Suspicious person at my door...

"My friend banged on the window and told the guy the police were on the way, the dude then tried to get into his house..What kind of a mental midget does that?"

Around here the kind that want to spend their last moments dripping blood on my lawn.
CliffnMesquite;3423796 said:
"My friend banged on the window and told the guy the police were on the way, the dude then tried to get into his house..What kind of a mental midget does that?"

Around here the kind that want to spend their last moments dripping blood on my lawn.


vta;3423794 said:
That gave me the creeps...
Reminded me of when we (Sister, brother and I) were kids. My mom worked nights and we had the fortress to ourselves. One night, of all nights us watching the Exorcist on cable, my sister screams.

I nearly crap and jump up, look at the door and through the window, see the outer door singing shut. My brother runs to it and holds, not knowing the guy was going the other way. Some guy was staring in at us when my sister saw him.

My mother came home and it never came to anything, just us scared witless. Oddly back then there really was not much to fear it seemed. As kid's we roamed endlessly, everywhere and had no fear. Summer nights we were out. Even after that.

It seemed the whole town was crawling with our neighbors and no one feared a damned thing. I can't imagine allowing my daughter that same kind of freedom without being worried about her.


I dont know how old you are, but I did the exact same thing. I basically was always within a half mile of my house till I was 17 but, still in the summer my friends and I were out running around all the time.

I have two kids. I can not imagine this scenario having any remote chance of happening with them.

When I was a teenager when I was 12 I started going out on halloween with my friends. Halloween was a big deal. there were a ton of kids in my area and we had this odd tradition of spraying each other with shaving cream..(by burning the tip of standard Bic old school can of shaving cream it will shoot out far) throwing eggs at each other and other assorted nonsense.

There used to be stories of kids being abducted and devil worshippers etc....yet every year we still went out!!!!

anyway. I have about 4 experiences with weird people outside houses.

I used to stand on the corner and catch the bus with my same friend from the house and a girl up the street. One friday night in the winter I was at my buddys house playing the gensis and it was about 10:30 or so and we see a bunch of police cars go by.

So being nosey as we were, we went out front and saw it up the street 1 block...two cop cars, they were there about an hour and then left. I went home and we didnt think anything of it.

So monday we were standing on the corner and the girl up the street comes out and starts telling us this wild story.

On friday night she was babysitting for the lady across the street who had two small kids. Apparently the kids rooms were on the back end of the house and they were both sleeping. She kept hearing a creaking noise and didnt know what it was. she didnt want to wake the kids up so she didnt go in there rooms.

so finally she had enough and went to one of the kids windows. Now in the backyard of this house is a brush area and then the train tracks and then more woods on the other side.

So she peaks out the window and there is a guy in a ski mask holding a big knife, swinging on the kids swing set...right outside there bedroom...

She went nuts and started screaming waking the kids up and called 911 with the phone in the kitchen, when she went to the back of the house again to see if he was there and the swing was still going and she couldnt see him.

So she really was scared and her parents were out also so she couldnt call them, so she called her nieghbor that lived next door to her, a 60 something year old woman who came outside and saw the guy near the driveway and then he ran down the street to the tracks.

the police got there fast, but showed up like a minute to late and that guy was never found either....Freaking weird.

by the way this was like 90 or 91, so It has not relationship to the other!

again sorry for rambling.
CliffnMesquite;3423796 said:
"My friend banged on the window and told the guy the police were on the way, the dude then tried to get into his house..What kind of a mental midget does that?"

Around here the kind that want to spend their last moments dripping blood on my lawn.

lol, if my buddy had a gun back then in his house he probably would have shot the lock off the door with his luch and let the guy in!!!!
theebs;3423805 said:

I dont know how old you are, but I did the exact same thing. I basically was always within a half mile of my house till I was 17 but, still in the summer my friends and I were out running around all the time.

I have two kids. I can not imagine this scenario having any remote chance of happening with them.

When I was a teenager when I was 12 I started going out on halloween with my friends. Halloween was a big deal. there were a ton of kids in my area and we had this odd tradition of spraying each other with shaving cream..(by burning the tip of standard Bic old school can of shaving cream it will shoot out far) throwing eggs at each other and other assorted nonsense.

