Stephen's response to what repercussions he and Jerry face when team is bad

Cowboys EVP Stephen Jones when asked on @1053thefan about what kind of repercussions he and Jerry Jones face when the team isn’t good:

“I just think we have to look at how we get better. And that’s what we’ll continue to do. We’ve had a good run where we won 12 games (in three consecutive seasons). I think only Kansas City did a better job. But at the same time, we didn’t have the success in the postseason that we wanted.

“And then, of course, to have this situation happen is certainly disappointing. It’s disappointing for anybody who follows the Cowboys, who thinks about the Cowboys as their team. They deserve better than that, and we’ll continue to look for ways to improve upon that.”

This is why bandwagon fans are so important. The worse a team is the less money that team makes. The Cowboys problem is that they are not bandwagon and continue to spend money. Bandwagon fans are the most important fan.
Its probably safe to say we need several seasons of being horrible and the FO being laughed at/heavily criticized by fans and media before they ever consider changing their approach, let alone bringing in a real GM.
I honestly believe that if you told Jerry or Stephen they were guaranteed a Super Bowl victory if they gave up GM controls they wouldn't do it.
Of course they wouldn’t do it. That isn’t even in question. You sound surprised lol
What the average fan takes from what he said was, you got winning football last 3 years. Sit down eat your cake, buy our merch, and shut up. We are more qualified than you fans. He said without sayin it. So no repercussions at all. No plan, no deep diving introspection of how they do things. None.
And God help the poor soul that dares question the Joneses. Jerry told us exactly who he is when he threatened to have the radio guys fired. You think that was an isolated thing? Lol... That's how he does business. He steps on throats.
Comparing themselves to the Chiefs is not what you want to do… they are going for a three peat and 4th SB win in the last six years.. Dallas with a WC win. Simply laughable.

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