Steve Young vs. Phil Simms

DABOYZ said:
Who is Steve Young to be talking about anyone's upbringing? Mr. "Silver Spoons" himself.

What's funny is that Young likes to mention playing Pop Warner football and his Mom coming out on the field, going after some kid who she thought was playing "too rough." Oh yeah, Young is from the rough and tough streets of Greenwich, CT.

EGG said:
I totally disagree,,, maybe you would have a point if Phil jumped all over Young for making football critiques regarding Chris Simms, but Young wandered into the family life and upbringing of young Simms(which he knows absolutely nothing about) which is totally off-base. If anybody needs to shut up it's Steve Young,,, "lassaiz faire" atmosphere??? them's fighting words! and doesn't Steve Young come from a very well-off family out of Utah?
No, he doesn't. He's from Connecticutt. His Dad's nickname is Grit and is a tough old customer.
Doomsday101 said:
Yes he is and yes he was. LOL I have to say as a player I thought he was decent and a real fighter as an analysis during games I think he does a good job and I enjoy watching the games he covers. By the way he will be doing the Cowboys/Denver game

He is a regular part of the IMUS in the Morning radio show...every Thursday...he's got a great sense of humor...super bright guy...

He had a rough start to his fact, I Parcells start Scott Brunner over him...

He wasn't flashy...he didn't put up gaudy numbers...but he really was a "gamer"
EGG said:
I totally disagree,,, maybe you would have a point if Phil jumped all over Young for making football critiques regarding Chris Simms, but Young wandered into the family life and upbringing of young Simms(which he knows absolutely nothing about) which is totally off-base. If anybody needs to shut up it's Steve Young,,, "lassaiz faire" atmosphere??? them's fighting words! and doesn't Steve Young come from a very well-off family out of Utah?

Steve doesn't even know what he's talking about so why should Phil get mad?

Lassaiz Faire simply means NO GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE. It's two words he pulled out of his arse which has NO meaning to his discussion of Chris.

Phil needs to stop covering up for his son. If someone critiqued my son, I'd keep my mouth shut and let my son show him up. If he can't ... then it's justified. If he can, then all the better ... he did it by himself, without daddy stepping in.

Daddy needs to take off the diapers and let Chris prove himself out.
Eddie said:
Steve doesn't even know what he's talking about so why should Phil get mad?

Lassaiz Faire simply means NO GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE. It's two words he pulled out of his arse which has NO meaning to his discussion of Chris.
That's not exactly accurate.

Laissez faire simply means to "let alone" or "let be".

When referring to economics, yes, it means no government intereference. But as a term, it certainly need not be limited to economics or government.

If applied to parenting, "laissez faire" parenting would be a child who was allowed to mature without strong parental involvement... or maybe, more colloquially, to let your kids "get away with murder" so to speak.

If taken this way, it's no wonder that Simms would take offense to this charge.

It seems that Young used the phrase very loosely, meaning more that young Chris (and others of his generation) grew up "soft" or at least without many demands placed upon them. That isn't exactly laissez faire, but the idea of what he's getting at isn't that far off.

You could argue that "laissez faire" parenting would be a complement (and the exact opposite of what Young was hinting at). It could be argued that laissez faire parenting is the exact opposite of "coddling" your child or handing them things on a silver platter... basically allowing them to fend for themselves. But it's clear that this isn't what Young was saying.
Young misspoke and Simms was dead on with his retaliation. How else should the Simms' interpret what Young said?
ravidubey said:
Young misspoke and Simms was dead on with his retaliation. How else should the Simms' interpret what Young said?

Simms should have kept his mouth shut and let his son defend himself, thus proving Steve Young wrong. Otherwise it looks like Daddy has come to the rescue, coddling his son.

I do think Steve is wrong, you don't have to come off the streets of L.A. to be mentally tough but Phil sort of proved Steves point by responding for his son.
Kornheiser said, in a nutshell, Steve Young called Chris Simms soft & stupid. (LOL) I love Kornheiser.
Hostile said:
No, he doesn't. He's from Connecticutt. His Dad's nickname is Grit and is a tough old customer.

But he is from Utah/Mormon royal heritage. He is a Young as in Brigham Young...

Look at the family resemblance...

Are you guys telling me that when you see Chris Simms interviewed he doesn't come off looking like a kid? Come on! That is definitely the impression he gives. I understand where Young is coming from, it's been the knock on the kid his entire career.

