I am not one who really pay to much attention to "ratings" .. I think the media is in full force to drive the price on the next TV contract down and the best way to do it is drive the value down ..
Still, I can understand some people and losing interest
1- Games are too long
2- Too many and long commercials
3- Too much stoppage
4- Players talk too much and their usage of social media is turning some people off
5- Fantasy football
6- TNF
7- Rivalries are fading, you rarely see Packers and Bears being strong in the same era, Cowboys and Commanders is dead, same
for rest of divisions (imagine fanbase of AFC East with one team winning EVERY year w/o any completion) .. NFL needs to
freshen things up and present new ideas to grab fans attention more .. I know some ideas that can help them .. they need to be
brave to do it
8- Too much vague rules and inconsistent officiating
9- Did I mention commercials and stoppage times? they need to use soccer type commercials so the game keeps going w/o too
much interruption
10- I work at a company (many of us do), and I cannot stand in the middle of the office and make political demonstration, or waste
company time (work hours) to engage in something other than what my contract states. This anthem demonstration, police
demonstration, and anything out side football should not be part of the game. You are at work, do you job. If you want to talk
politics, go to CNN later in the day when you are outside work hours and talks as you want.