News: Sturm: Why Cowboys Fans Are Victims of Their Own Memories

I completely disagree with Bob. Fanbases have to hold teams to high expectations. Fans should never apologize for high expectations.

I am an Ohio State Buckeye and after one single 6-6 season the fanbase revolted. The university fired or demoted all the coaches, hired the best highest-profile one they could find in Urban Meyer, and gave him complete and absolute control to turn it around. Since then they've been on a 22-game win streak without a single loss. The fanbase had high expectations and would not settle for even a single .500 season.

If anything the problem with the Dallas Cowboys is that their fans give them a free pass too often. Fans fill up the Jerry-dome despite this team's poor performance. This team is dysfunctional and the "the last 15 years sucked but next year is definitely our year" mentality perpetuates the dysfunction.

College and Pros is different... You got boosters as well that threaten.. Bowl games also cut at your bottom line.... NFL revenue is probably made in a totally different manner.
This is almost exactly what Sturm is talking about, by the way. You might not agree, but, I think the guy has a great point.

I didn't see that at all.

I know you think he has a point. Nothing wrong with that either..........I guess. ;)
No, we don't all consider ourselves realists. There are many here who specifically consider themselves homers/happy fans. I have seen them call themselves that. A realists is not overly loyal to any player and just calls it as he sees it (of course it is just that persons opinion.. did anyone say it wasn't?).
Lol. I've rarely, if ever, have seen an individual refer to him/herself as a homer. I'd be hard pressed to find one person who has. It's not a compliment and is no better than referring to someone as a hater or negative nancy. It's not a term of endearment. Again, it doesn't matter how you define a realist, how you see the team doesn't change how someone else sees the team. How they see the team is their reality.

I would say you are much closer to a homer.. although, lately I have seen you be more and more critical of the negative things you see on the field. That is why I am starting to like your posts more and more.
Ha! My views on the team haven't changed. I definitely lean towards the positive outlook of the team, and always will because that's my personality. But I don't think anyone can ignore the product on the field. You are what your records says you are. As I posted last week or so, most of the times the staff may either suppress their opinion or share it elsewhere in order to try to maintain the site. It can get unruly sometimes and we have to do our best to keep the site from devolving to a slugfest.

A one off? Or maybe a moral loss? lol...I get where you are coming from but there was ZERO reason that offense should have given up like that out there. Heck, there was a point where the offense started to come to life a little bit and then just quit altogether. That gave us zero chance of winning that game.
No moral loss here. It was an L and an ugly one at that. Not much you can say about it. I'm just pointing out where you could see the change on both sidelines...and they began to treat it like preseason and just play so that no one is injured before the clock strikes 0:00
LOL. When we were 33-15 over the three years from 2007 to 2009, the coach Bob didn't like was a huge millstone around our neck holding us back from greatness.

Now that we're 21-21 over the last three years, well golly gee, you shouldn't be upset because it's just gosh darn hard to win in this league and you know, you could always be worse.

And now we're supposed to be jubilant about last-second wins over Christian Ponder and overtime squeakers over Brandon Weeden?

Give me a break.

Speaking for myself, I don't think the uniform or past Lombardis have anything to do with my or most fans' expectations. When we had Clint or Quincy or Vinny, I didn't expect much of anything out of the team. The reason I'm frustrated right now is because we have a top QB (which is about 70% of the battle in the NFL) besides plenty of other good players and we're spinning our wheels while the shot clock on his career ticks away.
Let's just get to the point. The franchise you love - the most valuable football franchise that there is, and a franchise that shovels in more cash than anyone every single year to become even more valuable - has a resume that includes 5 Super Bowl Titles, 10 Conference Championship Titles, 21 Division Titles, and 30 Playoff Appearances. Those are all marks that compare favorably to nearly any franchise who has ever fielded a team.

Hey Sturm

Doubt the word I would use is SPOILED.....after almost 2 decades of losing because pess poor management I would use words more like disgusted, embarrassed, and stop using the words, moral victories, we won the preseason, or the right kind of guy. It's easy for the fans to become frustrated with this franchise when it can not put a respectable team on the field and the owner sells his annual Superbowl or bust BS. Lastly, don't forget the Cowboys have the great Victoria Secret store at the stadium

Just tired of the embarrassments from this team to the GM.....
Lol. I've rarely, if ever, have seen an individual refer to him/herself as a homer. I'd be hard pressed to find one person who has. It's not a compliment and is no better than referring to someone as a hater or negative nancy.

I have seen it several times here. Also, I disagree with you. There is nothing wrong with considering yourself a homer. One of my best friends, who I can clearly point to and say he is the biggest Cowboys fan on earth, refers to himself as a homer and I as a realist. We have awesome conversations and debates at times. He knows he is an eternal optimist... AKA homer. I don't see anything wrong with being optimistic, unless you start being unrealistic with your view and then you start lying to yourself. I have seen many people do this and then you are right, there is no point in debating with them because they can't be truthful with themselves.

Ha! My views on the team haven't changed. I definitely lean towards the positive outlook of the team, and always will because that's my personality.

That is fine, say whatever you want.. but I have personally seen you be "publicly" more critical lately. Maybe you have always had the same thoughts, but now I have seen you actually type it out more? I dunno.

