I said "only 21" because the post to which I was replying said the Packers scored 30 points against the Lions' "far superior defense" and surprisingly didn't score more against us. Their offense actually scored 21 against the Lions -- the defense and special teams scored the rest.
Shoulda woulda coulda.....Again, you are trying to use stats to tell the whole story and it doesn't work that way. So what that he played better than his average. It's not like we were the worst defense he has faced. I would assume it had more to do with them being at home and it being a big playoff game, that he stepped his game up. It's simple, we knew Rodgers was going to move the ball on us and they were going to hang some touchdowns on us. The Packers scored a total of 26 points and we only scored 21. Why didn't our offense put up more points? The game was a team loss period. Our offense could have done better and our defense could have done better. If you think only putting up 21 points is good enough against the Packers in GB in the playoffs,then I don't know what to tell you. With regards to the Packers 26 points, I'm surprised they didn't score more. They put up 30 against the Lions in the game before ours and the Lions had a far superior defense than we did. In my opinion, it was just a good ole fashioned team loss.
21 points, by hook, crook or whatever, generally wont get it done in the playoffs. Since 2006 there have been 99 playoff games. Only 16 games (16.2%) has the winning team scored less than 23 points and no team in the last 2 years has won scoring less than 23.
I dont see the relevance of # of possessions, you simply have to make each drive count. Surfing box scores doesnt really show the wasted drive Dallas had right before the half.
Drive started on the 20 with 5:37 before half...with :48 left Romo hits Witten at the GB 26 for an apparent 1st Down. Call is reversed and its 3rd and 1. Dallas goes Shotgun, bad snap, throws it OB deep to TWill. The previous 3rd and 1s in the game, all under center and Murray converted. Still had 2 TOs (and :48 seconds). Blocked FG, GB gets it at the 40, gets a 31yarder to Cobb and gets a FG. 6 point swing.
The odds of not scoring on that Drive for Dallas had nothing to do with where the drive started. The drive was dependent on converting the 3rd and 1 (or again why a routes are run a yard short running sideways - but another topic). Dallas was 100% (3-3) in the game. All Murray up the gut.
A 17-7 game will likely be game planned at halftime differently than a 14-10 game. I hate ifs, but as an illustration, the score when the Bryant call happened could have been 24-23 Dallas -thus perhaps a totally different call.
Good teams should be able to overcome negatives, but that end of half was 90% self inflicted. Bad call, Bad snap. GB made the play on the blocked FG and the Murray fumble and the most games in the NFL are just that close.