There used to be stories of kids being abducted and devil worshippers etc....yet every year we still went out!!!!

anyway. I have about 4 experiences with weird people outside houses.

I used to stand on the corner and catch the bus with my same friend from the house and a girl up the street. One friday night in the winter I was at my buddys house playing the gensis and it was about 10:30 or so and we see a bunch of police cars go by.

So being nosey as we were, we went out front and saw it up the street 1 block...two cop cars, they were there about an hour and then left. I went home and we didnt think anything of it.

So monday we were standing on the corner and the girl up the street comes out and starts telling us this wild story.

On friday night she was babysitting for the lady across the street who had two small kids. Apparently the kids rooms were on the back end of the house and they were both sleeping. She kept hearing a creaking noise and didnt know what it was. she didnt want to wake the kids up so she didnt go in there rooms.

so finally she had enough and went to one of the kids windows. Now in the backyard of this house is a brush area and then the train tracks and then more woods on the other side.

So she peaks out the window and there is a guy in a ski mask holding a big knife, swinging on the kids swing set...right outside there bedroom...

She went nuts and started screaming waking the kids up and called 911 with the phone in the kitchen, when she went to the back of the house again to see if he was there and the swing was still going and she couldnt see him.

So she really was scared and her parents were out also so she couldnt call them, so she called her nieghbor that lived next door to her, a 60 something year old woman who came outside and saw the guy near the driveway and then he ran down the street to the tracks.

the police got there fast, but showed up like a minute to late and that guy was never found either....Freaking weird.

by the way this was like 90 or 91, so It has not relationship to the other!

again sorry for rambling.

I'm almost 42, but from 6 on I was out all the time. The neighbor kids were too, it just seemed normal.

Man this **** scares the crap out of me, but I still read it... My kid isn't baby-sitting anyone. It's always the bay-sitter. Now I'm going to try and sleep with this on my mind. :eek:

My wife is afraid of ghosts and all that supernatural crap. Not me, it's the live ones who can do you damage.
vta;3423814 said:
I'm almost 42, but from 6 on I was out all the time. The neighbor kids were too, it just seemed normal.

Man this **** scares the crap out of me, but I still read it... My kid isn't baby-sitting anyone. It's always the bay-sitter. Now I'm going to try and sleep with this on my mind. :eek:

My wife is afraid of ghosts and all that supernatural crap. Not me, it's the live ones who can do you damage.


sorry dude. It was a long time ago.

I am with you though, Paranoid about people more than anything.

I have no explanation for that babysitting story. No idea why the guy would have been back there, the mom was a single mom though so maybe it was someone that knew her.

my friends house though I think it was a drunk peeping tom or something though who got lucky and saw a girl in the window!!!

on a funny side note. the next summer I was outside playing basketball with my friends in the driveway. A police officer came running down the driveway and starts questioning us.

On the other side of that church parking lot is the backend of a hair stylist/dayspa/tanning place. the tanning beds were in the back and the windows were cracked open!!

Apparently someone climbed in the window and stole some girls clothes, in the middle of the day!!! I have always assumed it was related and it was someone in the neighborhood!
Im paranoid, I would not open the door.

I remember about 5 years ago, I was outside the porch and two dudes that I have never seen in my life asked if they could use my phone. Luckily my gate is ALWAYS locked because I could see him try and open it. I remember them giving me the story of why they needed it but but I was totally freaked out that I didnt pay attention. I said I dont have a phone, with the phone right in my hands LOL, and went inside. When I peeked out to see where they were, they have already taken off never to be seen again.

Afterwards, I was thinking they probably think Im the nutty one. But, these were men in their mid 30-40s, kinda dirty looking like people youd see working at a car shop or construction. I just had that gut feeling to run, so I went with that.
Holy cow. Scary stories. I have one, but it is not mine. When I was in college I said something at a party one time and this girl from Idaho or Montana (I forget which one she was) freaked out. I mean she lost it.

I was quoting a movie. I said, "do you know where your children are?" Obviously I was joking about us being a bunch of young people at a party. This girl was a wreck.

Turns out where she was from some guy stalked her and he would call the house and ask things like that. Not that exact phrase, but stuff about her being home alone, etc.

One time he scared her so bad she was convinced he had been in the house. She ran to her car to get away and stuck in the seat was a butcher knife from her Mom's kitchen.

