Stoops to Dallas - confirm this??

I love the Cowboys, but our fans are morons.

The same guys that were doing backflips when we hired coach Parcells two years ago, were ready to deify him last year when we made the playoffs, are ready to run him out of town on a rail.


We sucked this year, that is the bottom line. For what ever reason--and they are all legit (injuries, bad personnel decisions, JJ's crap drafts during the late 90s/early 00s)--we just didn't have it this year. But we want to run a HOF coach out of town.


Get a grip boys.
Let's just say that this is true.....

I would expect our defense to be ALOT better. Stoops KNOWS how to use RW. RW mad his name under him and I would expect to see RW back near the line of scrimmage.

I don't think that Stoops would be like Spurrier. Stoops would bring his guys in on his coaching staff.....which at this point would be more than fine with me.

Would there be growing pains? Possibly, but this is BP's second year....he's supposedly a HoF coach.....but certainly hasn't coached nor acted like it.....telling the team that they aren't ready PRIOR to the game. Not exactly something I've EVER heard of a coach doing. It's one thing to say to your coaching staff or to the media AFTER the game, but you NEVER plant doubt in players heads BEFORE the game.
Crazy thought: maybe we should draft a GM...
Haha. Love these threads. I guess we need these little snippets of gossip to ease the pain.
dstew60105 said:
I don't mnd BP, just needs to overhaul this roster starting with #16. His blind faith loyality to him is just sickening. A healthly off-season and solid draft and we can compete next year.

Very nice post.

We have a poor roster talent wise, thanks to bad drafts, trades, etc. from the past(thanks Jerry!). No coach I can think of would do better with this roster.
This rumor is probably crap but if there is any substance to it the College Zone is better than the main board.
calico said:
Not another Sooner coach to ruin the team. Parcells is going to stay and he should.
:abuseme: :rolleyes:

Give it up horn... you wish you had a coach one fifth as good as Stoops.
calico said:
Not another Sooner coach to ruin the team. Parcells is going to stay and he should.

Would be better than that car salesman, Mack Brown. :nana:
Bob Stoops isnt like Spurrier, he has shown the ability to win by many different methods, as shown by the amergence of AD this year at OU. He would do good in dallas, but lets let BP rebuild for 2 more years, then go get Stoops to take over. Then again, Stoops did rebuild OU....
No, this is just a rumour. I heard this rumour as far back as October this year. However, I think Stoops is a possibility for 2006 especially if he win tonight. Jerry wouldn't prematurely fire Parcells in favor of Stoops this year. But like I said, if Stoops wins tonight and finishes strong next year, I think he would leap for the NFL and the Dallas Cowboys simply because he is a competitor and like all competitors they want to prove themselves at the highest level.
S eriously,
T he biggest,
O utlandish,
O ut of left field, most
P ivotal coaching move
S ince Jerry firing Jimmy

I s about to go down as
S oon as they come to terms

G et ready for
O ur collective jaws to all drop
I n the next day or two
N ever mind how I
G ot wind of this

P rivate channels that will
R emain private
O r I'll be busted
HeavyHitta31 said:
S eriously,
T he biggest,
O utlandish,
O ut of left field, most
P ivotal coaching move
S ince Jerry firing Jimmy

I s about to go down as
S oon as they come to terms

G et ready for
O ur collective jaws to all drop
I n the next day or two
N ever mind how I
G ot wind of this

P rivate channels that will
R emain private
O r I'll be busted
That was pretty cool wether you right or wrong. I don't particularly want Stoops in Dallas as much as I want him out of Oklahoma. :D
jimmy40 said:
That was pretty cool wether you right or wrong. I don't particularly want Stoops in Dallas as much as I want him out of Oklahoma. :D

Not Dallas.....Think team that is desperate and just lost a coach....ahem... ;)

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