News: Sunday Night Football takes big hit in ratings

Ratings are down, the stadiums are half empty and some still say it doesn't matter. Have to love the spin. lol
Heck, everybody l talk to say the same thing. The quality of the games have deteriorated to the point they only watch part time and then only their own teams. The hype and poor officiating designed to steer games the way the League Office wants them to go is turning fans off. The average fan is more intelligent than the owners are giving them credit for.
that is all TV money. Not revenues from other sources. The Contracts were written so that the amount from TV revenue goes up each year.
And the deals are killing ESPN...... the may have to start to give rebates back to the networks

The next round of TV deals will tell the true story but those TV deals are locked in for several more seasons

And no one said the NFL is dying just that they may have peaked and are on a downward cycle
IDK why fans even post about this subject. I know its good for talk, but does anybody really care about whos not watching? The NFL and all 32 owners are making huge money still. We are all still being entertained on sunday? Is this supposed to stop? I dont care how many millions dont watch or watch. I know im watching and im enjoying it.
Cowboys fans love to see the League and Goodell suffer.... we are their main enemy and it they take some beatings we are happy

Dallas is untouchable as far as revenues and profit go so we can afford a little recession, a lot of teams can't....... just look at the amount of cap space this year and next.......teams are not spending the cash they should be....2 teams have over 100m in space.......5 teams have 80m.........12 teams have 50m
Cowboys fans love to see the League and Goodell suffer.... we are their main enemy and it they take some beatings we are happy

Dallas is untouchable as far as revenues and profit go so we can afford a little recession, a lot of teams can't....... just look at the amount of cap space this year and next.......teams are not spending the cash they should be....2 teams have over 100m in space.......5 teams have 80m.........12 teams have 50m
the cap floor was supposed to stop that but it has only reduced it. I can see that being another big dispute in the next CBA negotiations.
This isn't just the NFL; we'd like to think this is a result of an inferior product, but this is a result of the NFL wagon being hitched to a dying horse. The NFL can't even build out their own way to distribute their content because they aren't allowed to compete with the services that they've licensed their products to. Being down 9% on the year is because less people have a way to watch. Pittsburgh and Baltimore down 35%, two working class cities, people don't have the money for cable and Internet. Internet is a much better value and the NFL isn't enough to keep cable around. If the NFL offered a monthly plan like fight pass, I'd gladly pay for it but I want essentially want Sunday ticket, redzone, NFL network, and all-22 film rolled up in one, easy to use app and website.

Great post..
wouldn't it be great if they just designated Sunday Night Football as the Dallas Cowboys game. GIve up Thanksgiving for it. Play every Sunday night the whole season.

I’m trying to sleep for Monday though..
I am not one who really pay to much attention to "ratings" .. I think the media is in full force to drive the price on the next TV contract down and the best way to do it is drive the value down ..

Still, I can understand some people and losing interest
1- Games are too long
2- Too many and long commercials
3- Too much stoppage
4- Players talk too much and their usage of social media is turning some people off
5- Fantasy football
6- TNF
7- Rivalries are fading, you rarely see Packers and Bears being strong in the same era, Cowboys and Commanders is dead, same
for rest of divisions (imagine fanbase of AFC East with one team winning EVERY year w/o any completion) .. NFL needs to
freshen things up and present new ideas to grab fans attention more .. I know some ideas that can help them .. they need to be
brave to do it
8- Too much vague rules and inconsistent officiating
9- Did I mention commercials and stoppage times? they need to use soccer type commercials so the game keeps going w/o too
much interruption
10- I work at a company (many of us do), and I cannot stand in the middle of the office and make political demonstration, or waste
company time (work hours) to engage in something other than what my contract states. This anthem demonstration, police
demonstration, and anything out side football should not be part of the game. You are at work, do you job. If you want to talk
politics, go to CNN later in the day when you are outside work hours and talks as you want.

Don't know how old you are but McDonald's tasted GREAT in the 70's and 80's.
McRib and McDLT, even their salads were pretty good. i chalk it up to the styrofoam, and awesome toys int he happy meals.
the cap floor was supposed to stop that but it has only reduced it. I can see that being another big dispute in the next CBA negotiations.
The cap floor has also over inflated FA. Look at some of the deals mediocre players get in FA because the Jax, Cle, Cin, etc throw extra cash at them to get above a mandated line all the while the really good FA are laughing to the bank
I prefer college ball now and still watch it regularly.

