peplaw06;1956522 said:
Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. You're being facetious, and you know it.
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. I can only tell you the truth. What you choose to believe is another matter.
That's not all. It's what Walsh said, what the destroyed tapes said, what other teams say, what Mangini says, etc.
Wait a second. I thought the "destroyed" tapes were of the late 2006 and 2007 season? Now the destroyed tapes are of the Super Bowl walk-through of the Rams?
Sorry, but the Pats have said they didn't tape the walk-through and Walsh seems to allege they did.
It wasn't creating headlines until the week before the Super Bowl. What fans say on message boards means little in the grand scheme of things.
You say "public scrutiny." I thought fans on message boards and people in general constituted the "public."
Spygate has been an issue since September. It hardly went away and was mentioned by cast members on ESPN, by players and by fans on message boards and at watering holes throughout the country.
Do you know what a subpoena is? Hint: it's not a search warrant.
But Goodell doesn't have to have either FYI.
My bad. I meant search warrant.
And you may say that Goodell didn't need either, but without it, he can't just barge into the Patriots headquarters, especially if he thought the Patriots were so nefarious that they would discard evidence before he had asked for it.
Again, its funny that you would criticize Goodell for trusting the Pats to turn over tapes and then in the same breath argue Goodell could just waltz into the Patriots offices and take what he wants without the power to do so.
This little tangent into whether Goodell has subpoena power is completely out of left field. Not to mention the fact that again you have misapplied terms used in the legal world. I thought I warned you about that.
Yes, I used the wrong term.
No, it's not out of left field.
Is there a point somewhere in this paragraph?
Just this: How was Goodell suppose to know which tapes were which if he had the authority to barge into the Patriots office and seize tapes?
You're right... it is irrational to try to reason with the irrational. I guess I didn't want to believe that you were completely irrational. Oh well, guess I was wrong on that one. The good thing is that I can bring myself back to rationality rather easily. You? I'm not so sure.
Just so long as you admit to bouts of irrationality, I'm okay with that.

Besides, you know I can emerge from irrationality too because we have agreed on the issue of the Rooney Rule in other threads, unless you were being totally irrational on that subject too.