Now, don't mistake what I'm saying. I'm not saying he's NOT tough, I'm just saying his personality gives off a young, innocent-looking, golly gee-whiz feel to it. Nothing wrong with that, but it's not a tough, grizzled look. If you saw his comment about the 2 point conversion when he said he saw the rest of the offense going back on the field and it struck him he better get out there, you would know what I mean. It was a very innocent comment that drew a lot of chuckles from the media.

As for his mental abilities, I can almost guarantee you I know where that comes from. Have any of you ever seen the Jon Gruden NFL Films clips where he's in training camp working with the Tampa Bay QBs? Gruden is all over Simms' rear end chewing him out big-time for failing to remember the plays and not being able to even repeat the plays correctly in the huddle. Now I realize that was when Simms was a rookie, but in Tampa there has been a lot of talk the last couple of years questioning whether Simms could mentally handle the position.

Simms has done a great job for them the last couple of weeks and so maybe he's maturing and turning the corner. But Young is paid to be an analyst and give his thoughts on players and issues in the league, so his comments and thoughts were not out of line with a lot of the questions that have been following Chris Simms for the past several years.
trickblue said:
But he is from Utah/Mormon royal heritage. He is a Young as in Brigham Young.
Yeah, I know he's from that family lineage. I played with his brother Mike and I have met Steve. Trust me when I tell you Steve's father Grit made them tough. Anyone who believes Steve grew up soft is wrong. But, that's neither here nor there.

We all discuss a QBs toughness or whether he's soft. Steve Young was just doing his job. If Phill Simms has a problem with his kid's toughness being questioned he did that kid a disservice by saying anything. What's he going to do when Chris has a real meltdown game and the whole football media conglomerate is saying the same stuff?
Hostile said:
Yeah, I know he's from that family lineage. I played with his brother Mike and I have met Steve. Trust me when I tell you Steve's father Grit made them tough. Anyone who believes Steve grew up soft is wrong. But, that's neither here nor there.

We all discuss a QBs toughness or whether he's soft. Steve Young was just doing his job. If Phill Simms has a problem with his kid's toughness being questioned he did that kid a disservice by saying anything. What's he going to do when Chris has a real meltdown game and the whole football media conglomerate is saying the same stuff?

Oh I wasn't discounting his opinion... but I did see it, as did Phil Simms, that the laisazz-faire comment was a direct shot at his upbringing...

I don't really think Young meant it in that respect, but as a journalist his job is to now choose his words more responsibly...

Simms called him out and said "out of the way, sheep shagger"... and Young back-tracked...
trickblue said:
Oh I wasn't discounting his opinion... but I did see it, as did Phil Simms, that the laisazz-faire comment was a direct shot at his upbringing...

I don't really think Young meant it in that respect, but as a journalist his job is to now choose his words more responsibly...

Simms called him out and said "out of the way, sheep shagger"... and Young back-tracked...
I think Steve should have held his ground.

If the worst thing ever said about Chris Simms is that his father's affluence and success made him grow up with a laissez faire outlook on life he should count himself damned lucky.
I didn't see Simms' comments as defending his son, but rather defending himself or even his wife. Young mentioned upbringing, which could be considered a direct shot at Chris' parents.

That makes Young fair game for Simms' comments.
Danny White said:
That's not exactly accurate.

Laissez faire simply means to "let alone" or "let be".

When referring to economics, yes, it means no government intereference. But as a term, it certainly need not be limited to economics or government.

If applied to parenting, "laissez faire" parenting would be a child who was allowed to mature without strong parental involvement... or maybe, more colloquially, to let your kids "get away with murder" so to speak.

If taken this way, it's no wonder that Simms would take offense to this charge.

It seems that Young used the phrase very loosely, meaning more that young Chris (and others of his generation) grew up "soft" or at least without many demands placed upon them. That isn't exactly laissez faire, but the idea of what he's getting at isn't that far off.

You could argue that "laissez faire" parenting would be a complement (and the exact opposite of what Young was hinting at). It could be argued that laissez faire parenting is the exact opposite of "coddling" your child or handing them things on a silver platter... basically allowing them to fend for themselves. But it's clear that this isn't what Young was saying.

EDDIE you were just schooled bro...learn context, usage and the pool of meaning with regard to language. Great post Danny!!! :cool:
Sportsbabe said:
What did I miss? I hear they have a cat fight going on similar to The Playmaker & Keyshawn. Can someone drop some science on me?

Here's the science behind this.

One deserves to be in the Hall of Fame while the other shouldn't be within a 100 miles from it.

You know which is which.

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