Spyware/Adware removal?

Alt + Print Screen will just print the Window that has focus not the entire screen.
I managed to save the image in paint but dont know how to up load for you to see.
StarKist said:
I managed to save the image in paint but dont know how to up load for you to see.

If you want to e-mail it to me I'll upload it for you [email protected]

*** Note - remove the numbers out of my e-mail address before sending, I put it there to throw off spam harvesters ***
GTaylor said:
If you want to e-mail it to me I'll upload it for you @yahoo.com

*** Note - remove the numbers out of my e-mail address before sending, I put it there to throw off spam harvesters ***
OK check you e-m
Thanks, here it is:


BTW - Maybe it's just me but you've got quite a bit of programs loading up (I'm going by your scroll bar on the right), in comparison here's what mine looks like below.


You will need to expand the command column and you will need to take more than one shot. Scroll down so we can see the rest of the processes.

Yes it does look like he has a lot loading. Mine is about like yours GTaylor.
AmarilloCowboyFan said:

You will need to expand the command column and you will need to take more than one shot. Scroll down so we can see the rest of the processes.
give me ten mins. to finsih my dinner then ill do that.
AmarilloCowboyFan said:

You will need to expand the command column and you will need to take more than one shot. Scroll down so we can see the rest of the processes.

Adding to that, can you also stretch out the Command field so that we can see the link address better? If it shows something like c:\program files\real then you know it's real player and can be unchecked, etc.
Perfect, I have to run a friend of my sons home.

Back in a bit.

Adding to that, can you also stretch out the Command field so that we can see the link address better? If it shows something like c:\program files\real then you know it's real player and can be unchecked, etc.

LOL, that's what I meant by expand the command column. I just struggle with clarity sometimes.
Check your e-m GT

OK GT thats the best I could do was to scroll over so you could see the rest of the command line. I couldnt figure out how to expand the window. hope it worked well enough to determine which ones to delete.
2nd pic


Star - On the command line I meant to expand the bar (It's the vertical bar that divides Command and Location (If you'll see on mine above I've expanded it to where it shows a longer address).

Sorry about the confusion

Edit: realsched is a Real program, uncheck this as that sucks up memory...at least it does on my PC
Yes just grab the line between the Command Field and the Location field and drag it to the right to expand it.

I can see the Wildtangent there though. Let's see what else there is though. You will need ot post the rest of it.

I'll have to do this tommarrow during the football game. I've got to go for tonight.

But I do understand now what you mean by dragging the bar between command and location.

location in irrelevant, its the command that you need to see all of. :rolleyes:

Thanks for all of your help. See you sunday after noon, hopefully.

Thanks CP and ACF :)
AmarilloCowboyFan said:
No Problem

BTW GTaylor

Love the Bundy Av!

Thanks, man, love watching MWC. Comes on FX weekdays at 9am, always a good way to start my day off :)

Star - I'm usually on the PC during gametime so if you need help then you could IM me, maybe we could get others involved, make it a group thing while we wonder what the heck happened to our once proud team.
Irving Cowboy said:
I found an AWESOME list of just about every startup app in case you are looking at msconfig and want to know what does what, and if you can disable it... I refer to it all the time.

Excellent work Detective IC. I'll check these out when I get back to Moms PC. :)

Did you get the computer working? I was away most of the day yesterday.
Go to this site and it will tell you all you need to know whats works in the backgroud

There are so many things that can be disabled in services



Looking at your startup....in msconfig.....I personally only have 1 or 2 things starting up.

Disable all apps that you see there except you antivirus.....you might have two or three that apply to your antivirus.....and if your have a firewall program

All other programs aren't needed.....they just take up resources when starting up. Most programs like Microsoft Word likes to enable itself on startup when installed....alot of programs wants you to have them in your taskbar. Quicktime does this everytime you launch it.

No need to have those programs taking up resources.....just put a shortcut on your desktop for these types of apps.

Empty your temp files....do a diskcleanup and run a defrag......You might need to run scandisk before defrag.

Adaware and Spybot.....run these programs at least once a week.....regscrub is another good little utility to use.

Also....Ram is cheap....buy some.....I have 1 G on my comp....its the cheapest way to make your comp run quicker.
I personally have:

spysweeper------with constant scanner
spyguard---------with constant scanner

zone alarm firewall
some cheap dsl firewall

and of course norton works......


The spysweeper program is just a trial but it picks up TONS of stuff the others don't......I highly suggest using it.......

you can be found by searching yahoo

"free spy sweeper downloads" It's on the top 5 somewhere....

Good luck...........

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