Stadium nickname is "Death Star?"

DallasCowpoke;2978162 said:
Wanna good giggle? Google dallas cowboys stadium + death star and check out all the results. :laugh1:


Now this is sweet!
Mitcha68;2977981 said:
They need to play the Imperial March music from the Star Wars movies when the players come out or when Jerry is out there. :laugh1:

I was thinking the same thing. I like the nickname. :starspin
Yep, that is trademarked by dunham and miller on the ticket.

and it is awesome.
Boyzmamacita;2978043 said:
If the Cowboys were 2-0 at home, it would really have potential.

Speaking of the crowd, they were awfully loud when Carolina was on offense last night. Now if we could only get them to quiet down when our own offense is on the field. Some blame the John Phillips 4th down goal line penalty on the home crowd noise. When will we learn?
Why doesn't the stadium put up reminders to the fans to show them when to be quiet and when to be loud? Some simple message on the video boards would help out the ignorant fans who have no clue. Other teams do that.
'Death Star' is a whole lot more complimentary than 'Jerry's World'. Media broadcasters are using Jerry's World so much so as an insult that it's to the point of hyperventilating. Both will stick, but the media will hype the insult and the masses will follow.
WoodysGirl;2978074 said:
*shrug* Ok.

Either way.. I still kinda like it.

I love it! Being the Star Wars fan that I am, and I mean the original Star Wars movies, it is fitting.

I'm about sick of hearing the mediots call Cowboys Stadium, "Jerry's World".

Let's go with The Death Star. Shoot, it's probably just as big. :D
I have no problem with this.

In Fact, the Yankees have the whole Death Star thing going on here in NY because Boston started it years ago "The Evil Empire"

The Yankees are playing and gelling very nicely.

The Cowboys would be wise to take a page out of their book right now. Watching that team play just FEELS DAM GOOD!!
Well it could have been the Palace in Dallas but they were not smart enough to get it done
Joe Realist;2980918 said:
Didnt they blow it up? Twice?

Yeah damn 6 inch exhaust pipe, who would have thought something the size of a swamp rat would bring the place down. :lmao2:

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