I find that ranking the schedule before the season is a complete crap shoot. One thing about the NFL is you can ONLY guess who will be good and who will suck before the season begins. So many Superbowl teams, don't make the playoffs the next year and teams that were absolute garbage (ie 1-15) enter the playoffs with records like 11-5 the following year. (Think Saints 2005: 3-13 to 2006: 10-6, or Miami 2007: 1-15 to 2008: 11-5) Nobody expected those teams to turn it around. The only thing expected anymore is that at least one of the Superbowl teams won't make the playoffs the following year. That is almost guaranteed these days. (2008: New England, 2007: Bears, 2006: Steelers, 2005: Eagles, etc)