News: Sunday Night Football takes big hit in ratings

Cowboys fans love to see the League and Goodell suffer.... we are their main enemy and it they take some beatings we are happy

Dallas is untouchable as far as revenues and profit go so we can afford a little recession, a lot of teams can't....... just look at the amount of cap space this year and next.......teams are not spending the cash they should be....2 teams have over 100m in space.......5 teams have 80m.........12 teams have 50m

This is a graphic of spending by teams in the previous 4 yrs. Every team was above that spending floor. Just because teams have the amount of cap room they do in certain yrs doesnt mean they arent spending the money just might mean they are going to be in the same posistion Dallas is gonna be in in 2019 when they are projected to have 70+ million in cap room. And thats before players like Dez, Crawford, Witten, Scandrick are not on the team anymore but still are calculated into this 2019 cap now because they are still on the team. But thats any extra 30 mil in added capspace to that 2019 cap.

This is what im talking about too many fans worry about the money part of this game but dont understand one bit of it. So i just say leave it alone and enjoy the game.

This is a graphic of spending by teams in the previous 4 yrs. Every team was above that spending floor. Just because teams have the amount of cap room they do in certain yrs doesnt mean they arent spending the money just might mean they are going to be in the same posistion Dallas is gonna be in in 2019 when they are projected to have 70+ million in cap room. And thats before players like Dez, Crawford, Witten, Scandrick are not on the team anymore but still are calculated into this 2019 cap now because they are still on the team. But thats any extra 30 mil in added capspace to that 2019 cap.

This is what im talking about too many fans worry about the money part of this game but dont understand one bit of it. So i just say leave it alone and enjoy the game.

That is cash spending......not cap space

It is easily manipulated over 4 years to meet the spending floor

Teams are leaving actual cap space and cash on the table by 100s of millions

2 teams being 100m+ under the cap isn't an accounting trick..... it is being cheap and profiteering

You should heed your own advice
Sunday night has been around at least since the 90s. It started on TNT, then ESPN now NBC.

Thursday nights are going to stay around because that is their guinea pig for broadcasts. Camera angles, Internet platform, etc.
You must live in a large city where people are much less Patriotic. In suburbs and smaller towns around this country a lot of fans completely disagree with players protesting during our National Anthem. I have talked to many football fans who are not near as excited about football due to the protesting. Personally, other than the Cowboys I am watching less football due to this situation. Goddell completely mis handled this situation.

I know a ton of people who have also tuned out for the reason you mentioned. Certainly, there are other factors and I even find myself tuning out for lack of interest. One thing I don't buy is the "over-saturation" argument. I mean, are we really going to argue that there's too much football? There was a time I could never get enough. I would tune in to watch the Cowboys and then tune in to watch our rivals hopefully lose. Many games had implications and we just loved the game.

For me, middle class America is struggling. The NFL has made the product unaffordable for many people. I'd look forward to traveling to a game, staying the weekend in a city with some friends, tailgating and having a good time. But I'm in no mood to watch millionaires and billionaires complain about "issues."
Before someone chimes in with their agenda flag waving like mad, I listed these as objectively as I could. Most of them have had no impact on my NFL my viewing habits. These are just things I have heard people complaining about either in conversations or throughout the internet and while one or two may not be enough to impact someone's viewing habits, I am sure the more boxes that get checked on this list will eventually start to make that impact for many people and likely already have.

Why is it "agenda" driven. All the reasons you mentioned certainly play a role, just as the flag issue does, and they all collectively negatively impact the game and it's fans. It may not affect everyone, but there's a good portion of your fan base that take offense to it. It's just another nail in the proverbial coffin. The greater issue is that some of these things can be avoided.

If the NFL goes on strike during the next CBA, it might take years to recover. I was a rabid baseball fan and I never tuned back in to baseball and probably never will.
Why is it "agenda" driven. All the reasons you mentioned certainly play a role, just as the flag issue does, and they all collectively negatively impact the game and it's fans. It may not affect everyone, but there's a good portion of your fan base that take offense to it. It's just another nail in the proverbial coffin. The greater issue is that some of these things can be avoided.

If the NFL goes on strike during the next CBA, it might take years to recover. I was a rabid baseball fan and I never tuned back in to baseball and probably never will.
Hockey NEVER recovered the fan interest it lost after the strikes.
for me its been about getting out of the habit and finding other things to do so far its working well still watch all the cowboys games when they can get out of there own way
Its called death by a thousand tiny cuts.

