Sunday games thread

Absolutely I would say GB (if they get in) after SF would be the 2 Teams I would Not want to face.

I would probably put the Packers ahead of San Francisco only because we’ve had so much trouble against Aaron Rodgers. Would rather face a rookie QB than Rodgers.
Purdy is QB1.
Idk what the 49ers will do with Lance, maybe QB2 no trade.
how about we win next week, Phi loses and we host GB lol

Today has worked out great for the Giants. They should have beat minnesota a week ago and now with san francisco about to win and switch spots with the vikings the Giants are now going to Minnesota in two weeks. This time they will have adoree jackson and xavier mckinley.

So if you are the Giants next week you are not going to want to show the eagles anything because there is a very realistic chance NY could go beat the Vikings and then go to Philly in the divisional round.

Of course NY beating philly this week could also be a big mental boost plus it could really kill the eagles season.
Doesn't matter they face next week and have the same record, winner is in loser is out. (assuming GB doesn't blow this game that they're winning by 24 at half)

Was referring to the question if they tied.
Rodgers n Brady are do selfish, mofos wouldn't give use a Playoffs without them.
Amazing catch by Devante Adam completely extended his body, and it appears the ball didn’t bounce on the ground. I saw nothing on the replays that would overturn the call on the field.
I’d call Miami a strong offense.

I’ve been pumping up the 9ers as much as anyone, but some truth to the comment. The 9ers have had a weak schedule

They played Miami and TB when they were not playing well. Missing players also I believe. KC really only strong offense.

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