Stop Zeke win the game


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Its a factual stats on its own but other factors I those games lost them for us..

Defense is the most common element of our losses and the Viking game was all on them IMO, heck that 2 point conversion make and the 3 point right before half where it looked like we weren't on the field defensing at all, that in itself lost us the game, small things turned out very big.. The coaching decsions were a little to do with it but could have been overcome with better defense..

BTW those saying go completely away from the run when tis not working is not the correct solution, better more creative ways to get zeke more space and add pollard and zeke to more screens and passing routes is better soluton.. running the same old plays to the same spots over and over is the issue.. they were balanced 50/50 run/pass on 1st down and that good IF the run formations were more successful.
Moore works so hard improving the pass formations and schemes but uses the same running philosophy's..that cant happen..

Look over at Cook, it looed worse then it was he only ran for 3.8YPC in the actual run game, thats not great, not in any was barely better then our side HOWEVER ,

the Vikings s used him and the backup in space as a passing threats , lots of screens and movement to get them in space..

thats the difference.. we used zeke like hammer, no Pollard and expect to be successful? stupid when its working its great, when its not CHANGE IT UP!!

Dak will not be successful throwing 50ties game so stop the ignorant post on how we should basically stop using zeke and just throw every down.. that wont work they simply will pin their ears back and blitz him into oblivion.. there has to be a threat of the run, period..


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2-10 Now when Zeke is under 75 yards rushing.
Vikes played single coverage pretty much all game long.

P.S. Dak did better than his usual game but the above needs to be addressed......
I don't think anymore that "stopping Zeke" is key because Dak can't beat you. The reason why we lose when Zeke is under performing is because they keep force feeding the ball to Zeke when clearly the defense is keyed on it. Garrett hasn't been willing in the past to cut Dak loose and go win the game and other teams know that. Now, you can argue that its because Garrett doesn't think Dak is good enough, but you can't make that one and then call Garrett a stubborn coach also. It's one or the other in this case. I think Garrett's time has passed and he is unwilling to adapt. I think he has done a great job partnering with the Front Office to rebuild the roster but that's it. Give him a high ranking job in the pro scouting department, but they have to move on from him. Garrett also threw Kellen Moore under the bus by saying "Kellen called the plays", well of course he did, but don't act like you didn't tell him to call run plays.


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This stat was wrong from the start. We were down by 7 to the Commanders earlier this season.

we were down 7 to the giants in late 2017. Beat them.

I haven’t looked any further back.

but I would think someone such as yourself, who is so worried about fake news, wouldn’t then parrot fake stats.
I said later in the the thread that I caught end of the piece by Steve Young. It might have been down by 7 points in the 4qtr. I’m not sure.