THAT is where the NFL is right now. Lots of little cuts here and there but they all bleed.
NFL Rulebook: http://webcache.***BROKEN***/search...le4_Game_Timing.pdf+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us


Article 2
If an official determines a player to be injured, or if attendants from the bench come on the field to assist an injured player, an injury timeout will be called by the Referee.

A.R. 4.7

Runner A1 is tackled and appears injured since he does not move.
Ruling: Official should call timeout for injured player. Official should not try to determine if player is injured.
Timeout is not charged if conditions are not violated.


Article 3
When an injury timeout is called, the injured player must leave the game for the completion of one

down. The player will be permitted to remain in the game if:
(a) either team calls a charged team timeout;
(b) the injury is the result of a foul by an opponent; or
(c) the period ends or the two-minute warning occurs before the next snap.
At the conclusion of an injury timeout, the game clock will start as if the injury timeout had not occurred. If either
team takes, or is charged with, a timeout, the clock will start on the snap.


Article 4
After the two-minute warning of a half, the following shall apply:

(a) If a team has not used its three charged team timeouts, the team of the injured player will be charged
a team timeout, unless:
(i) the injury is the result of a foul by an opponent;
(ii) the injury occurs during a down in which there is a change of possession, a successful field goal,
or an attempted Try; or
(iii) the opponent calls a timeout.
(b) If a team has used its three charged team timeouts, an excess team timeout shall be called by the
Referee, unless:
(i) the injury is the result of a foul by an opponent;
(ii) the injury occurs during a down in which there is a change of possession, a successful field goal,
or an attempted Try; or
(iii) the opponent calls a timeout.
Penalty: For the second and each subsequent excess team timeout after the two-minute warning:
Loss of five yards from the succeeding spot for delay of the game.

(c) The player must leave the game for the completion of one down, unless:
(i) the injury is the result of a foul by an opponent; or
(ii) either team calls a charged team timeout.
(d) No yardage penalty will be assessed for the first excess team timeout, but a 10-second runoff of the
game clock may be applicable pursuant to (f) below. At the conclusion of an excess timeout taken
while time is in, the game clock shall start with the ready-for-play signal. For any excess timeout
charged to the defense, the play clock is reset to 40 seconds.
(e) If the Referee has already called an excess team timeout in that half for a team, any subsequent
excess timeout for that team will result in a five-yard penalty. (Such penalty shall be considered a foul
between downs and will not offset a foul by the defense or be part of a multiple foul by the offense.)
(f) If an excess team timeout is charged against a team in possession of the ball, and time is in when the
excess timeout is called, the ball shall not be put in play until the time on the game clock has been
reduced by 10 seconds, if the defense so chooses.

A.R. 4.8
Offensive team A, in the last two minutes of the half and the clock running:

a) Requests its fourth timeout because of an injured player.
Ruling: Granted. No five-yard penalty. Player has to be removed. Ten-second runoff. Ball will not be put in
play until the Referee blows his whistle and gives the wind-the-clock signal.
b) Requests its fifth timeout because of an injured player.
Ruling: Granted. Five-yard penalty. Player has to be removed. Ten-second runoff. Ball will not be put in play
until the Referee blows his whistle and gives the wind-the-clock signal.


(1) Either half can end as the result of the 10-second runoff referenced in (f) above.
(2) If an injury timeout is called for both teams during or after a down, charged team timeouts and/or
excess team timeouts are charged as appropriate, but no yardage or 10-second runoff penalties shall
be enforced.
(3) If a foul by either team occurs during a down in which there is also an injury, such foul does not affect
the charging of an excess timeout, but it does prevent a 10-second runoff that may result from the
excess timeout, because the foul stopped the clock.
(4) The Competition Committee deprecates feigning injuries, with subsequent withdrawal, to obtain a
timeout without penalty. Coaches are urged to cooperate in discouraging this practice.
(5) There can never be a 10-second runoff against the defensive team.
(6) See Rule 16 (Sudden-Death Procedures), Section 1, Article 3 for application to overtime game
Jesus, too hungover to try to interpret all that. No wonder the officiafting sucks so bad, who in the hell can remember all of this in addition to every other little rule they have?
I don't buy that for a second. There are easily 3-4 times as many college games on each weekend. You never hear of anyone saying there are too many college games on.

The NFL is giving me 6 games to watch each weekend out of 16. That's over saturation? Nope.

Oversaturation for the NFL most definitely. College games are regional - nobody expects college games to do NFL ratings.

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