For me it was a lot of factors that made me fed up with the NFL including:

-games on every night, oversaturation
NFL games on 3 days a week. But what I really love is you prefer college ball when there are at least 20-25 games on every Saturday and yet mention oversaturation with only 4 NFL games on each Sunday.
12 adults on the TV at the same time all trying to talk over each other. All of them morons and not likable people. Many of them seem to enjoy bashing people who have no shot at defending themselves and holding players to ridiculous standards (I enjoy Romo as a commentator for whatever thats worth)
Listen to how lame Matt Hasslebeck's response was to Mike Mitchell calling him out about saying he was a dirty player. He made Matt look like a fool.
I've just been more interested in the NBA over the past few years than I have in the NFL. If the Cowboys aren't playing or if a game is on that doesn't affect the Cowboys in someway I rarely watch it anymore. I just get turned off watching a play and you think you scored a td or got a big play and then you see the yellow flag box pop up and you know the play is coming back for something tick tacky at best.

The Brice Butler flag for supposedly being in the huddle and then running off the field or whatever in the Greenbay playoff game is the perfect example of what I'm talking about. I've been watching football since the 80's and I've never seen that called and you wait till a playoff game to enforce that?

And you can forget about getting anything from a kickoff or punt return anymore. 9 times out of 10 a flag is being thrown for holding or illegal block in the back. It's getting ridiculous.
Here's an idea......just schedule ALL Cowboys games primetime LOL

The NFL's premier game of the week took a big hit in TV ratings on Sunday night, despite it being a close game.
NBC's "Sunday Night Football" matchup between the Baltimore Ravens and the Pittsburgh Steelers brought in 17.2 million viewers on Sunday night. That number was down 35% from last year's Dallas Cowboys and New York Giants game, which was the most-watched prime time regular season since Thanksgiving 2015.

The drop for the NBC broadcast is troubling for a league that has been plagued by down ratings nearly all season. It's even more surprising since the Ravens and the Steelers are bitter rivals and the game ended with the Steelers beating the Ravens 39 to 38.

NBC wasn't the only one to see its NFL ratings take a dip. CBS' slate of games over the weekend were down 27% from last year, while ESPN was down 9%. Fox was the only network to see its ratings go up from last year with its numbers up 6%.

Overall, the ratings for the NFL's season are down 9% from last year.
Cowboys to the rescue. If this were another team, the game would’ve been flexed based off of records.

However, it’s the NFL’s big brother, Thee Dallas Cowboys coming to rescue little bro from the ratings bully.

Jerry always wins!
Funny - I don't know one. I'm absolutely serious. I do not one single person who isn't watching because of that.

I actually am not bothered by the protests whatsoever, however, I work in the DoD and the number that I know that stopped watching due to that is staggering. Half of my fantasy league pulled out after the league wide protests so it is a contributing factor to a decline in ratings across the nation. Personally I stopped watching non Cowboys games due to Goodell and the front office and the officiating, which are also large contributors in the ratings decline.

This is a multiple regression model with many variables versus a linear model that people keep trying to force feed down people's throats due to whatever political platform they want to take.
Kind of off topic but something that has been very frustrating for me has been the amount of injuries. As I've always said, in an ideal world I'd like to see no injuries. For one, I don't like seeing anyone get hurt but I realize that's part of the game. Secondly, I want to see the best possible football available. In other words, I'd much rather watch Brady, Wentz, whoever...chunk the ball around then some scrub that can't even hit a wide ooen receiver 5 yards from the line of scrimmage. It's just not fun to watch. The same can be said for most/all positions.

Got off topic a bit. A few weeks ago I was listening to a radio program and they brought up an interesting point. It seems there are a lot more injuries in the NFL then there used to be. I haven't looked into the stats but I feel like there is a lot more stoppage of play due to injury timeouts which slow the game to a crawl. Obviously most are legit but I also think some teams are sand bagging a little more to buy extra time. Anyways, the radio hosts theory was that the way technology and training have improved over the years has been the main reason for more injuries and it isn't likely to get better anytime soon. These players now are trained and built to do things the human body wasn't meant to do and it's resulting in more and more injuries. Every year, a large part of who makes the playoffs now is who has the least amount of injuries. That sucks.
I kind of doubt it. Did anyone pay attention to the stadium stands during the Cowboys-Giants game? Attendance was way down.



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