Sunday Night Falcons at Washington

The PE owners got a new scriptwriter. Our old punching bag of an owner is gone. Literally left the country.

I didn't agree with it when fans actually rudely heckled his wife. But I think it was the event that finally pushed him out.

I know that you all like to diss your own owner, but he's actually a big leader in the League in terms of business stuff. And a much more successful off the field entrepreneur with the whole Haynesville nattie gas play. Our old one was much worse.
Oh our owner makes tons of money for the NFL. Doesn't do much for the fan that wants the team to be in the big playoff games.
It has been this way since 2010 gtb……opening touchdown wins.
I could have sworn they made the rule so that no matter what each team gets a shot. After all the whining and crying about it being unfair because of the coin toss.
I could have sworn they made the rule so that no matter what each team gets a shot. After all the whining and crying about it being unfair because of the coin toss.
That applies to the playoffs only, each team gets a possession no matter what.
I know seguing (onto the rules discussion), but it bugs me when announcers defend the tush push and say defenses need to stop it, not have the rules changed to prevent it. But it actually was a rule change (and fairly recent) that allows it. So, it would just be going back to status quo ante bellum.
Have to weigh it against fact he's played 2 games and not much tape and the fact this is a bad defense. I think he's gonna be good though. I was hopeful he'd slip and Dallas would draft him but they probably wouldn't have been smart enough to do that anyway.
I was just watching his quick release and the tight spirals. Great arm and he gets rid of the ball. If he can stay healthy, he's going to be great. But, I think that's been the knock on him. He has trouble staying healthy.
Watching a lot of NFL games I see clock management as a big issue around the league. Last night, Atlanta had 2 time outs and the ball wit 40 seconds. On their first play they hit a 25 yard pass to the Atlanta 44. To be safe given they are using a backup kicker, they needed at least 30 yards to set up a FG. But Atlanta let the clock run. By the time they snapped the ball there was only 17 seconds on the clock. They could have had at least 30. I get they wanted to stop the clock for the FG try. But get in FG positions first then you can stop the clock by lining up and throwing it in the dirt.

It was awful clock management there. Morris was on teh sideline looking like he had no idea what he was doing.

The point I would make is we criticize MM for clock management, and sometimes it is bad, but coaches all around the league are bad at it.
I was just watching his quick release and the tight spirals. Great arm and he gets rid of the ball. If he can stay healthy, he's going to be great. But, I think that's been the knock on him. He has trouble staying healthy.
He’s got a great arm but I wouldn’t say he has a quick release, the opposite of it actually. He’s got a bit of an elongated release compared to the average. His velocity helps make up for it though. Daniels has an actual quick release.

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