Idgit, it comes down to how energized do you feel about this team? Change for change sake does no one any good. The change to Romo energized the fan base. Fans were excited about the core and then the bottom fell out in 2008. In 2009, the team rebounded and re-energized the fan base...and then 2010 happened.
I think the fans have been more than tolerant. I also believe fans, in general, want something to grab onto for hope. Right now Dez and Lee are that hope, but that's about it. Little tidbits here and there are not enough to sustain that hope. The fan base is looking for something to re-energize it...either via wins, some modicum of postseason success, or organizational change. But something has to happen to re-energize the fandom.
For example, Case Keenum replaced Matt Schaub in Houston. Team hasn't won any more games with him than they had with Schaub at the helm, but he's re-energized the fan base. Fans need something and right now they're not getting it.
good post WG but it goes deeper than that
people that bring up the whole "be patient" card are just trying to distract us and themselves from the real issues
these are just posters that want to be known as the martyrs, the ones who held on when it was darkest, and want to be able to come in and thump their chest if this team happens to sleep walk its way into the playoffs in a year where the whole division is in the toilet.... and then loses in the first round
then they will be all over the board about how the process is working, all the while ignoring reality
this fan base has been "tolerant" and "patient" through 17 years of mediocrity
we are one of 3 NFC franchises not to play in an NFC CG in the last 17 years
one of only 3!!!
the Giants have won more SBs than we have won playoff games in this time frame
think about that
that is not mediocre, that is abysmal
even with garrett, he has been the OC for over 6 years and the HC for 3 and the team is performing just as poorly with little sign of improvement
so, we are willing to be tolerant and wait for the process to unfold but the 'process' better start producing results