Star Trek Discovery this weekend. On. TV?

Thought last night's episode was the best yet. Into the show now and looking forward to the rest of the season.
I am liking this even though this is no way the traditional Star trek by any means(you can watch the Orville if you like that).The main character is not really likable and thats a real change for Star trek.
Discovery is supposed to be 10 years before Kirk and Spock on the Enterprise. I am waiting for them to explain more about the timeline and why the Klingons look different.
I am liking this even though this is no way the traditional Star trek by any means(you can watch the Orville if you like that).The main character is not really likable and thats a real change for Star trek.

Exactly. She is a corpse (her acting). Ep 03 I was so bored, I fast forwarded alot of the slow talking scenes to get to the action. Don't think I'll watch any more episodes. None of the characers are interesting. Dull with a capital d.
Exactly. She is a corpse (her acting). Ep 03 I was so bored, I fast forwarded alot of the slow talking scenes to get to the action. Don't think I'll watch any more episodes. None of the characers are interesting. Dull with a capital d.
I didnt mean her acting,i meant he is not a normal Federation officer who always follows orders.I think the 3 episodes have shown me enough to watch further,even TNG would not have survived in this present day climate of instant analysis and gratification.
The first episode was so terrible that I need not concern myself with the rest of this series being so in accessible.
I've been watching it and so far I really like it. I'm not a hard core trekkie, but I have watched some episodes of other Star Trek series. I'm not super knowledgeable about Star Trek lore, so can't say if I would enjoy more or less if I did. I like what I've watched so far and will be keeping up with it.
I didnt mean her acting,i meant he is not a normal Federation officer who always follows orders.I think the 3 episodes have shown me enough to watch further,even TNG would not have survived in this present day climate of instant analysis and gratification.

Not likeable is what you said. Her character is boring.
I like it

I do too. I'm extremely happy with it so far. It's definitely got more pizzazz than the older Star Treks'. It's more inline with the Star Trek reboots.

I'm an enormous Star Trek fan. Hell it's almost the only TV I watch. (definitely accounts for 95% of what I watch) When I see people bash this one, it makes me think they are true Star Trek fans otherwise they would get the premise of it even though it's quite different than the other series.

It looks like we aren't the only ones that like it either. CBS All-Access subscriptions are up 100% since the Star Trek series started! They also expanding the first season's episode count.
Exactly. She is a corpse (her acting). Ep 03 I was so bored, I fast forwarded alot of the slow talking scenes to get to the action. Don't think I'll watch any more episodes. None of the characers are interesting. Dull with a capital d.

IMO Picard was the same way the first year. They clearly changed his personality season 2 to make him more likeable and less of a strict disciplinarian.

I think the first three episodes have shown enough promise to give it a chance. Admittedly I'm a big sci-fi / Trekkie fan and will give most sci-fi shows a chance :)
Corpse? heh You're talking about Michael Burnham character? lol, she basically grew up freaking Vulcan! Look at T-pol and Ambassador Soval in Enterprise. They were stern lifeless Vulcans, but after spending a lot of time with Humans, they developed more personality as Human's have.

Anyhow, I don't see her has been a corpse. She is already showing life as a person. Character development is extremely important in a series and to make a call so quickly means you aren't giving the series a chance and most likely not a big Star Trek fan either.
Ok my bro got the all access for a month, 6 episodes released so far i think. I will hopefully watch all 6 by tomorrow night. Hope i like it. Will see.
Ok my bro got the all access for a month, 6 episodes released so far i think. I will hopefully watch all 6 by tomorrow night. Hope i like it. Will see.

Hope you do too. So far I'm enjoying it. Some odd things (the more I watch the Klingon's the more kinda stupid they look) Though in the overall scheme of things. It's still seems like a good show to me. I'm enjoying it.

Oh, they also recently renewed Discovery for a second season too! So, it appears there are quite a few people subscribed for it! (I'm sure they know that's the only thing I watch on CBS hah)
Hope you do too. So far I'm enjoying it. Some odd things (the more I watch the Klingon's the more kinda stupid they look) Though in the overall scheme of things. It's still seems like a good show to me. I'm enjoying it.

Oh, they also recently renewed Discovery for a second season too! So, it appears there are quite a few people subscribed for it! (I'm sure they know that's the only thing I watch on CBS hah)
I'll give ya my thoughts by tomorrow night or the night after. I was actually thinking about watching this series after the new year winter cold feb, but my bro called me and told me he got it now so im gonna go with the flow.
It's ok, kind of reminds me of the BSG reimagining. There just isn't a lot of the original elements to it. But still pretty good quality sci-fi. Last episode with Harry Mudd was the worst though. Nothing I haven't seen before. Boring ground-hog day storyline.
I half arsed it. I watched all 7 episodes while doing other things on pc, episodes were playing on the TV in background. Ran through it twice so far. I like the Kilngon story atm. I like that Sarek has played a role in mentoring. I need to really watch it while focused, i knew i was going to go through it many times so i figured np to skim through it to start it out.

That's why i was hoping to watch it in February with massive snow and cold outside while having no desire to move around and just binge watch with chips snacks, is what it is.

I like that there is more of a female presence all around. I like the simple opening.

I don't like that the white characters look like vampire white. I know they get little sunlight whatever but they are white disgusting looking. Authentic for space maybe but tough to look at.

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