Star Wars Episode 9 Are You Seeing It or Boycotting?


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Kathleen Kennedy keeps destroying it.

"The teetering Star Wars movie franchise has just lost all of its major talent, including Lawrence Kasdan, and David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, the duo that adapted Game of Thrones into a pop culture sensation."

I am boycotting until they get rid of the real villain-Kathleen Kennedy.



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I started this with my oldest son when Episode IV came out and have come along thorough the Star Wars age with both of my sons. I will see it, I will like it and I will buy the BluRay to complete the collection. I will also watch all of the Star Wars leading up to this one, all 10 of them.

The only other series that qualifies as a life long adventure to me is 007, there are ones that I like better than others, both Bonds and films, but I would never think about not seeing one. Been watching 007 for 57 years.

Got 42 years in Star Wars and it is part of my life, I cannot be critical about any of the films, liked some better than others but they're all part of the Star Wars tapestry. I've taken my kids to see them, my parents and myself by myself, they aren't movies, they're great memories.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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People invent stuff to ***** about just to hear themselves ***** where the entire world can see in this Internet age. It's a just a movie and their opinion of that movie (movies) is irrelevant.

My opinion is the only one that matters to me. While I'm not racing out to see it. If the chance comes along and I'm in the mood. Yes, I will watch it. Hell, I've been a fan of the franchise since 1977. I'm just not a huge movie / TV buff. I've got to be in the mood and it's disposition for me to sit down and watch it not be troublesome. Otherwise, I've got more interesting hobbies that I enjoy practicing.

timb2, join me buddy. Let it go and just enjoy life!


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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I started this with my oldest son when Episode IV came out and have come along thorough the Star Wars age with both of my sons. I will see it, I will like it and I will buy the BluRay to complete the collection. I will also watch all of the Star Wars leading up to this one, all 10 of them.

The only other series that qualifies as a life long adventure to me is 007, there are ones that I like better than others, both Bonds and films, but I would never think about not seeing one. Been watching 007 for 57 years.

Got 42 years in Star Wars and it is part of my life, I cannot be critical about any of the films, liked some better than others but they're all part of the Star Wars tapestry. I've taken my kids to see them, my parents and myself by myself, they aren't movies, they're great memories.
Hell yeah. People take media too seriously these days. It's just entertainment.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Ya know, there are so many things to irritate me in this world now that I am not seeking out things to irritate me or being overly critical of entertainment options. Could have been better is about as harsh as I want to get.


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I was a huge fan since 1977. I didn't like Force Awakens and hated Last Jedi. Why would I pay them to see a sequel to movies I didn't like?

I wouldn't even go see it if a friend paid for me to simply because I don't want to waste the time either.

That being said, if a few friends saw it and told me it redeemed the previous two pieces of hot garbage, I'd consider changing my mind....when it came to redbox and I only had pay a dollar to see it.


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I boycott anything that comes out of Hollywood.
If it weren't for Kodi I wouldn't see anything.

Reverend Conehead

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I'm not specifically boycotting it (avoiding it out of anger to punish them). I'm just not going to see it for lack of interest. IMO the quality of Star Wars films has really gone down. They're not worth my time or money anymore.


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Already know the plot. Will watch only 'cause I wanna see Emporer Palpatine. Rey, I could less. Her character is so generic as most of the others. When C3PO in the trailer says he will miss his friends, who exactly from these new characters are his friends? Makes no sense.


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I started this with my oldest son when Episode IV came out and have come along thorough the Star Wars age with both of my sons. I will see it, I will like it and I will buy the BluRay to complete the collection. I will also watch all of the Star Wars leading up to this one, all 10 of them.

Have all the films except Last Jedi & won't get this one either. I too saw the 1st 3 originals in the theaters, and I remember as kid after seeing New Hope, I brought my Star Wars record album to class for their show & tell segment. When the teacher would invite kids in front of the class and show/talk about something they brought to school they really liked. Vividly remember that album.

Here's what it looked like.

PA Cowboy Fan

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This will be the last SW movie I see. Not interested in any of the others. I just hope JJ can save the last one. I did like Force Awakens.