I felt really bad for scaring her. She must have gone through hell.
Hostile;3423825 said:
Holy cow. Scary stories. I have one, but it is not mine. When I was in college I said something at a party one time and this girl from Idaho or Montana (I forget which one she was) freaked out. I mean she lost it.

I was quoting a movie. I said, "do you know where your children are?" Obviously I was joking about us being a bunch of young people at a party. This girl was a wreck.

Turns out where she was from some guy stalked her and he would call the house and ask things like that. Not that exact phrase, but stuff about her being home alone, etc.

One time he scared her so bad she was convinced he had been in the house. She ran to her car to get away and stuck in the seat was a butcher knife from her Mom's kitchen.

I felt really bad for scaring her. She must have gone through hell.

that is the movie strangers in the attic? or strangers in the house? When a Stranger calls?

Cant remember the title, where the girl was getting threatening phone calls while babysitting. Finally the police trace the calls and they were coming from the attic...

that movie used to give me the willies.
"it's always the baby-sitter"


Similar plot in the 1st Holloween movie I believe...
CliffnMesquite;3423829 said:
"it's always the baby-sitter"



movie characters dont present a tenth of the fear that actually seeing someone outside does!!!

I will never forget seeing that guy wandering around my friends windows from across the street! It was like a bad scene from a horror movie!!
CowboyFan74;3423833 said:

Similar plot in the 1st Holloween movie I believe...

I think it was the plot of every 80s horror movie!!!!!!
I was once watching a house for my aunt that was best friends with a soldier from Iraq, a female Major. I watched the house for five months, out of the possibe 12 that the soldier was sent for. This is in Albuquerque near Coors and the Rio Grande River by I-40. There is one of the most popular parks in the city right down the exact street from me.

Someone rang the doorbell at 3 in the morning, I was shocked. Went to the door and saw no one. I went to bed and thought nothing of it.

Next morning at about 5 a.m. police were ringing the door bell and knocking on the screen door screaming.

The police found burnt remains of a human at the park. They had no idea where they came from and were doing a neighborhood sweep. Unsolved.

Still freakes me out to this day.

The Ominous;3423841 said:
I was once watching a house for my aunt that was best friends with a soldier from Iraq, a female Major. I watched the house for five months, out of the possibe 12 that the soldier was sent for. This is in Albuquerque near Coors and the Rio Grande River by I-40. There is one of the most popular parks in the city right down the exact street from me.

Someone rang the doorbell at 3 in the morning, I was shocked. Went to the door and saw no one. I went to bed and thought nothing of it.

Next morning at about 5 a.m. police were ringing the door bell and knocking on the screen door screaming.

The police found burnt remains of a human at the park. They had no idea where they came from and were doing a neighborhood sweep. Unsolved.

Still freakes me out to this day.


good grief, that gives me chills. that is like a horror movie, someone must have been looking for that freaks me out.
The Ominous;3423841 said:
I was once watching a house for my aunt that was best friends with a soldier from Iraq, a female Major. I watched the house for five months, out of the possibe 12 that the soldier was sent for. This is in Albuquerque near Coors and the Rio Grande River by I-40. There is one of the most popular parks in the city right down the exact street from me.

Someone rang the doorbell at 3 in the morning, I was shocked. Went to the door and saw no one. I went to bed and thought nothing of it.

Next morning at about 5 a.m. police were ringing the door bell and knocking on the screen door screaming.

The police found burnt remains of a human at the park. They had no idea where they came from and were doing a neighborhood sweep. Unsolved.

Still freakes me out to this day.


You were their last hope. :(
dbacklund;3423717 said:
So I am sitting on my couch just now and somebody rings my doorbell. I check the peephole and see a person I've never seen before. He was wearing a wife-beater and was not carrying anything so I do not think he was a salesman. Side note, salesmen are common where I live so I often check the peephole and screen visitors.

Before I opened the door, I noticed that in front of my house there was an idling car with it's door open and somebody in the driver's seat. I am not a paranoid person or anything and have no problem telling salesmen that I am not interested, but this was really a suspicious situation. He hung around no more than 15 seconds before he got in the car and took off.

Does this seem suspicious to anybody else or am I just paranoid?

He wanted to buy a bag. :laugh2:

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