Storm Stories on the Weather Channel


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Are there any avid viewers of Storm Stories on the Weather Channel here?

Being someone who lives in Tornado Alley, I find this program to be facinating.

Jim Cantorie of the Weather Channel just finished a program about the Tornado that struck downtown Fortworth, and the famous baseball size hail storm that caught Arlington's mayfest participants off guard.

That was some very scary stuff.

Here in the metroplex, we have a very talented and experienced meteorologist named Troy Dungan, who has been with channel 8 for over 35 years. Mr. Dungan predicts, according to computer models, Dallas And Fortworth Texas are in line for unpresidented outbreaks of tornado's in the North Texas area in the near future.

Experts are saying it's not a matter of if, but when.

Since these two above mentioned events, city planners have been working diligently to develope a plan in the event we have an F5 tornado here in the DFW metroplex.

According to experts, if a F5 tornado were to strike Dallas or Fortworth during rush hour, because of our under developed freeway system, we could potentially have an 80,000 death toll.

That's sobering.

In addition to the above mentioned storm events, Oklahoma City, only 200 miles North of the DFW metroplex, experienced an F5 tornado that did a history breaking 1.2 Billion dollars worth of damage in 90 minutes.

This past tornado season has been very mild compared to the past, which causes experts alarm. They feel DFW citizens have been lulled into complacentcy.

I have been a resident here in North Texas for more than 33 years. I pay very close attention to weather events in this area... I think the big one is around the corner.

I have never been one to try to strike fear in peoples hearts, but... moto is: "expect the best, prepare for the worst."

Your thoughts and experiences....
StarKist said:
Are there any avid viewers of Storm Stories on the Weather Channel here?

Being someone who lives in Tornado Alley, I find this program to be facinating.

Jim Cantorie of the Weather Channel just finished a program about the Tornado that struck downtown Fortworth, and the famous baseball size hail storm that caught Arlington's mayfest participants off guard.

That was some very scary stuff.

Here in the metroplex, we have a very talented and experienced meteorologist named Troy Dungan, who has been with channel 8 for over 35 years. Mr. Dungan predicts, according to computer models, Dallas And Fortworth Texas are in line for unpresidented outbreaks of tornado's in the North Texas area in the near future.

Experts are saying it's not a matter of if, but when.

Since these two above mentioned events, city planners have been working diligently to develope a plan in the event we have an F5 tornado here in the DFW metroplex.

According to experts, if a F5 tornado were to strike Dallas or Fortworth during rush hour, because of our under developed freeway system, we could potentially have an 80,000 death toll.

That's sobering.

In addition to the above mentioned storm events, Oklahoma City, only 200 miles North of the DFW metroplex, experienced an F5 tornado that did a history breaking 1.2 Billion dollars worth of damage in 90 minutes.

This past tornado season has been very mild compared to the past, which causes experts alarm. They feel DFW citizens have been lulled into complacentcy.

I have been a resident here in North Texas for more than 33 years. I pay very close attention to weather events in this area... I think the big one is around the corner.

I have never been one to try to strike fear in peoples hearts, but... moto is: "expect the best, prepare for the worst."

Your thoughts and experiences....

This past May wasn't a lot of fun in the Ft Worth area either... That Memorial Day weekend storm wasn't very fun... We got over 5 inches of rain in the Lake Worth side of Ft Worth- I was bailing water out of my apartment until 3:30 in the morning- But that was after a bolt of lightening struck in the parking lot so close to my apartment that I saw blue, not yellow or white... and then there was the Tornado that touched down 200 yrds from the Apartments I lived in and damaged an apartment complex down the street....

20 days later I moved over a 100 miles away from there.... LOL
I remember the Ft. Worth tornado in 2000, I was at a job I hated and I swore my last minutes on earth were not going to be at there!

Wow - 80,000 in downtown Dallas??? Didn't realize that many people worked there. Amazing...
I watched some show on the Weather Channel dealing with floods tonight....that was some scary stuff.It is amazing how fast those waters can rise and the power that they have behind them.
DFW we need to pay very close attention.

You are my brothers and sisters.

I Guaran-dam-tee-you, that if anything happens here in the metroplex, if I am alive, I will be looking out for you.

I feel uneasy. I have felt this way for several months...

My DFW family, look to the sky and listen.

Take cover when mother nature tells you.

Don't worry about false alarms. I want us all to survive.


The likeyhood that we will be hit with an F3-F5 is very high.

... more to come....


She said: "Fair warning."

Perhaps I should have named this thread

" Early Distant Warning."

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