As I posted last week or so, most of the times the staff may either suppress their opinion or share it elsewhere in order to try to maintain the site.

This explains a lot.
College and Pros is different... You got boosters as well that threaten.. Bowl games also cut at your bottom line.... NFL revenue is probably made in a totally different manner.
Dude, it hurts me that my amateur athletic team is run more professionally than my pro football team.
Spoiled? Entitled? Maybe.

Honestly I just think most of us are tired of seeing...

--A team with as much talent as we have struggle every. single. game.
--Coaches that never seem to have an answer for anything.
--A head coach who never really shows any emotion.
--Spineless game plans on offense.
--Finding the most gut wrenching ways in which to lose games.
--Young, talented players primes wasted.
--An owner who has the audacity to strip his HC of OC duties because he has "too much on his plate", when said owner has been pulling the same double duty and the team has gotten nowhere in 17 years because of it.
--Headlines like "Victoria's Secret PINK store to open in Cowboys Stadium"
LOL. When we were 33-15 over the three years from 2007 to 2009, the coach Bob didn't like was a huge millstone around our neck holding us back from greatness.

Now that we're 21-21 over the last three years, well golly gee, you shouldn't be upset because it's just gosh darn hard to win in this league and you know, you could always be worse.

And now we're supposed to be jubilant about last-second wins over Christian Ponder and overtime squeakers over Brandon Weeden?

Give me a break.

Speaking for myself, I don't think the uniform or past Lombardis have anything to do with my or most fans' expectations. When we had Clint or Quincy or Vinny, I didn't expect much of anything out of the team. The reason I'm frustrated right now is because we have a top QB (which is about 70% of the battle in the NFL) besides plenty of other good players and we're spinning our wheels while the shot clock on his career ticks away.

Don't forget winning the division and our first play-off win in 17 years and that too over the Eagles... If only Garrett was never hired...
From the article:

Here are the 10 champions during this period of time: New England (3), Denver (2), Baltimore (2), Pittsburgh (2), Green Bay (2), New York Giants (2), St Louis, Tampa Bay, Indianapolis, New Orleans

This bugs me to no end. The argument that its hard to win and only 10 team have won SBs since we started our Dark Ages ignores the fact that 6 of the 10 teams are repeat winners. All of the repeat winners as well as Indy and now N.O. are considered top organizations in the NFL, with solid GMs, good coaches and, minus the occasional off year, consistently good talent. For the most part these teams won SBs because they are well run organizations that let's them capitalize on their down years with good drafts and player decisions. They didn't just fluke their way into the SB or get lucky at the right time, they more often than not put themselves in the position to win those championships.

Can anyone say with a straight face that is what has been going on in Dallas the last 18 years? That the ball just hasn't bounced right for us once or twice or we would have won?
Being a Cowboy fan "style" points have always come with being a fan. And it was more so expected especially when Jimmy was coach....he wanted perfection and is probably part of the reason he was here only 5 years. But now we are going on 17 years now of borderline mediocrity. I believe the fan base just wants to believe we can win big again but are frustrated that we are wasting away a franchise qb. So when we get blown out or eek out a win against a lesser opponent and stay at .500 we tend to concentrate on how we look as compared to other teams because we are so inconsistent and it shows us, true or not, how far away we are from getting to that top level again.
Bob is wrong, it's the fact that only 5 other teams have fewer playoff wins than this once proud franchise since 1996.

There is a lot of misery in the NFL. There are teams that have never been to a SB, let alone win one. In sports the goal is to win every game and a championship. I am saying that with that mentality, you are going to be disappointed pretty much all the time. I choose to take life and sports as it comes and enjoy the wins and get over the losses..but, hey that's me.
There is a lot of misery in the NFL. There are teams that have never been to a SB, let alone win one. In sports the goal is to win every game and a championship. I am saying that with that mentality, you are going to be disappointed pretty much all the time. I choose to take life and sports as it comes and enjoy the wins and get over the losses..but, hey that's me.

Do you have Lombardy trophies in your sig, or are they van de graaff generators?
One playoff win in 19 years is only acceptable if you’re viewing it from Detroit’s point of view.

I can understand not winning a Super Bowl, but making the playoffs once in a blue moon and then mostly getting smashed when we do, I cannot.

It's 2 playoff wins, isn't it? Regardless, still unacceptable.
I don't know who the hell this Bob Sturm is but we did not get to be America's Team by accepting mediocrity. That is for fans of teams like Cleveland.
LOL. When we were 33-15 over the three years from 2007 to 2009, the coach Bob didn't like was a huge millstone around our neck holding us back from greatness.

Now that we're 21-21 over the last three years, well golly gee, you shouldn't be upset because it's just gosh darn hard to win in this league and you know, you could always be worse.

And now we're supposed to be jubilant about last-second wins over Christian Ponder and overtime squeakers over Brandon Weeden?

Give me a break.

Speaking for myself, I don't think the uniform or past Lombardis have anything to do with my or most fans' expectations. When we had Clint or Quincy or Vinny, I didn't expect much of anything out of the team. The reason I'm frustrated right now is because we have a top QB (which is about 70% of the battle in the NFL) besides plenty of other good players and we're spinning our wheels while the shot clock on his career ticks away.

The only thing that was missing was some process talk. His articles we really starting to turn negative about the offense the past year or so, I wonder what happened.

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