10. Goblin's pumpkin bombs do damage according to plot developments, in SM1 a bomb incinerates an office full of old guys, also in SM1 a bomb thrown directly at Spiderman only singes his mask off, in SM3 a bomb thrown directly at James Franco only burns half his face(which magically heals in a day), also in SM3 a pumpkin bomb destroys the sandman's huge right arm, and kills Venom. I call BS!
9. A meteor unnoticeably falls 2 feet away from where Peter Parker and that tramp are making out and that's how the venom symbiote comes to Earth.
8. Mary Jane is mad at Peter Parker throughout the whole movie because: A: She lost her job B: She doesn't answer her phone when he calls C: She doesn't comb her hair D: She's an all around horrible ugly person
7. Sandman's daughter had cancer or something (she needs oxygen, that's all we really know) so he accidentally shoots Uncle Ben 5 years ago, got arrested for some other reason that is never said, confesses to Uncle Ben's murder while in prison for some reason, escapes prison somehow, still needs money for his daughters 'operation" falls into a "molecule sand experiment" that's being held in the middle of the night by some of the most inept scientists in the world, becomes a sandman but instead of sneaking into cracks and walls or something like that he turns himself into a giant sand monster and tries to break into armored trucks, then he wants to kill Spider-man because Venom told him he wants to, then asks Peter Parker's forgiveness and floats away. So, let me get this straight...you have Sandman...who didn't mean to kill Uncle Ben but is completely willing to kill Spiderman because he's getting in the way?
6. Harry Osbourne hates Peter Parker until he gets amnesia (AMNESIA!!!!!) then he likes him again, then he makes omelettes with that ***** Mary Jane and remembers that he hates Peter Parker, but then his butler tells him that his dad killed himself (about 4 years to late) so he likes Peter Parker again. Oh yeah and he's two-face.
5. This movie's idea of "Dark Spiderman" is Peter Parker sporting a 'Panic at the Disco' haircut, wearing a black jacket, wearing very tight pants, hitting on girls, and dancing in a jazz club… cause he's evil now.
4. The following people cry: - Peter Parker (at least 3 times) - Mary Jane - Harry Osbourne - Eddie Brock - Aunt May - the guy from Wings
3. Peter Parker can take off the black spidey suit whenever he wants, unless he's in a church with Eddie Brock praying for his death beneath him, then he has to peel it off with the help of a bell.
2. Gwen Stacey serves no purpose other than to make Kirsten Dunst jealous (she doesn't even die, and that's like what Gwen Stacey is supposed to do.)
1. Venom isn't even in the movie. An imposter that looks like Venom is in it, but he doesn't refer to himself as we, he doesn't become a vigilante crime fighter, he doesn't talk in a cool snake-like voice, when he talks Topher Grace's face appears with hillbilly teeth, and he vaporizes when hit with a pumpkin bomb. But hey, he's just Eric Foreman in a costume Red will come straighten Parker out. BOO!