Super Sunday, what'd ya think?

dbair1967;1358354 said:
just about everything about it...worst two teams to play in a game...worst pre game show...worst halftime show...worst weather and worst game play itself

just terrible, almost unwatchable to be honest

parity is a terrible thing

The Police should have had their reunion at halftime, that would have saved the day.
TheSkaven;1358430 said:
It wasn't a total loss, the buffalo wings came out great today and the worcester sauce in the guacamole dip added just the right touch!

Seriously, I hear you on this. The real sad thing is that the 2006 Dallas Cowboys could have beaten either of these teams today.

yep, totally agree

and thats sad...we were a 9-7 team that went into the playoffs losing to a 2-13 team that we played at home

jimmy40;1358435 said:
The Police should have had their reunion at halftime, that would have saved the day.

the police should arrest whoever decided to have Prince as the halftime show

Well, I'm sure Colts and their fans believes otherwise. ;)

Congrats to Colts!!!
VA Cowboy;1358465 said:
Ravens - Giants sucked.

So did the Broncos - Falcons.

yeah Ravens/Giants was an awful game

the Broncos were way better than the Falcons that yr though

dbair1967;1358354 said:
just about everything about it...worst two teams to play in a game...worst pre game show...worst halftime show...worst weather and worst game play itself

just terrible, almost unwatchable to be honest

parity is a terrible thing


worst two teams to play? thats absurd
dbair1967;1358475 said:
yeah Ravens/Giants was an awful game

the Broncos were way better than the Falcons that yr though


There have been a lot of bad Super Bowl games, but most of them their was one team that was dominant. But I think the Colts would've looked better had it not been for the weather.
Game was OK...

Nothing great...

But it was good to see Peyton with a ring...
fiveandcounting;1358478 said:
worst two teams to play? thats absurd

combined, yeah

niether of these teams would win, or even compete against some of the good teams that won championships

that was horrible football today by both was just more horrible than the other in the end

What the heck is that thing they're standing in? Is is supposed to be the super "bowl" or something?
Had the weather been perfect, the disparity would have been worse.
VA Cowboy;1358490 said:
What the heck is that thing they're standing in? Is is supposed to be the super "bowl" or something?

toilet perhaps?

it's really tough to take the "NFL media" anymore...

i'm really sick of all of these "know-it-alls"...

i purposely have not tuned into Sportscenter for 2 weeks b/c i really didn't feel like hearing how great peeton manning is and that there are 2 "black" (as opposed to great) coaches for the 1st time ever... it's all nonsense...

i guess what i've learned this year is that NFL games are 80% commercials with a little bit of football sprinkled in and that the NFL is nothing more than a soap-opera for men. (i hate the way that sounds... ha ha)
I have to say this was probably the most poorly played superbowl I have ever watched.

It was like a bad sunday game. Last years game was just flat out terrible but this at least had some superstar players.

Just a horrendously played game though, poor tackling, terrible fundamentals.

Pretty much a thud to end the season.
bbgun;1358491 said:
Had the weather been perfect, the disparity would have been worse.
No doubt, it would have been a blowout.
dbair1967;1358354 said:
just about everything about it...worst two teams to play in a game...worst pre game show...worst halftime show...worst weather and worst game play itself

just terrible, almost unwatchable to be honest

parity is a terrible thing

As boring a superbowl as this was, it was alot better than last years ref. bowl.
How scripted was this game.............the NFL is happy they think they have snowballed the fans........Peyton Manning and Tony Dungy winnning the SUPERBOWL...............

THE NFL is fixing the games....there is to many coicindencse for the math to work out.....

Jeorme Bettis to retire and play and win a superbowl in his home town....?

Peyton Manning and Tony Dungy: to of the biggest chokers in the NFL finally win the superbowl?????

Call me stupid: But thier is to many stars aligning to believe this crap....

Me thinks the NFL has Schedule for teams to win championships....its nutin but a payday for the owners and the NFL: to many coincidences
Why can't people just let it rest and respect the fact that the Colts won?

People look into things waaaaay too easily on these boards. Some of you are really paranoid.

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