Steve Jobs is EVIL! Apple knew about iphone issue before release

This is pretty much a worst case scenario for Apple and the iPhone 4.

He says there is no fix, and the issue happens on other phones (a lie). Then goes on to show that only 0.55% of purchasers have called AppleCare to complain and only 1.7% of phones have been returned; thus implying that it isn't an issue.
Wow. Following this press conference and Apples whole position on this is ****ed.
So what you're telling me is that I should hold off on buying the iphone 4?

I think if that's the case, I'm going to go back to basics....see if I can't find something that doesn't cost me 120 bucks a month.

I'll just wait for the next one that works...
Ars Technica just reported Jobs said "He doesn't know what the fuss is about"?

Back when Jobs was with Apple the first time, the problem was they could get Jobs to check his ego at the door. It appears they still can't.
theogt;3460922 said:
They're giving out free bumpers, apparently.

I think that is exactly what they should do. I think Jobs should have just kept his mouth shut trying to shuffle and hide blame and just do the right thing.

It makes him and Apple look bad.
tomson75;3460919 said:
So what you're telling me is that I should hold off on buying the iphone 4?

I think if that's the case, I'm going to go back to basics....see if I can't find something that doesn't cost me 120 bucks a month.

I'll just wait for the next one that works...
To be honest, the issue is a bit overblown. My phone works perfectly. When you "short" the two antennas it causes a drop of about 20 db in reception. That is A LOT compared to the attenuation caused when touching other phones. But if you have good reception, it's not enough to have a real impact on your call quality or data speed.

I am actively considering returning my phone, however, based on principal. This press conference was a complete sham. They tried to downplay the issue and it's a complete lie to say the issue occurs on other phones. It was a bit sickening to watch.
free cases.

I'm considering returning mine as well or switching carriers. I'm pretty upset about it on principle too.
theogt;3460929 said:
I am actively considering returning my phone, however, based on principal. This press conference was a complete sham. They tried to downplay the issue and it's a complete lie to say the issue occurs on other phones. It was a bit sickening to watch.

If you enjoy the iPhone as much as you say, I wouldn't cut off your nose to spite your face. Keep the phone if you love it and just make your complaint known to them.
:laugh2: Someone just ask if Apple was going to change the antenna and Jobs replied. "We're happy with the antenna design of iPhone 4... it's better than 3gs in every way."
nyc;3460932 said:
If you enjoy the iPhone as much as you say, I wouldn't cut off your nose to spite your face. Keep the phone if you love it and just make your complaint known to them.

Good point as well. Voice of reason, haha. I do like the phone.

You know what the worst part is? CDMA perpetuates a much stronger signal than GSM -- if the iPhone 4 was on Verizon, this would be a complete non-issue.
Jobs said the Bloomberg article about the Apple engineer informing Apple about the issue a year ago was I quote. "a total crock"
Bob: When you touch the phone, you put yourself between the signal and your phone,

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao:


I will say I'm glad to see some are considering returning this thing. The only that gets results is hitting them in the pocket and everyone should. You'll have a better chance of getting what you really want.
nyc;3460932 said:
If you enjoy the iPhone as much as you say, I wouldn't cut off your nose to spite your face. Keep the phone if you love it and just make your complaint known to them.
I said I was "considering" it. :)

I'm probably not a pricipled enough man to return it, since it really is an amazing device notwithstanding.

I did call and officially lodge a complaint, though. And I told the customer service rep I was calling because Jobs said only 0.55% of owners had called to complain, which got a laugh out of the rep.
Jobs: "I don’t know what our next antenna design will be — maybe our wizards in the antenna lab will come up with something better. But looking at the data, we don’t think we have a problem."

Holy cow, what a flippin' ******.
my wife just bought that sprint htc evo 4g thing. She wont stop playing with it.

She is insisting on buying me one, I hate cellphones, but I think I can stream the sunday ticket to it with that new to go option from directv.....seeing that I get to the stadium like 5 hours early I could use this to sit in my seat and watch other games!!!

should I get it or is it a waste of money?
Hoofbite;3461020 said:
What principle are we going on to return the phone?
Not buying products from people that openly lie to you? That's probably a good one.
theebs;3461024 said:
my wife just bought that sprint htc evo 4g thing. She wont stop playing with it.

She is insisting on buying me one, I hate cellphones, but I think I can stream the sunday ticket to it with that new to go option from directv.....seeing that I get to the stadium like 5 hours early I could use this to sit in my seat and watch other games!!!

should I get it or is it a waste of money?

I dunno. I'd imagine you won't get much more than an hour or two of streaming. If you have a place to sit with your charger, you'd probably be in luck.

Definitely gonna want an ulimited data plan for that.

Seems pretty cool though.

Wonder how many different devices can be logged in at once.

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