I think Stephen is going to do OK. I have every confidence in him and I think he will delegate wherever it is best to do so. Actually, I have a lot of confidence in Jerry as long as he delegates properly; it's when he tries to do it himself that I get crossways with him - he doesn't seem to notice it, though. He delegates well in the rest of his business world because he couldn't possibly do it all himself.
I also expect to have less of a personality clash with Stephen. I admit it, I'm jealous of Jerry's good fortune in life, but in all honesty, I would not trade places with him. His life is too complex for me, I prefer the quiet solitude of our ranch out in the middle of nowhere. He can have my part of the excitement of the big city and high finance. Yeah, I know it would be a disaster if everyone thought my way, but I've become a happy recluse and I don't miss living in Dallas one bit.
A thousand and one posts and in less than two years; I gotta learn to manage my time better.