than Belichick.
vta;1955242 said:
Pablo Escobar...

How likely is it that Bill gets booted from the league over this?

I've never watched the Kill Bill movies as I'm not a big Quentin Tarantino fan, but I'm well aware of who the REAL Pable Escobar was. People think Al Capone was a powerful and dangerous man. He was nothing compared to Pablo Escobar.
Wow, so this must be what it was like to have watched the USSR crumble...sheer joy!
I think that Goodall destroyed the tapes to limit the damage to the league and the Pats due to the extent of the cheating.

If it came out for a fact that the cheating was extensive to the point that it definitely effected the outcome of playoff and super bowl games the ramifications would be enormous.

Goodall was just trying to keep this as low key and off the radar as possible.

Personnaly, if they cheated, they should be stripped of some of the titles they won.

Individuals are getting much worse - jail time - for cheating. The Patriots were doing this on an organizational level - damn embarrassing for the team and the league.
theogt;1955022 said:
He scoffed at the reasons Goodell gave for destroying the tapes and notes, particularly about trying to keep them out of competitors' hands and because Belichick had admitted to the taping.

I was halfway buying the excuse that he destroyed them because they felt that they got all the info they needed and that the tapes were no longer useful to the league, but of he actually used this as an excuse then I'm calling BS. There is a coverup. That is one of the lamest excuses he could have come up with.:laugh2:
I don't think they would ever strip them of titles, but if they did, would the Super Bowl runner-up be declared the champs? Talk about major asteriks in the NFL history books if that happened.
Just strip them and declare no winners for that year.

(I do not want the Eagles getting one :D)
zrinkill;1955555 said:
Just strip them and declare no winners for that year.

(I do not want the Eagles getting one :D)
Who's to say they would have beaten the Steelers? They were 17-1 at that point, I believe. Ugh..then they'd have 6 trophies.
I just love how prior to Super Bowl week, NFL Network and ESPN were gushing about how Bellichek prepares his players, and is about constant repetition. His players and Bellichek himself were all smiles about the team. New England was the talk of town, their greatness unquestioned. The media was talking about how the Patriots never needed Spy-gate to win the SB, as this year was proving. Until Spectre showed up once again, alonmg with Walsh.

Bellichek's coaching credibility is now going down the drain in the game that was suppose to solidify his greatness. The game that was ultimately suppose to redeem his past 3 chamionships. It was all the more beautiful when Brady got curshed on the second to last play of the game, with Bellichek calling deep balls to Randy Moss in desparation, trying to rely on him alone to take them to the promised land. Poor Brady... His OL couldn't get away with that much holding in light of the scandal.

Now, everybody has just disappeared. Tom Brady is in hiding, and you would think they would try and get a peep out of him. Bellichek, nobody knows where he is. And I'm loving every minute of it. I think Spectre deserves to have a position for life in the government...
I have a question. What do they mean when they say they handed the NFL all the tapes they had?

I mean there is no way for the NFL to know how many tapes they had to begin with. Also, how hard is it to make copies of the tapes and give the NFL the originals and keep an extra copies for just in case situations and use them here and there?

To me this whole thing doesn't make any sense. I am talking about "they gave the NFL all the tapes in their possession". This one stinks, stinks like fish I tell ya, oh wait no it is clam chowder.
DCfaninDC;1955573 said:
I have a question. What do they mean when they say they handed the NFL all the tapes they had?

I mean there is no way for the NFL to know how many tapes they had to begin with. Also, how hard is it to make copies of the tapes and give the NFL the originals and keep an extra copies for just in case situations and use them here and there?

To me this whole thing doesn't make any sense. I am talking about "they gave the NFL all the tapes in their possession". This one stinks, stinks like fish I tell ya, oh wait no it is clam chowder.

Per Goodell, they went on the word of Bellichek. Now, as per the words of Spectre, Goodell is reportedly saying that the taping went back to the year 2000, when he was originally arguing that the tapes that proved they were cheating only went as far back as 2006.

The fact is, Goodell has been exposed as a fraud. His hypocrisy in laying down punsihments was bound to back-fire.
CATCH17;1955262 said:
I remember hearing when all of this stuff broke the Patriots had a guy with a photographic memory that could see the other teams signs and personell packages and know the exact play they were going to run.


It's too funny that Goodell knew they'd been doing this since 2000, yet he only recovered six tapes from the team.
I think its pretty clear that this was known for some time and that Goodell HOPED no one had tapes of their own. If there are tapes of this then it is going to be close to the Black Sox scandal. I am more and more of the belief that Goodell talked to at least SOME of the owners about this and everyone wanted this to go away no matter what. Now it is blowing up in spectacular fashion.
No Roger, you were not the ones that disclosed the Pats videotaping scheme. That was disclosed by Eric Mangini.

YOU, Roger, on the other hand made an investigation process consisting soley of the Pats handing over any videos and taking the Pats word for it. YOU, and ONLY YOU, Roger are responsible for your irresponsible actions.

Lies only lead to more lies, and then they come full circle and bite you in the ***.

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